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Collect Huawei Cloud RDS MYSQL metric data.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically,Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip: Please prepare HUAWEI CLOUD AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of HUAWEI CLOUD RDS cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:

  • guance_huaweicloud_rds: Collect monitoring indicator data
  • guance_huaweicloud_rds_slowlog_detail: Collect slow query detailed log data
  • guance_huaweicloud_rds_slowlog: Collect slow query statistical log data

Click [Install] and enter the corresponding parameters: HUAWEI CLOUD AK, HUAWEI CLOUD account name.

Tap [Deploy startup Script],The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After the script is installed,Find the script in「Development」in Func「Guance Integration(HUAWEI CLOUD-RDS Collect)」/「Guance Integration(HUAWEI CLOUD-RDS slow query detailed log collection)」/「Guance Integration(Huawei Cloud RDS Slow Query Statistics Log Collection)」,Expand to modify this script,find collector_configs and monitor_configs. Edit the content in region_projects,Change the locale and Project ID to the actual locale and Project ID, Click Save Publish again.

In addition, in「Management / Automatic Trigger Configuration」 you can see the corresponding automatic trigger configuration. Click 【Execute】 to run it immediately, without waiting for the scheduled time. After a short moment, you can check the execution task records and corresponding logs.


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist.
  2. On Guance platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists.
  3. On Guance platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists.
  4. On Guance platform, check the 「Logs」 to see if there is corresponding slow log data


Configure HUAWEI CLOUD RDS MYSQL metric data. You can collect more metrics by configuring them HUAWEI CLOUD RDS MYSQL Metrics Details

Instance monitoring metric

RDS for MySQL instance performance monitoring metric,as shown in the table below.

Metric ID Metric name Metric meaning Value range Monitoring cycle(original metric)
rds001_cpu_util CPU Usage This metric is used to count the CPU usage of the measurement object, and the unit is ratio. 0-100% 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds002_mem_util Memory Usage This metric is used to count the memory usage of the measurement object, in the unit of ratio. 0-100% 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds003_iops IOPS This metric is used to count the number of I/O requests processed by the system per unit time (average value) of the current instance. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds004_bytes_in Network input throughput This metric is used to count the average traffic input from all network adapters of the measurement object per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds005_bytes_out Network output throughput This metric is used to count the average output traffic from all network adapters of the measurement object per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds006_conn_count Total number of database connections This metric is used to count the total number of connections trying to connect to the MySQL server, in units. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds007_conn_active_count Current active connections This metric is used to count the number of currently open connections, in unit. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds008_qps QPS This metric is used to count the number of SQL statement queries, including stored procedures, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds009_tps TPS This metric is used to count the number of transaction executions, including committed and rolled back, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 transactions/s 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds010_innodb_buf_usage buffer pool utilization This metric is used to count the ratio of free pages to the total number of buffer pool pages in the InnoDB cache, in units of ratio. 0-1 1 minute
rds011_innodb_buf_hit buffer pool hit ratio This metric is used to count the ratio of read hits to read requests, in units of ratio. 0-1 1 minute
rds012_innodb_buf_dirty Buffer pool dirty block rate This metric is used to count the ratio of dirty data in the InnoDB cache to pages used in the InnoDB cache, in units of ratio. 0-1 1 minute
rds013_innodb_reads InnoDB read throughput This metric is used to count the average number of bytes read by Innodb per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds014_innodb_writes InnoDB write throughput This metric is used to count the average number of bytes written by Innodb per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds015_innodb_read_count InnoDB file read frequency This metric is used to count the average number of times Innodb reads from the file per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds016_innodb_write_count InnoDB file write frequency This metric is used to count the average number of times Innodb writes to the file per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds017_innodb_log_write_req_count InnoDB log write request frequency This metric is used to count the average number of log write requests per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds018_innodb_log_write_count InnoDB Log physical write frequency This metric is used to count the average number of physical writes to the log file per second, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds019_innodb_log_fsync_count InnoDB log fsync() write frequency This metric is used to count the average number of fsync() writes to the log file per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds020_temp_tbl_rate Temporary table creation rate This metric is used to count the number of temporary tables created on the hard disk per second, and the unit is one/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds021_myisam_buf_usage Key Buffer utilization This metric is used to count the utilization rate of MyISAM Key buffer, and the unit is ratio. 0-1 1 minute
rds022_myisam_buf_write_hit Key Buffer write hit rate This metric is used to count the MyISAM Key buffer write hit rate, in units of ratio. 0-1 1 minute
rds023_myisam_buf_read_hit Key Buffer read hit rate This metric is used to count the MyISAM Key buffer read hit rate, and the unit is ratio. 0-1 1 minute
rds024_myisam_disk_write_count MyISAM HDD write frequency This metric is used to count the number of times the index is written to the disk, in times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds025_myisam_disk_read_count MyISAM HDD read frequency This metric is used to count the number of index reads from the disk, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds026_myisam_buf_write_count MyISAM buffer pool write frequency This metric is used to count the number of requests to write indexes to the buffer pool, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds027_myisam_buf_read_count MyISAM buffer pool read frequency This metric is used to count the number of requests to read indexes from the buffer pool, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds028_comdml_del_count Delete statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of executions of Delete statements per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds029_comdml_ins_count Insert statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of Insert statement executions per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds030_comdml_ins_sel_count Insert_Select statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of executions of the Insert_Select statement per second, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute
rds031_comdml_rep_count Replace statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of Replace statement executions per second, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute
rds032_comdml_rep_sel_count Replace_Selection statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of executions of the Replace_Selection statement per second, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute
rds033_comdml_sel_count Select statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of Select statement executions per second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds034_comdml_upd_count Update statement execution frequency This metric is used to count the average number of Update statement executions per second, in the unit of times/second. ≥ 0 queries/s 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds035_innodb_del_row_count row deletion rate This metric is used to count the average number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables per second, in units of rows/second. ≥ 0 rows/s 1 minute
rds036_innodb_ins_row_count row insertion rate This metric is used to count the average number of rows inserted into the InnoDB table per second, in units of rows/second. ≥ 0 rows/s 1 minute
rds037_innodb_read_row_count row read rate This metric is used to count the average number of rows read from the InnoDB table per second, in units of rows/second. ≥ 0 rows/s 1 minute
rds038_innodb_upd_row_count row update rate This metric is used to count the average number of rows updated to the InnoDB table per second, in units of rows/second. ≥ 0 rows/s 1 minute
rds039_disk_util disk utilization This metric is used to count the disk utilization of the measurement object, in the unit of ratio. 0-100% 1 minute
rds047_disk_total_size total disk size This metric is used to count the total disk size of the measurement object. 40GB~4000GB 1 minute
rds048_disk_used_size Disk usage This metric is used to count the disk usage size of the measurement object. 0GB~4000GB 1 minute
rds049_disk_read_throughput Disk read throughput This metric is used to count the number of bytes read from the hard disk per second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds050_disk_write_throughput Disk write throughput This metric is used to count the number of bytes written to the hard disk per second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds072_conn_usage Connection usage This metric is used to count the percentage of currently used MySQL connections to the total number of connections. 0-100% 1 minute
rds173_replication_delay_avg Average Replication Latency This metric is the average delay between the standby database or the read-only database and the main database, corresponding to seconds_behind_master. Take the average over a 60 second time period. ≥ 0s 10 seconds
rds073_replication_delay Real-time replication latency This metric is the real-time delay between the standby database or the read-only database and the main database, corresponding to seconds_behind_master. This value is a real-time value. ≥ 0s 1 minute 5 seconds
rds074_slow_queries Statistics on the number of slow logs This metric is used to display the number of slow logs generated by MySQL every minute. ≥ 0 1 minute
rds075_avg_disk_ms_per_read Disk read time This metric is used to count the average time spent reading each disk in a certain period of time. ≥ 0ms 1 minute
rds076_avg_disk_ms_per_write Disk write time This metric is used to count the average time spent writing to disk during a certain period of time. ≥ 0ms 1 minute
rds077_vma VMA quantity Monitor the size of the virtual memory area of the RDS process, in units. ≥ 0counts 1 minute
rds078_threads Number of threads in the process Monitor the number of threads in the RDS process, in unit. ≥ 0counts 1 minute
rds079_vm_hwm Peak Memory Usage Monitor the peak physical memory usage of the RDS process, in KB. ≥ 0 KB 1 minute
rds080_vm_peak Process peak virtual memory usage Monitors the peak virtual memory usage of the RDS process, in KB. ≥ 0 KB 1 minute
rds081_vm_ioutils Disk I/O utilization Disk I/O usage, in ratios. 0-1 1 minute
rds082_semi_sync_tx_avg_wait_time transaction average wait-time Monitors the average wait time in semi-synchronous replication mode, in microseconds. ≥ 0 microsecond 1 minute
sys_swap_usage swap utilization This metric is used to count the swap utilization of the measurement object, and the unit is ratio. 0-100% 1 minute
rds_innodb_lock_waits Number of row locks waiting This metric is used to count the number of Innodb row locks waiting, in unit. Indicates the cumulative number of transactions waiting for row locks in history. A restart clears the lock wait. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute
rds_bytes_recv_rate Database bytes receives per second This metric is used to count the bytes received by the database per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds_bytes_sent_rate Database bytes sent per second This metric is used to count the bytes sent by the database, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_pages_read_rate Innodb average data read per second This metric is used to count the average amount of data read by innodb per second, in pages/second. ≥ 0 Pages/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_pages_written_rate innodb average data write rate per second This metric is used to count the average amount of data written by InnoDB per second, in pages/second. ≥ 0 Pages/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_os_log_written_rate Average size of redo log written per second This metric is used to count the average size of the redo log written per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests_rate innodb_buffer_pool read requests per second This metric is used to count the number of read requests per second for innodb_buffer_pool, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests_rate innodb_buffer_pool write requests per second This metric is used to count the number of write requests per second for innodb_buffer_pool, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed_rate innodb_buffer_pool page refreshes per second This metric is used to count the number of page refreshes per second for innodb_buffer_pool, in units of times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_innodb_log_waits_rate Number of times waiting for flush to disk due to insufficient log buffer This metric is used to count the times of waiting for flushing to disk due to insufficient log buffer, and the unit is times/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_created_tmp_tables_rate Temporary tables created per second This metric is used to count the number of temporary tables created per second, in units of one/second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_wait_thread_count Number of waiting threads This metric is used to count the number of waiting threads, in unit. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute
rds_innodb_row_lock_time_avg Average waiting time of historical row locks This metric is used to count the average waiting time of innodb historical row locks. > 0ms 1 minute
rds_innodb_row_lock_current_waits Current row lock wait count This metric is used to count the current row lock waiting number of InnoDB, in unit. Indicates the number of transactions currently waiting for row locks. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute
rds_mdl_lock_count Number of MDL locks This metric is used to count the number of MDL locks, in units. ≥ 0counts 1 minute
rds_buffer_pool_wait_free Number of dirty pages waiting to be flushed This metric counts the number of dirty pages waiting to be flushed, in units. ≥ 0counts 1 minute
rds_conn_active_usage Active Connections Utilization Rate This metric counts the ratio of the number of active connections to the maximum number of connections, in units of ratio. 0-100% 1 minute
rds_innodb_log_waits_count Log waiting times This metric is used to count the number of log waits, in unit. ≥ 0counts 1 minute
rds_long_transaction Long transaction metric This metric counts the time-consuming data of long transactions, in seconds. Only when there are BEGIN and COMMIT commands before and after the relevant operation commands are counted as a complete long transaction. ≥ 0seconds 1 minute

RDS for MySQL database agent monitoring metrics,As shown in table 2.

Metric ID Metric name Metric meaning Value range Monitoring cycle(original metric)
rds001_cpu_util CPU usage This metric is used to count the CPU usage of the measurement object, and the unit is ratio. 0-100% 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds002_mem_util Memory usage This metric is used to count the memory usage of the measurement object, in the unit of ratio. 0-100% 1 minute 5 seconds 1 second
rds004_bytes_in Network input throughput This metric is used to count the average traffic input from all network adapters of the measurement object per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds005_bytes_out Network output throughput This metric is used to count the average output traffic from all network adapters of the measurement object per second, in bytes/second. ≥ 0 bytes/s 1 minute
rds_proxy_frontend_connections Front-end connections The number of connections between the application and the proxy. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute
rds_proxy_backend_connections Backend connections The number of connections between the proxy and the RDS database. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute
rds_proxy_average_response_time Average response time Average response time. ≥ 0 ms 1 minute
rds_proxy_query_per_seconds QPS The number of SQL statement queries. ≥ 0 counts 1 minute
rds_proxy_read_query_proportions Read ratio The ratio of read requests to total requests. 0-100% 1 minute
rds_proxy_write_query_proportions Write ratio Write ratio as a percentage of total requests. 0-100% 1 minute
rds_proxy_frontend_connection_creation The average number of front-end connections created per second Counts the average number of front-end connections created by client applications to the database proxy service per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_proxy_transaction_query The number of queries in an average transaction per second Count the number of executions that include select in the average transactions executed per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute
rds_proxy_multi_statement_query Average number of multi-statement executions per second Count the average number of executions of Multi-Statements statements per second. ≥ 0 counts/s 1 minute


Key Value
rds_cluster_id RDS for MySQL Instance ID
dbproxy_instance_id RDS for MySQL Proxy Instance ID
dbproxy_node_id RDS for MySQL Proxy Node ID


The collected HUAWEI CLOUD RDS MYSQL object data structure can see the object data from「Infrastructure-Custom」

  "measurement": "huaweicloud_rds",
  "tags": {
    "name"                   : "1d0c91561f4644daxxxxx68304b0520din01",
    "id"                     : "1d0c91561f4644dxxxxxxd68304b0520din01",
    "instance_name"          : "rds-df54-xxxx",
    "status"                 : "ACTIVE",
    "port"                   : "3306",
    "type"                   : "Single",
    "RegionId"               : "cn-north-4",
    "security_group_id"      : "d13ebb59-d4fe-xxxx-xxxx-c22bcea6f987",
    "switch_strategy"        : "xxx",
    "project_id"             : "c631f046252dxxxxxxxf253c62d48585",
    "time_zone"              : "UTC+08:00",
    "enable_ssl"             : "False",
    "charge_info.charge_mode": "postPaid",
    "engine"                 : "MySQL",
    "engine_version"         : "5.7"
  "fields": {
    "created_time"    : "2022-06-21T06:17:27+0000",
    "updated_time"    : "2022-06-21T06:20:03+0000",
    "alias"           : "xxx",
    "private_ips"     : "[\"\"]",
    "public_ips"      : "[]",
    "datastore"       : "{Database information}",
    "cpu"             : "2",
    "mem"             : "4",
    "volume"          : "{volume information}",
    "nodes"           : "[{Information about the active and standby Instance}]",
    "related_instance": "[]",
    "backup_strategy" : "{Backup strategy}",
    "message"         : "{Instance JSON data}"

notice:tags,fieldsThe fields in this section may change with subsequent updates

Tips 1:tags.nameThe value is the instance ID for unique identification

Tips 2:The following fields are JSON serialized strings

  • fields.message
  • fields.private_ips
  • fields.public_ips
  • fields.volume
  • fields.nodes
  • fields.related_instance
  • fields.backup_strategy

Tips 3:typeThe value is “Single”,“Ha” or “Replica”, "Enterprise",corresponding to stand-alone instance, active/standby instance, read-only instance, and distributed instance (enterprise edition) respectively.


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