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Tencent Cloud MongoDB

Use the 「Guance Synchronization」 series of script packages in the script market to synchronize data from cloud monitoring cloud assets to the observation cloud


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare Aliyun AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of ECS cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:「Guance Integration(Tencent Cloud - MongoDBCollect)」(ID:guance_tencentcloud_mongodb)

Click 【Install】 and enter the corresponding parameters: Aliyun AK, Aliyun account name.。

tap【Deploy startup Script】,The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script。

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」。Click【Run】,you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time。After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs。

If you want to collect logs, you must enable the corresponding log collection script. If you want to collect bills, start the cloud bill collection script.

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the observation cloud platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the observation cloud platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure Tencent Cloud OSS monitoring. The default metric set is as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring them Tencent Cloud Monitor Metrics Details

Request class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
Inserts_sum Number of write requests Number of writes per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Reads_sum Number of read requests Number of reads per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Updates_sum Number of update requests Number of updates per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Deletes_sum Number of delete requests Number of deletes per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Counts_sum Number of count requests Number of counts per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Success_sum Number of successful requests Number of successful requests per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Commands_sum Number of command requests Number of command requests per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Qps_sum Number of requests per second Number of operations per second, including CRUD operations Times/second target(Instance ID)
CountPerSecond_sum Number of count requests per second Number of count requests per second Times/second target(Instance ID)
DeletePerSecond_sum Number of delete requests per second Number of delete requests per second Times/second target(Instance ID)
InsertPerSecond_sum Number of insert requests per second Number of insert requests per second Times/second target(Instance ID)
ReadPerSecond_sum Number of read requests per second Number of read requests per second Times/second target(Instance ID)
UpdatePerSecond_sum Number of update requests per second Number of update requests per second Times/second target(Instance ID)

Delay request class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
Delay10_sum Number of requests with delay between 10 - 50 ms Number of successful requests with delay between 10ms - 50ms per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Delay50_sum Number of requests with delay between 50 - 100 ms Number of successful requests with delay between 50ms - 100ms per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
Delay100_sum Number of requests with delay over 100 ms Number of successful requests with delay over 100ms per unit time Times target(Instance ID)
AvgAllRequestDelay_sum Average delay of all requests Average delay of all requests ms target(Instance ID)

Connection number class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
ClusterConn_max Cluster connection number Total number of connections received by the current cluster proxy Times target(Instance ID)
Connper_max Connection usage rate The ratio of the number of connections in the current cluster to the total connection configuration % target(Instance ID)

System class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
ClusterDiskusage Disk usage rate The ratio of the actual occupied storage space of the cluster to the total capacity configuration % target(Instance ID)

In/Out flow class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
ClusterNetin Inflow Cluster network inflow Bytes target(Instance ID)
ClusterNetout Outflow Cluster network outflow Bytes target(Instance ID)

MongoDB Replica set

1. System class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
ReplicaDiskusage Disk usage rate Replica set capacity usage rate % target(Replica set ID)

2. Master-slave class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
SlaveDelay Master-slave delay Average delay of master and slave in unit time Seconds target(Replica set ID)
Oplogreservedtime Oplog retention time The time difference between the last operation and the first operation in the oplog record Hours target(Replica set ID)

3. Cache class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
CacheDirty Percentage of dirty data in Cache Percentage of dirty data in current memory Cache % target(Replica set ID)
CacheUsed Cache usage percentage Current Cache usage percentage % target(Replica set ID)
HitRatio Cache hit rate Current Cache hit rate % target(Replica set ID)

Mongo Node

1. System class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
CpuUsage CPU usage rate CPU usage rate % target(Node ID)
MemUsage Memory usage rate Memory usage rate % target(Node ID)
NetIn Network inflow Network inflow MB/s target(Node ID)
NetOut Network outflow Network outflow MB/s target(Node ID)
Disk Node disk usage Node disk usage MB target(Node ID)
Conn Number of connections Number of connections Times target(Node ID)
ActiveSession Number of active sessions Number of active sessions Times target(Node ID)
NodeOplogReservedTime Oplog retention duration Node oplog retention duration - target(Node ID)
NodeHitRatio Cache hit rate Cache hit rate % target(Node ID)
NodeCacheUsed Cache usage percentage Percentage of Cache memory in total memory % target(Node ID)
NodeSlavedelay Master-slave delay Delay of slave nodes Seconds target(Node ID)
Diskusage Node disk usage rate Node disk usage rate % target(Node ID)
Ioread Number of disk reads Disk read IOPS Times/second target(Node ID)
Iowrite Number of disk writes Disk write IOPS Times/second target(Node ID)
NodeCacheDirty Percentage of dirty data in Cache Percentage of dirty data in Cache % target(Node ID)

2. Read/Write class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
Qr Number of read requests in the waiting queue Number of read requests in the waiting queue Count target(Node ID)
Qw Number of write requests in the waiting queue Number of write requests in the waiting queue Count target(Node ID)
Ar ActiveRead of WT engine Number of active read requests Count target(Node ID)
Aw ActiveWrite of WT engine Number of active write requests Count target(Node ID)

3. Delay&Request class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
NodeAvgAllRequestDelay Average delay of all requests Average delay of all requests on node ms target(Node ID)
NodeDelay100 Number of requests on node with delay over 100 ms Number of requests on node with delay over 100 ms Times target(Node ID)
NodeDelay10 Number of requests on node with delay between 10-50 ms Number of requests on node with delay between 10-50 ms Times target(Node ID)
NodeDelay50 Number of requests on node with delay between 50-100 ms Number of requests on node with delay between 50-100 ms Times target(Node ID)
NodeSuccessPerSecond Number of successful requests on node per second Number of successful requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)
NodeCountPerSecond Number of count requests on node per second Number of count requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)
NodeDeletePerSecond Number of delete requests on node per second Number of delete requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)
NodeInsertPerSecond Number of insert requests on node per second Number of insert requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)
NodeReadPerSecond Number of read requests on node per second Number of read requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)
NodeUpdatePerSecond Number of update requests on node per second Number of update requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)
SuccessPerSecond Total requests Number of successful requests on node per second Times/second target(Node ID)

4. TTL Index class

Metric Id Metric name Implication Unit Dimensions
TtlDeleted Number of data deleted by TTL Number of data deleted by TTL Count target(Node ID)
TtlPass Number of TTL rotations Number of TTL rotations Count target(Node ID)


The collected Tencent Cloud MongoDB object data structure can be seen from the "Infrastructure - Custom" object data

  "measurement": "tencentcloud_mongodb",
  "tags": {
    "ClusterType" : "0",
    "InstanceId"  : "cmxxxx",
    "InstanceName": "test_01",
    "InstanceType": "1",
    "MongoVersion": "MONxxxx",
    "NetType"     : "1",
    "PayMode"     : "0",
    "ProjectId"   : "0",
    "RegionId"    : "ap-nanjing",
    "Status"      : "2",
    "VpcId"       : "vpc-nf6xxxxx",
    "Zone"        : "ap-nanjing-1",
    "name"        : "cmxxxx"
  "fields": {
    "CloneInstances"   : "[]",
    "CreateTime"       : "2022-08-24 13:54:00",
    "DeadLine"         : "2072-08-24 13:54:00",
    "ReadonlyInstances": "[]",
    "RelatedInstance"  : "{Instance JSON data}",
    "ReplicaSets"      : "{Instance JSON data}",
    "StandbyInstances" : "[]",
    "message"          : "{Instance JSON data}",


Slow query statistics


Tip 1: The code running of this script depends on the collection of MongoDB instance objects. If the custom collection of MongoDB object is not configured, the slow log script cannot collect slow log data

Installation script

On the basis of the previous, you need to install another script for MongoDB slow query statistics log collection

In "Manage/Script Marketplace", click and install the corresponding script package:

  • 「Guance Integration(Tencent Cloud - MongoDB Slow Query Log Collect) 」(ID:guance_tencentcloud_mongodb_slowlog)

After data is synchronized, you can view the data in Logs of the observation cloud.

The following is an example of the reported data:

  "measurement": "tencentcloud_mongodb_slow_log",
  "tags": {

  "fields": {
      "Slowlog": "Slow log details",
      "message": "{Instance JSON data}"

Note: The fields in tags and Fields may change with subsequent updates

Tip 1: The tags value is supplemented by a custom object

Tip 2: 'fields.message' is the JSON serialized string

Tip 3: 'fields.Slowlog' records each record for all slow query details


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