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Log Streaming

Start an HTTP Server, receive the log text data and report it to Guance Cloud.

HTTP URL is fixed as: /v1/write/logstreaming, that is, http://Datakit_IP:PORT/v1/write/logstreaming

Note: If DataKit is deployed in Kubernetes as a daemonset, it can be accessed as a Service at http://datakit-service.datakit:9529


Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/log directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy logstreaming.conf.sample and name it logstreaming.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ignore_url_tags = false

  ## Threads config controls how many goroutines an agent cloud start to handle HTTP request.
  ## buffer is the size of jobs' buffering of worker channel.
  ## threads is the total number fo goroutines at running time.
  # [inputs.logstreaming.threads]
  #   buffer = 100
  #   threads = 8

  ## Storage config a local storage space in hard dirver to cache trace data.
  ## path is the local file path used to cache data.
  ## capacity is total space size(MB) used to store data.
  # []
  #   path = "./log_storage"
  #   capacity = 5120

Once configured, restart DataKit.

The collector can now be turned on by ConfigMap Injection Collector Configuration.

Support Parameter

logstreaming supports adding parameters to the HTTP URL to manipulate log data. The list of parameters is as follows:

  • type: Data format, currently only supports influxdb and firelens.
    • When type is inflxudb (/v1/write/logstreaming?type=influxdb), the data itself is in row protocol format (default precision is s), and only built-in Tags will be added and nothing else will be done
    • When type is firelens (/v1/write/logstreaming?type=firelens), the data format should be multiple logs in JSON format
    • When this value is empty, the data will be processed such as branching and Pipeline
  • source: Identify the source of the data, that is, the measurement of the line protocol. Such as nginx or redis (/v1/write/logstreaming?source=nginx)
    • This value is not valid when type is influxdb
    • Default is default
  • service: Add a service label field, such as (/v1/write/logstreaming?service=nginx_service
    • Default to source parameter value.
  • pipeline: Specify the Pipeline name required for the data, such as nginx.p/v1/write/logstreaming?pipeline=nginx.p
  • tags: Add custom tags, split by ,, such as key1=value1 and key2=value2/v1/write/logstreaming?tags=key1=value1,key2=value2)

FireLens data source types

The log, source, and date fields in this type of data will be treated specially. Data example:

    "date": 1705485197.93957,
    "container_id": "xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx",
    "container_name": "nginx_demo",
    "source": "stdout",
    "log": " - - [19/Jan/2024:11:49:48 +0800] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 403 162 \"-\" \"curl/7.81.0\"",
    "ecs_cluster": "Cluster_demo"
    "date": 1705485197.943546,
    "container_id": "f68a9aeb3d64493595e89f8821fa3f86-4093234565",
    "container_name": "javatest",
    "source": "stdout",
    "log": "2024/01/19 11:49:48 [error] 1316#1316: *1 directory index of \"/var/www/html/\" is forbidden, client:, server: _, request: \"GET / HTTP/1.1\", host: \"localhost\"",
    "ecs_cluster": "Cluster_Demo"

After extracting the two logs in the list, log will be used as the message field of the data, date will be converted to the time of the log, and source will be renamed to firelens_source.


  • Fluentd uses Influxdb Output doc
  • Fluentd uses HTTP Output doc
  • Logstash uses Influxdb Output doc
  • Logstash uses HTTP Output doc

Simply configure Output Host as a logstreaming URL (http://Datakit_IP:PORT/v1/write/logstreaming)and add corresponding parameters.



Using source field in the config file, default is default.

  • Tags
Tag Description
ip_or_hostname Request IP or hostname.
service Service name. Using the service parameter in the URL.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
message Message text, existed when default. Could use Pipeline to delete this field. string -
status Log status. string -


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