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Collect metrics information related to JuiceFS data size, IO, transactions, objects, clients, and other components.

Installation and Configuration

JuiceFS Metrics

JuiceFS exposes the metrics port by default at 9567. You can view the metrics information via a browser at http://clientIP:9567/metrics.

DataKit Collector Configuration

Since JuiceFS can directly expose a metrics URL, it can be collected using the prom collector.

The configuration changes are as follows:

urls = ["http://localhost:9567/metrics"]

source = "juicefs"

interval = "10s"

Other configurations can be adjusted as needed

, Parameter adjustment notes:

  • urls: Prometheus metrics address; enter the metrics URL exposed by the corresponding component.
  • source: Collector alias, it is recommended to differentiate.
  • interval: Collection interval.

Restart DataKit

systemctl restart datakit


For detailed metrics information, refer to the official documentation.


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