Profiling C++
Golang built-in tool pprof
can be used to profiling go process.
: By programming, output profiling data to a
: Download profiling file by http request.
Types of profiles available::
: Stack traces of all current goroutinesheap
: A sampling of memory allocations of live objects. You can specify the gc GET parameter to run GC before taking the heap sample.allocs
: A sampling of all past memory allocationsthreadcreate
: Stack traces that led to the creation of new OS threadsblock
: Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitivesmutex
: Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes
You can use official tool pprof
to analysis generated profile file.
DataKit can use either Pull mode or Push mode to generate profiling file.
push mode¶
Config DataKit¶
Enable profile inputs
## profile Agent endpoints register by version respectively.
## Endpoints can be skipped listen by remove them from the list.
## Default value set as below. DO NOT MODIFY THESE ENDPOINTS if not necessary.
endpoints = ["/profiling/v1/input"]
Integrate dd-trace-go¶
Import dd-trace-go, Insert code as follows to your application:
package main
import (
func main() {
err := profiler.Start(
profiler.WithTags("k:1", "k:2"),
profiler.WithAgentAddr("localhost:9529"), // DataKit url
// The profiles below are disabled by default to keep overhead
// low, but can be enabled as needed.
// profiler.BlockProfile,
// profiler.MutexProfile,
// profiler.GoroutineProfile,
if err != nil {
defer profiler.Stop()
// your code here
func demo() {
for {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
go func() {
buf := make([]byte, 100000)
_ = len(buf)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Hour)
Once your go app start, dd-trace-go will send profiling data to DataKit by interval(per 1min by default).
pull mode¶
Enable profiling in app¶
import pprof
package in your code:
package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
func main() {
http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil)
Once start your app, you can view page http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap?debug=1
in browser to confirm running as your wish.
- Mutex and Block events
Mutex and Block events are disable by default, if you want to enable them, add below code to your app:
var rate = 1
// enable mutex profiling
// enable block profiling
Set the collection frequency, where 1/rate events are collected. Values set to 0 or less are not collected.
Config DataKit¶
Enable Profile Input, modify [[inputs.profile.go]]
segment as follows.
## profile Agent endpoints register by version respectively.
## Endpoints can be skipped listen by remove them from the list.
## Default value set as below. DO NOT MODIFY THESE ENDPOINTS if not necessary.
endpoints = ["/profiling/v1/input"]
## set true to enable election
election = true
## go pprof config
## pprof url
url = "http://localhost:6060"
## pull interval, should be greater or equal than 10s
interval = "10s"
## service name
service = "go-demo"
## app env
env = "dev"
## app version
version = "0.0.0"
## types to pull
## values: cpu, goroutine, heap, mutex, block
enabled_types = ["cpu","goroutine","heap","mutex","block"]
# tag1 = "val1"
If there is no need to enable profile http endpoint, just comment endpoints
Field introduction¶
: net/http/pprof listening address, such ashttp://localhost:6060
: upload interval, 最小 10sservice
: your service nameenv
: your app running envversion
: your app versionenabled_types
: available events:cpu, goroutine, heap, mutex, block
You should Restart DataKit after modification. After a minute or two, you can visualize your profiles on the profile.