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Monitor SSH/SFTP services and report data to Guance Cloud.


Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/ssh directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy ssh.conf.sample and name it ssh.conf. Examples are as follows:

    ### You need to configure an [[inputs.ssh]] for each ssh/sftp to be monitored.
### host: ssh/sftp service ip:port, if "", default port is 22.
### interval: monitor interval, the default value is "60s".
### username: the user name of ssh/sftp.
### password: the password of ssh/sftp. optional
### sftpCheck: whether to monitor sftp.
### privateKeyFile: rsa file path.
### metricsName: the name of metric, default is "ssh"

  interval = "60s"
  host     = ""
  username = "<your_username>"
  password = "<your_password>"
  sftpCheck      = false
  privateKeyFile = ""

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...

After configuration, restart DataKit.

The collector can now be turned on by configMap injection collector configuration.


For all of the following data collections, a global tag named host is appended by default (the tag value is the host name of the DataKit), or other tags can be specified in the configuration by [inputs.ssh.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • Tags
Tag Description
host The host of ssh
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
sftp_check SFTP service status bool -
sftp_err Fail reason of connect sftp service string -
sftp_response_time Response time of sftp service float ms
ssh_check SSH service status bool -
ssh_err Fail reason of connect ssh service string -


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