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Collect Huawei Cloud DCS metric data.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare HUAWEI CLOUD AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of HUAWEI CLOUD DCS cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:

  • guance_huaweicloud_dcs: Collect Huawei Cloud DCS indicator data
  • guance_huaweicloud_dcs_slowlog:Collect slow log data from Huawei Cloud DCS

Click 【Install】 and enter the corresponding parameters: HUAWEI CLOUD AK, HUAWEI CLOUD account name.

Tap【Deploy startup Script】, the system automatically creates Startup script sets, and automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After installing the script, find the script 「Guance Cloud Integration (Huawei Cloud DCS data collection)」/「Guance Cloud Integration (Huawei Cloud DCS slow logs collection)」 in the 「Development」 section of Func. Expand and modify the script, find collector_configs and monitor_configs, and edit the content in region_projects below. Change the region and Project ID to the actual region and Project ID, and then click save and publish.

In addition, in「Management / Automatic Trigger Configuration」 you can see the corresponding automatic trigger configuration. Click 【Execute】 to run it immediately, without waiting for the scheduled time. After a short moment, you can check the execution task records and corresponding logs.


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the Guance platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the Guance platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists
  4. On the Guance platform, check if there is corresponding log data in the 「logs」 section


Configure HUAWEI CLOUD DCS metric. You can collect more metrics by configuring them HUAWEI CLOUD DCS Metrics Details

Redis 3.0 Instance Monitoring Metrics


  • DCS Redis 3.0 has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase. We recommend using Redis 4.0 and above versions.
  • For dimensions of the monitoring metrics, please refer to Dimensions.
Metric ID Metric Name Metric Definition Value Range Measurement Object Monitoring Interval (Raw Metric)
cpu_usage CPU Usage This metric records multiple samples of CPU usage for the measured object during a statistical period and represents the highest value of the multiple samples. Unit: %. For standalone/primary-replica instances, this metric represents the CPU value of the primary node. For Proxy cluster instances, it represents the average value of each Proxy node's CPU. 0-100% Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
memory_usage Memory Usage This metric records the memory usage of the measured object. Unit: %. Note: Memory usage statistics deduct reserved memory. 0-100% Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
net_in_throughput Network Input Throughput This metric records the average incoming traffic on the network interface per second. Unit: byte/s. >=0 bytes/second Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
net_out_throughput Network Output Throughput This metric records the average outgoing traffic on the network interface per second. Unit: byte/s. >=0 bytes/second Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
connected_clients Connected Clients This metric counts the number of connected clients, including connections for system monitoring, configuration synchronization, and business operations, but excluding connections from slave nodes. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
client_longest_out_list Longest Output List for Clients This metric records the longest output list among all existing client connections. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
client_biggest_in_buf Largest Input Buffer for Clients This metric records the maximum input data length among all existing client connections. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
blocked_clients Blocked Clients This metric counts the number of clients that are blocked due to suspended operations, such as BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
used_memory Used Memory This metric records the total number of bytes of memory used by Redis. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
used_memory_rss Used Memory RSS This metric records the used RSS memory of Redis, which is the actual memory "resident in memory." It includes heap memory but excludes swapped-out memory. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
used_memory_peak Used Memory Peak This metric records the peak memory usage since Redis server started. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
used_memory_lua Used Memory for Lua This metric records the memory used by the Lua engine in bytes. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
memory_frag_ratio Memory Fragmentation Ratio This metric records the current memory fragmentation ratio, which is calculated as used_memory_rss / used_memory. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
total_connections_received Total New Connections This metric counts the total number of new connections during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
total_commands_processed Total Processed Commands This metric counts the total number of commands processed during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
instantaneous_ops Instantaneous Operations per Second This metric records the number of commands processed per second. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
total_net_input_bytes Total Network Input Bytes This metric records the total number of bytes received during the monitoring period. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
total_net_output_bytes Total Network Output Bytes This metric records the total number of bytes sent during the monitoring period. Unit: byte. >=0 bytes Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
instantaneous_input_kbps Instantaneous Network Input Rate This metric records the instantaneous input rate of the network. Unit: KB/s. >=0 KB/s Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
instantaneous_output_kbps Instantaneous Network Output Rate This metric records the instantaneous output rate of the network. Unit: KB/s. >=0 KB/s Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
rejected_connections Rejected Connections This metric counts the total number of connections rejected due to reaching the maxclients limit during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
expired_keys Expired Keys This metric counts the total number of keys expired and deleted during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
evicted_keys Evicted Keys This metric counts the total number of keys evicted due to memory exhaustion during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
keyspace_hits Keyspace Hits This metric counts the total number of successful lookups in the main dictionary during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
keyspace_misses Keyspace Misses This metric counts the total number of unsuccessful lookups in the main dictionary during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
pubsub_channels Pub/Sub Channels This metric counts the total number of active Pub/Sub channels during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
pubsub_patterns Pub/Sub Patterns This metric counts the total number of active Pub/Sub patterns during the monitoring period. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
keyspace_hits_perc Cache Hit Rate This metric calculates the cache hit rate of Redis as keyspace_hits / (keyspace_hits + keyspace_misses). Unit: %. 0-100% Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
command_max_delay Maximum Command Delay This metric records the maximum delay of commands in milliseconds for the instance. >=0 ms Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica/Cluster) 1 minute
auth_errors Authentication Errors This metric counts the total number of authentication failures for the instance. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica) 1 minute
is_slow_log_exist Slow Logs Existence This metric indicates whether slow logs exist for the instance. imgNote: This monitoring metric does not include slow logs caused by migrate, slaveof, config, bgsave, and bgrewriteaof commands. 1: Exist, 0: Not Exist Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica) 1 minute
keys Total Keys This metric counts the total number of keys in the Redis cache. >=0 Redis Instance (Standalone/Primary-Replica) 1 minute

Redis 4.0, Redis 5.0, and Redis 6.0 Instance Monitoring Metrics


  • For the dimensions of monitoring metrics, please refer to Dimensions.
  • Instance monitoring aggregates data from primary nodes.
  • Some instance monitoring metrics are aggregated from both primary and secondary nodes. Please refer to "Meaning of Metrics" in Table 3.
Metric ID Metric Name Metric Description Value Range Monitored Object Monitoring Period (Raw Data)
cpu_usage CPU Usage The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% Single-node or master/standby DCS Redis instance 1 minute
cpu_avg_usage Average CPU Usage The monitored object's average CPU usage of multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% Single-node or master/standby DCS Redis instance 1 minute
command_max_delay Maximum Command Latency Maximum latency of commandsUnit: ms ≥ 0 ms Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
total_connections_received New Connections Number of connections received during the monitoring period ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
is_slow_log_exist Slow Query Logs Existence of slow query logs in the instanceimgNOTE:Slow queries caused by the MIGRATE, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, BGSAVE, and BGREWRITEAOF commands are not counted. 1: yes0: no Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
memory_usage Memory Usage Memory consumed by the monitored objectUnit: % 0–100% Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
expires Keys With an Expiration Number of keys with an expiration in Redis ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
keyspace_hits_perc Hit Rate Ratio of the number of Redis cache hits to the number of lookups. Calculation: keyspace_hits/(keyspace_hits + keyspace_misses)Aggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: % 0–100% Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory Used Memory Total number of bytes used by the Redis serverUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_dataset Used Memory Dataset Dataset memory that the Redis server has usedUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_dataset_perc Used Memory Dataset Ratio Percentage of dataset memory that server has usedAggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: % 0–100% Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_rss Used Memory RSS Resident set size (RSS) memory that the Redis server has used, which is the memory that actually resides in the memory, including all stack and heap memory but not swapped-out memoryUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
instantaneous_ops Ops per Second Number of commands processed per second ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
keyspace_misses Keyspace Misses Number of failed lookups of keys in the main dictionary during the monitoring periodAggregated from the master and replica nodes. ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
keys Keys Number of keys in Redis ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
blocked_clients Blocked Clients Number of clients suspended by block operations ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
connected_clients Connected Clients Number of connected clients (excluding those from slave nodes) ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
del DEL Number of DEL commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
evicted_keys Evicted Keys Number of keys that have been evicted and deleted during the monitoring periodAggregated from the master and replica nodes. ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
expire EXPIRE Number of EXPIRE commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
expired_keys Expired Keys Number of keys that have expired and been deleted during the monitoring periodAggregated from the master and replica nodes. ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
get GET Number of GET commands processed per secondAggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: count/s 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
hdel HDEL Number of HDEL commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
hget HGET Number of HGET commands processed per secondAggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: count/s 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
hmget HMGET Number of HMGET commands processed per secondAggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: count/s 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
hmset HMSET Number of HMSET commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
hset HSET Number of HSET commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
instantaneous_input_kbps Input Flow Instantaneous input trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
instantaneous_output_kbps Output Flow Instantaneous output trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
memory_frag_ratio Memory Fragmentation Ratio Ratio between Used Memory RSS and Used Memory ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
mget MGET Number of MGET commands processed per secondAggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: count/s 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
mset MSET Number of MSET commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
pubsub_channels PubSub Channels Number of Pub/Sub channels ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
pubsub_patterns PubSub Patterns Number of Pub/Sub patterns ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
set SET Number of SET commands processed per second 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_lua Used Memory Lua Number of bytes used by the Lua engineUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_peak Used Memory Peak Peak memory consumed by Redis since the Redis server last startedUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
sadd Sadd Number of SADD commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
smembers Smembers Number of SMEMBERS commands processed per secondAggregated from the master and replica nodes.Unit: count/s 0–500,000 Single-node, master/standby, or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
rx_controlled Flow Control Times Number of flow control times during the monitoring periodIf the value is greater than 0, the used bandwidth exceeds the upper limit and flow control is triggered.Unit: Count ≥ 0 Redis Cluster instance 1 minute
bandwidth_usage Bandwidth Usage Percentage of the used bandwidth to the maximum bandwidth limit 0–200% Redis Cluster instance 1 minute
command_max_rt Maximum Latency Maximum delay from when the node receives commands to when it respondsUnit: us ≥ 0 Single-node DCS Redis 4.0/5.0/6.0 instance 1 minute
command_avg_rt Average Latency Average delay from when the node receives commands to when it respondsUnit: us ≥ 0 Single-node DCS Redis 4.0/5.0/6.0 instance 1 minute

Redis Server Metrics of DCS Redis Instances


  • For Proxy Cluster instances, the monitoring covers Redis Servers and proxies. For Redis Cluster DCS Redis 4.0/5.0/6.0 instances and master/standby instances, the monitoring only covers Redis Servers.

  • Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.

Metric ID Metric Name Metric Description Value Range Monitored Object Monitoring Period (Raw Data)
cpu_usage CPU Usage The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
cpu_avg_usage Average CPU Usage The monitored object's average CPU usage of multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
memory_usage Memory Usage Memory consumed by the monitored objectUnit: % 0–100% Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
connected_clients Connected Clients Number of connected clients (excluding those from slave nodes) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
client_longest_out_list Client Longest Output List Longest output list among current client connections ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 3.0 or 4.0 instance 1 minute
client_biggest_in_buf Client Biggest Input Buf Maximum input data length among current client connectionsUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 3.0 or 4.0 instance 1 minute
blocked_clients Blocked Clients Number of clients suspended by block operations such as BLPOP, BRPOP, and BRPOPLPUSH ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory Used Memory Total number of bytes used by the Redis serverUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_rss Used Memory RSS RSS memory that the Redis server has used, which includes all stack and heap memory but not swapped-out memoryUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_peak Used Memory Peak Peak memory consumed by Redis since the Redis server last startedUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
used_memory_lua Used Memory Lua Number of bytes used by the Lua engineUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
memory_frag_ratio Memory Fragmentation Ratio Current memory fragmentation, which is the ratio between used_memory_rss/used_memory. ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
total_connections_received New Connections Number of connections received during the monitoring period ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
total_commands_processed Commands Processed Number of commands processed during the monitoring period ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
instantaneous_ops Ops per Second Number of commands processed per second ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
total_net_input_bytes Network Input Bytes Number of bytes received during the monitoring periodUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
total_net_output_bytes Network Output Bytes Number of bytes sent during the monitoring periodUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
instantaneous_input_kbps Input Flow Instantaneous input trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
instantaneous_output_kbps Output Flow Instantaneous output trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
rejected_connections Rejected Connections Number of connections that have exceeded maxclients and been rejected during the monitoring period ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
expired_keys Expired Keys Number of keys that have expired and been deleted during the monitoring period ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
evicted_keys Evicted Keys Number of keys that have been evicted and deleted during the monitoring period ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
pubsub_channels PubSub Channels Number of Pub/Sub channels ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
pubsub_patterns PubSub Patterns Number of Pub/Sub patterns ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 3.0, 4.0, or 5.0 instance 1 minute
keyspace_hits_perc Hit Rate Ratio of the number of Redis cache hits to the number of lookups. Calculation: keyspace_hits/(keyspace_hits + keyspace_misses)Unit: % 0–100% Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
command_max_delay Maximum Command Latency Maximum latency of commandsUnit: ms ≥ 0 ms Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
is_slow_log_exist Slow Query Logs Existence of slow query logs in the nodeimgNOTE:Slow queries caused by the MIGRATE, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, BGSAVE, and BGREWRITEAOF commands are not counted. 1: yes0: no Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
keys Keys Number of keys in Redis ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis instance 1 minute
sadd Sadd Number of SADD commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
smembers Smembers Number of SMEMBERS commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
ms_repl_offset Replication Gap Data synchronization gap between the master and the replica - Replica Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
del DEL Number of DEL commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
expire EXPIRE Number of EXPIRE commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
get GET Number of GET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
hdel HDEL Number of HDEL commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
hget HGET Number of HGET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
hmget HMGET Number of HMGET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
hmset HMSET Number of HMSET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
hset HSET Number of HSET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
mget MGET Number of MGET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
mset MSET Number of MSET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
set SET Number of SET commands processed per secondUnit: count/s 0–500,000 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
rx_controlled Flow Control Times Number of flow control times during the monitoring periodIf the value is greater than 0, the used bandwidth exceeds the upper limit and flow control is triggered.Unit: Count ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
bandwidth_usage Bandwidth Usage Percentage of the used bandwidth to the maximum bandwidth limit 0–200% Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
connections_usage Connection Usage Percentage of the current number of connections to the maximum allowed number of connectionsUnit: % 0–100% Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
command_max_rt Maximum Latency Maximum delay from when the node receives commands to when it respondsUnit: us ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
command_avg_rt Average Latency Average delay from when the node receives commands to when it respondsUnit: us ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
sync_full Full Sync Times Total number of full synchronizations since the Redis Server last started ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute
slow_log_counts Slow Queries Number of times that slow queries occur within a monitoring period ≥ 0 Redis Server of a master/standby or cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance or a master/standby DCS Redis 6.0 instance 1 minute

Proxy Metrics


Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.

Metric ID Metric Name Metric Description Value Range Monitored Object Monitoring Period (Raw Data)
cpu_usage CPU Usage The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
memory_usage Memory Usage Memory consumed by the monitored objectUnit: % 0–100% Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
p_connected_clients Connected Clients Number of connected clients ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
max_rxpck_per_sec Max. NIC Data Packet Receive Rate Maximum number of data packets received by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring periodUnit: packages/second 0–10,000,000 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
max_txpck_per_sec Max. NIC Data Packet Transmit Rate Maximum number of data packets transmitted by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring periodUnit: packages/second 0–10,000,000 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
max_rxkB_per_sec Maximum Inbound Bandwidth Largest volume of data received by the proxy NIC per secondUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
max_txkB_per_sec Maximum Outbound Bandwidth Largest volume of data transmitted by the proxy NIC per secondUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
avg_rxpck_per_sec Average NIC Data Packet Receive Rate Average number of data packets received by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring periodUnit: packages/second 0–10,000,000 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
avg_txpck_per_sec Average NIC Data Packet Transmit Rate Average number of data packets transmitted by the proxy NIC per second during the monitoring periodUnit: packages/second 0–10,000,000 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
avg_rxkB_per_sec Average Inbound Bandwidth Average volume of data received by the proxy NIC per secondUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
avg_txkB_per_sec Average Outbound Bandwidth Average volume of data transmitted by the proxy NIC per secondUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance 1 minute
Metric ID Metric Name Metric Description Value Range Monitored Object Monitoring Period (Raw Data)
node_status Proxy Status Indication of whether the proxy is normal. 0: Normal1: Abnormal Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
cpu_usage CPU Usage The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
memory_usage Memory Usage Memory consumed by the monitored objectUnit: % 0–100% Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
connected_clients Connected Clients Number of connected clients ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
instantaneous_ops Ops per Second Number of commands processed per second ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
instantaneous_input_kbps Input Flow Instantaneous input trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
instantaneous_output_kbps Output Flow Instantaneous output trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
total_net_input_bytes Network Input Bytes Number of bytes received during the monitoring periodUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
total_net_output_bytes Network Output Bytes Number of bytes sent during the monitoring periodUnit: KB, MB, or byte (configurable on the console) ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
connections_usage Connection Usage Percentage of the current number of connections to the maximum allowed number of connections Unit: % 0–100% Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
command_max_rt Maximum Latency Maximum delay from when the node receives commands to when it respondsUnit: us ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute
command_avg_rt Average Latency Average delay from when the node receives commands to when it respondsUnit: us ≥ 0 Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance 1 minute

DCS Memcached Instance Metrics


Dimensions lists the metric dimensions.

Metric ID Metric Name Metric Description Value Range Monitored Object Monitoring Period (Raw Data)
cpu_usage CPU Usage The monitored object's maximum CPU usage among multiple sampling values in a monitoring periodUnit: % 0–100% DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
memory_usage Memory Usage Memory consumed by the monitored objectUnit: % 0–100% DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
net_in_throughput Network Input Throughput Inbound throughput per second on a portUnit: byte/s ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
net_out_throughput Network Output Throughput Outbound throughput per second on a portUnit: byte/s ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_connected_clients Connected Clients Number of connected clients (excluding those from slave nodes) ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_used_memory Used Memory Number of bytes used by MemcachedUnit: byte ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_used_memory_rss Used Memory RSS RSS memory used that actually resides in the memory, including all stack and heap memory but not swapped-out memoryUnit: byte ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_used_memory_peak Used Memory Peak Peak memory consumed since the server last startedUnit: byte ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_memory_frag_ratio Memory Fragmentation Ratio Ratio between Used Memory RSS and Used Memory ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_connections_received New Connections Number of connections received during the monitoring period ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_commands_processed Commands Processed Number of commands processed during the monitoring period ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_instantaneous_ops Ops per Second Number of commands processed per second ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_net_input_bytes Network Input Bytes Number of bytes received during the monitoring periodUnit: byte ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_net_output_bytes Network Output Bytes Number of bytes sent during the monitoring periodUnit: byte ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_instantaneous_input_kbps Input Flow Instantaneous input trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_instantaneous_output_kbps Output Flow Instantaneous output trafficUnit: KB/s ≥ 0 KB/s DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_rejected_connections Rejected Connections Number of connections that have exceeded maxclients and been rejected during the monitoring period ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_expired_keys Expired Keys Number of keys that have expired and been deleted during the monitoring period ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_evicted_keys Evicted Keys Number of keys that have been evicted and deleted during the monitoring period ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cmd_get Number of Retrieval Requests Number of received data retrieval requests ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cmd_set Number of Storage Requests Number of received data storage requests ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cmd_flush Number of Flush Requests Number of received data clearance requests ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cmd_touch Number of Touch Requests Number of received requests for modifying the validity period of data ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_get_hits Number of Retrieval Hits Number of successful data retrieval operations ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_get_misses Number of Retrieval Misses Number of failed data retrieval operations due to key nonexistence ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_delete_hits Number of Delete Hits Number of successful data deletion operations ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_delete_misses Number of Delete Misses Number of failed data deletion operations due to key nonexistence ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_incr_hits Number of Increment Hits Number of successful increment operations ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_incr_misses Number of Increment Misses Number of failed increment operations due to key nonexistence ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_decr_hits Number of Decrement Hits Number of successful decrement operations ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_decr_misses Number of Decrement Misses Number of failed decrement operations due to key nonexistence ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cas_hits Number of CAS Hits Number of successful CAS operations ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cas_misses Number of CAS Misses Number of failed CAS operations due to key nonexistence ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_cas_badval Number of CAS Values Not Matched Number of failed CAS operations due to CAS value mismatch ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_touch_hits Number of Touch Hits Number of successful requests for modifying the validity period of data ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_touch_misses Number of Touch Misses Number of failed requests for modifying the validity period of data due to key nonexistence ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_auth_cmds Authentication Requests Number of authentication requests ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_auth_errors Authentication Failures Number of failed authentication requests ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_curr_items Number of Items Stored Number of stored data items ≥ 0 DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_command_max_delay Maximum Command Latency Maximum latency of commandsUnit: ms ≥ 0 ms DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_is_slow_log_exist Slow Query Logs Existence of slow query logs in the instanceimgNOTE:Slow queries caused by the MIGRATE, SLAVEOF, CONFIG, BGSAVE, and BGREWRITEAOF commands are not counted. 1: yes0: no DCS Memcached instance 1 minute
mc_keyspace_hits_perc Hit Rate Ratio of the number of Memcached cache hits to the number of lookupsUnit: % 0–100% DCS Memcached instance 1 minute


Key Value
dcs_instance_id DCS Redis instance
dcs_cluster_redis_node Redis Server
dcs_cluster_proxy_node Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 3.0 instance
dcs_cluster_proxy2_node Proxy in a Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 4.0 or 5.0 instance
dcs_memcached_instance_id DCS Memcached instance


  "measurement": "huaweicloud_redis",
  "tags": {
    "name"              : "71be0037-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b6b91f134066",
    "instance_id"       : "71be0037-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b6b91f134066",
    "instance_name"     : "dcs-iash",
    "RegionId"          : "cn-north-4",
    "project_id"        : "c631f04625xxxxxxxxxxf253c62d48585",
    "engine"            : "Redis",
    "engine_version"    : "5.0",
    "status"            : "RUNNING",
    "az_codes"          : "[\"cn-north-4c\", \"cn-north-4a\"]",
    "port"              : "6379",
    "ip"                : "",
    "charging_mode"     : "0",
    "no_password_access": "true",
    "enable_publicip"   : "False"
  "fields": {
    "created_at" : "2022-07-12T07:29:56.875Z",
    "max_memory" : 128,
    "used_memory": 2,
    "capacity"   : 0,
    "description": "",
    "message"    : "{Instance JSON data}"

Here is the translation of the provided field descriptions:

Field Type Description
ip String IP address used to connect to the cache instance. If it is a cluster instance, multiple IP addresses are returned, separated by commas. For example:,
charging_mode String Billing mode, where 0 indicates pay-as-you-go, and 1 indicates subscription.
no_password_access String Indicates whether no password is required to access the cache instance: true: the instance does not require a password for access. false: the instance requires password authentication for access.
enable_publicip String Specifies whether Redis cache instance allows public network access. True: enabled; False: not enabled.
max_memory Integer Total memory of the instance, measured in MB.
used_memory Integer Memory currently in use, measured in MB.
capacity Integer Cache capacity in GigaBytes (GB).
status String CREATING: The cache instance is being created and is not yet in the running state. CREATEFAILED: The cache instance creation has failed. RUNNING: The cache instance is in normal running state. RESTARTING: The cache instance is undergoing a restart operation. FROZEN: The cache instance is in a frozen state. Users can renew the frozen cache instance in "My Orders". EXTENDING: The cache instance is in the process of being extended. RESTORING: The cache instance is currently restoring data. FLUSHING: The cache instance is currently clearing data.

Note: Fields tags and fields might be subject to changes in future updates.

Tip 1: The value of is the instance ID, which serves as the unique identifier.

Tip 2: All the following fields are JSON serialized strings - fields.message - tags.az_codes


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