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Here we provide two methods for collecting JVM metrics, one is DDTrace, and the other method is Jolokia (deprecated). The recommendations for choosing a method are as follows:

  • It is recommended to use DDTrace for collecting JVM metrics; Jolokia can also be used but it is more complicated, so it is not recommended.
  • If you are collecting metrics from your own developed Java application's JVM, the DDTrace method is recommended. In addition to collecting JVM metrics, it can also collect APM data.


Collecting JVM Metrics via DDTrace

DataKit has a built-in StatsD collector to receive StatsD protocol data sent over the network. Here we use DDTrace to collect JVM metrics and send them to DataKit using the StatsD protocol.

We recommend using the following StatsD configuration to collect DDTrace JVM metrics. Copy this configuration into the conf.d/statsd directory and name it ddtrace-jvm-statsd.conf:

  protocol = "udp"

  ## Address and port to host UDP listener on
  service_address = ":8125"

  ## separator to use between elements of a statsd metric
  metric_separator = "_"

  drop_tags = ["runtime-id"]
  metric_mapping = [

  # The following configurations do not need attention

  delete_gauges = true
  delete_counters = true
  delete_sets = true
  delete_timings = true

  ## Percentiles to calculate for timing & histogram stats
  percentiles = [50.0, 90.0, 99.0, 99.9, 99.95, 100.0]

  ## Parses tags in the datadog statsd format
  parse_data_dog_tags = true

  ## Parses datadog extensions to the statsd format
  datadog_extensions = true

  ## Parses distributions metric as specified in the datadog statsd format
  datadog_distributions = true

  ## Number of UDP messages allowed to queue up, once filled,
  ## the statsd server will start dropping packets
  allowed_pending_messages = 10000

  ## Number of timing/histogram values to track per-measurement in the
  ## calculation of percentiles. Raising this limit increases the accuracy
  ## of percentiles but also increases the memory usage and cpu time.
  percentile_limit = 1000

  ## Max duration (TTL) for each metric to stay cached/reported without being updated.
  #max_ttl = "1000h"

  # some_tag = "your-tag-value"
  # some_other_tag = "your-other-tag-value"

Currently, the collector configuration can be injected via ConfigMap.

Explanation of the above configuration:

  • service_address is set to :8125, indicating that DDTrace sends JVM metrics to this target address.
  • drop_tags drops the runtime-id tag because it may cause Time Series explosion. If you need this field, remove it from drop_tags.
  • metric_mapping maps the original metrics from DDTrace with prefixes jvm_ and datadog_tracer_ to two categories: jvm and ddtrace.

Starting the Java Application

A viable deployment method for JVM is as follows:

java -javaagent:dd-java-agent.jar \
    -Ddd.profiling.enabled=true \
    -Ddd.logs.injection=true \
    -Ddd.trace.sample.rate=1 \ \
    -Ddd.env=staging \ \
    -Ddd.agent.port=9529 \
    -Ddd.jmxfetch.enabled=true \
    -Ddd.jmxfetch.check-period=1000 \  \
    -Ddd.jmxfetch.statsd.port=8125 \
    -Ddd.version=1.0 \
    -jar your-app.jar


  • For downloading the dd-java-agent.jar package, refer to here.
  • It is recommended to specify the following fields:

    • indicates which application the JVM data comes from.
    • env indicates which environment the JVM data comes from (e.g., prod/testing/preprod).
  • Explanation of several options:

    • -Ddd.jmxfetch.check-period represents the collection frequency in milliseconds.
    • specifies the connection address for the StatsD collector on DataKit.
    • -Ddd.jmxfetch.statsd.port=8125 specifies the UDP port for the StatsD collector on DataKit, defaulting to 8125.
    • configures the collection and sending of DDTrace metrics.
    • To enable APM, add the following parameters (DataKit HTTP address):
      • -Ddd.agent.port=9529

After enabling, you can collect JVM metrics exposed by DDTrace.


The actual collected metrics should follow DataDog's documentation.


  • Tags

Each metric includes the following tags (actual tags depend on Java startup parameters and StatsD configuration):

Tag Name Description
env Corresponds to DD_ENV
host Hostname
instance Instance
  • Metric List
Metric Description Data Type Unit
heap_memory The total Java heap memory used int B
heap_memory_committed The total Java heap memory committed to be used int B
heap_memory_init The initial Java heap memory allocated int B
heap_memory_max The maximum Java heap memory available int B
non_heap_memory The total Java non-heap memory used. Non-heap memory is calculated as follows: Metaspace + CompressedClassSpace + CodeCache int B
non_heap_memory_committed The total Java non-heap memory committed to be used int B
non_heap_memory_init The initial Java non-heap memory allocated int B
non_heap_memory_max The maximum Java non-heap memory available int B
thread_count The number of live threads int count
gc_cms_count The total number of garbage collections that have occurred int count
gc_major_collection_count The number of major garbage collections that have occurred. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric int count
gc_minor_collection_count The number of minor garbage collections that have occurred. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric int count
gc_parnew_time The approximate accumulated garbage collection time elapsed int ms
gc_major_collection_time The approximate major garbage collection time elapsed. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric int ms
gc_minor_collection_time The approximate minor garbage collection time elapsed. Set new_gc_metrics: true to receive this metric int ms

Key explanation for these metrics: gc_major_collection_count gc_minor_collection_count gc_major_collection_time gc_minor_collection_time:

These metrics are of type counter, meaning they are counters. During collection, each time a metric is collected, it is subtracted from the previous result and divided by time, indicating the rate of change per second rather than the actual value in the JVM MBean.

Collecting JVM Metrics via Jolokia

The JVM collector can gather many metrics through JMX and send them to Guance for analysis of Java runtime conditions.



Install or download Jolokia. The Jolokia jar file is already downloaded in the data directory under the DataKit installation directory. Start the Java application using the following command:

java -javaagent:/path/to/jolokia-jvm-agent.jar=port=8080,host=localhost -jar your_app.jar

Tested versions:

  • JDK 20
  • JDK 17
  • JDK 11
  • JDK 8

Navigate to the conf.d/jvm directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy jvm.conf.sample and rename it to jvm.conf. An example configuration is as follows:

  # default_tag_prefix      = ""
  # default_field_prefix    = ""
  # default_field_separator = "."

  # username = ""
  # password = ""
  # response_timeout = "5s"

  ## Optional TLS config
  # tls_ca   = "/var/private/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/var/private/client.pem"
  # tls_key  = "/var/private/client-key.pem"
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## Monitor Interval
  # interval   = "60s"

  # Add agents URLs to query
  urls = ["http://localhost:8080/jolokia"]

  ## Add metrics to read
    name  = "java_runtime"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=Runtime"
    paths = ["Uptime"]

    name  = "java_memory"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=Memory"
    paths = ["HeapMemoryUsage", "NonHeapMemoryUsage", "ObjectPendingFinalizationCount"]

    name     = "java_garbage_collector"
    mbean    = "java.lang:name=*,type=GarbageCollector"
    paths    = ["CollectionTime", "CollectionCount"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]

    name  = "java_threading"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=Threading"
    paths = ["TotalStartedThreadCount", "ThreadCount", "DaemonThreadCount", "PeakThreadCount"]

    name  = "java_class_loading"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=ClassLoading"
    paths = ["LoadedClassCount", "UnloadedClassCount", "TotalLoadedClassCount"]

    name     = "java_memory_pool"
    mbean    = "java.lang:name=*,type=MemoryPool"
    paths    = ["Usage", "PeakUsage", "CollectionUsage"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...

After configuring, restart DataKit.

Jolokia Metrics

By default, all collected data will append a global tag named host (the tag value is the hostname where DataKit is running), and additional tags can be specified in the configuration through [inputs.jvm.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The hostname of the Jolokia agent/proxy running on.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent URL path.
  • Metric List
Metric Description Type Unit
CollectionUsagecommitted The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. float B
CollectionUsageinit The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. float B
CollectionUsagemax The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. float B
CollectionUsageused The amount of used memory in bytes. float B
Uptime The total runtime. int ms


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The hostname of the Jolokia agent/proxy running on.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent URL path.
  • Metric List
Metric Description Type Unit
CollectionUsagecommitted The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. float B
CollectionUsageinit The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. float B
CollectionUsagemax The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. float B
CollectionUsageused The amount of used memory in bytes. float B
HeapMemoryUsagecommitted The total Java heap memory committed to be used. int B
HeapMemoryUsageinit The initial Java heap memory allocated. int B
HeapMemoryUsagemax The maximum Java heap memory available. int B
HeapMemoryUsageused The total Java heap memory used. int B
NonHeapMemoryUsagecommitted The total Java non-heap memory committed to be used. int B
NonHeapMemoryUsageinit The initial Java non-heap memory allocated. int B
NonHeapMemoryUsagemax The maximum Java non-heap memory available. int B
NonHeapMemoryUsageused The total Java non-heap memory used. int B
ObjectPendingFinalizationCount The count of object pending finalization. int count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The hostname of the Jolokia agent/proxy running on.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent URL path.
name The name of GC generation.
  • Metric List
Metric Description Type Unit
CollectionCount The number of GC that have occurred. int count
CollectionTime The approximate GC collection time elapsed. int ms
CollectionUsagecommitted The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. float B
CollectionUsageinit The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. float B
CollectionUsagemax The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. float B
CollectionUsageused The amount of used memory in bytes. float B


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The hostname of the Jolokia agent/proxy running on.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent URL path.
  • Metric List
Metric Description Type Unit
DaemonThreadCount The count of daemon threads. int count
PeakThreadCount The peak count of threads. int count
ThreadCount The count of threads. int count
TotalStartedThreadCount The total count of started threads. int count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The hostname of the Jolokia agent/proxy running on.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent URL path.
  • Metric List
Metric Description Type Unit
LoadedClassCount The count of loaded classes. int count
TotalLoadedClassCount The total count of loaded classes. int count
UnloadedClassCount The count of unloaded classes. int count


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The hostname of the Jolokia agent/proxy running on.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent URL path.
name The name of space.
  • Metric List
Metric Description Type Unit
CollectionUsagecommitted The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. float B
CollectionUsageinit The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. float B
CollectionUsagemax The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. float B
CollectionUsageused The amount of used memory in bytes. float B
PeakUsagecommitted The total peak Java memory pool committed to be used. int B
PeakUsageinit The initial peak Java memory pool allocated. int B
PeakUsagemax The maximum peak Java memory pool available. int B
PeakUsageused The total peak Java memory pool used. int B
Usagecommitted The total Java memory pool committed to be used. int B
Usageinit The initial Java memory pool allocated. int B
Usagemax The maximum Java memory pool available. int B
Usageused The total Java memory pool used. int B

Further Reading


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