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Volcengine MySQL

Volcengine MySQL indicators display, including CPU usage, memory usage, IOPS, network bandwidth, InnoDB, TPS, QPS, etc.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare Volcengine AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of MySQL cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:「Guance Integration(Volcengine -MySQL Collect)」(ID:guance_volcengine_mysql)

Click "Install" and enter the corresponding parameters: Volcengine AK, Volcengine account name.

tap "Deploy startup Script",The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」。Click "Run",you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time。After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs.

If you want to collect logs, you must enable the corresponding log collection script. If you want to collect bills, start the cloud bill collection script.

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the Guance platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the Guance platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure Volcengine Cloud - cloud monitoring. The default metric set is as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring them Volcengine Cloud Monitor Metrics Details

MetricName Subnamespace Description MetricUnit Dimension
ReplicationDelay deploy_monitor_new Slave replication delay Second ResourceID,Node
SlowQueries engine_monitor_new Number of slow queries Count/Second ResourceID,Node
ThreadsConnected engine_monitor_new Current number of open connections Count ResourceID,Node
ThreadsCreated engine_monitor_new Number of threads created Count ResourceID,Node
ThreadsRunning engine_monitor_new Number of running threads Count ResourceID,Node
SelectScan engine_monitor_new Number of full table scans Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OperationUpdate engine_monitor_new Number of updates Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OperationDelete engine_monitor_new Delete number Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OperationInsert engine_monitor_new Number of insertions Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OperationReplace engine_monitor_new Coverage Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OperationCommit engine_monitor_new Number of submissions Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OperationRollback engine_monitor_new Rollback number Count/Second ResourceID,Node
CreatedTmpTables engine_monitor_new Number of temporary tables Count/Second ResourceID,Node
TableLocksWaited engine_monitor_new Number of waits for table locks Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OpenedTables engine_monitor_new Number of open tables Count ResourceID,Node
InnodbCacheHitRate engine_monitor_new Innodb cache hit rate Percent ResourceID,Node
InnodbCacheUtil engine_monitor_new Innodb cache usage Percent ResourceID,Node
InnodbNumOpenFiles engine_monitor_new Number of Innodb currently open tables Count ResourceID,Node
InnodbDataRead engine_monitor_new Innodb read volume Bytes/Second(SI) ResourceID,Node
InnodbDataWritten engine_monitor_new Innodb write volume Bytes/Second(SI) ResourceID,Node
InnodbRowsDeleted engine_monitor_new Innodb row deletion amount Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbRowsUpdated engine_monitor_new Innodb row update amount Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbRowsInserted engine_monitor_new Innodb row insert amount Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbDataReadBytes engine_monitor_new Innodb row reads Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbRowsLockTimeAvg engine_monitor_new Innodb average waiting time for acquiring row locks Millisecond ResourceID,Node
InnodbRowLockWaits engine_monitor_new Innodb wait times for row locks Count/Second ResourceID,Node
CreatedTmpFiles engine_monitor_new Number of temporary files Count/Second ResourceID,Node
HandlerReadRndNext engine_monitor_new Number of read next line requests Count/Second ResourceID,Node
HandlerRollback engine_monitor_new Internal rollback number Count/Second ResourceID,Node
HandlerCommit engine_monitor_new Internal submissions Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbBufferPoolPagesFree engine_monitor_new Innodb empty pages Count ResourceID,Node
TotalInnodbBufferPoolPages engine_monitor_new Innodb total pages Count ResourceID,Node
InnodbBufferPoolReadRequests engine_monitor_new Innodb logical read Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbBufferPoolReads engine_monitor_new Innodb physical read Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbDataReadCounts engine_monitor_new Innodb read count Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbDataWriteCounts engine_monitor_new Innodb write count Count/Second ResourceID,Node
CreatedTmpDiskTables engine_monitor_new Number of temporary disk tables Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbBpDirtyPct engine_monitor_new InnoDB Buffer Pool Dirty Page Ratio Percent ResourceID,Node
InnodbLogWrites engine_monitor_new Innodb average number of physical writes to Redo Log File per second Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbRowLockTimeMax engine_monitor_new InnoDB table maximum waiting time for row locks Millisecond ResourceID,Node
InnodbOsLogFsyncs engine_monitor_new The average number of fsync writes completed to the log file per second Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InnodbBufferPoolPagesFlushed engine_monitor_new InnoDB Buffer Pool Page flush request number Count/Second ResourceID,Node
RedologSize engine_monitor_new Redolog usage Bytes(IEC) ResourceID,Node
InnodbDataFsyncs engine_monitor_new InnoDB average number of fsync operations per second Count/Second ResourceID,Node
SlowLogSize engine_monitor_new Slow log usage Bytes(IEC) ResourceID,Node
SWC engine_monitor_new MySQL requests per second Count/Second ResourceID,Node
TPS engine_monitor_new Transactions per second Count/Second ResourceID,Node
InsertSelect engine_monitor_new Average number of insert select executions per second Count/Second ResourceID,Node
OpenFiles engine_monitor_new Number of open files Count ResourceID,Node
ConNuSage engine_monitor_new MySQL connection utilization Percent ResourceID,Node
CpuUtil resource_monitor_new CPU usage Percent ResourceID,Node
MemUtil resource_monitor_new Memory usage Percent ResourceID,Node
DiskUtil resource_monitor_new Disk Utilization Percent ResourceID,Node
NetworkReceiveThroughput resource_monitor_new Network input traffic Bytes/Second(SI) ResourceID,Node
NetworkTransmitThroughput resource_monitor_new Network output traffic Bytes/Second(SI) ResourceID,Node
IOPS resource_monitor_new IOPS Count/Second ResourceID,Node
DiskUsageBytes resource_monitor_new Disk usage Bytes(SI) ResourceID,Node


The collected Volcengine Cloud MySQL object data structure can see the object data from 「Infrastructure-Custom」

    "category": "custom_object",
    "fields": {
      "NodeSpec": "rds.mysql.d1.n.1c1g",
      "TimeZone": "UTC +08:00",
    "measurement": "volcengine_mysql",
    "tags": {
      "AllowListVersion": "initial",
      "DBEngineVersion": "MySQL_5_7",
      "InstanceId": "mysql-xxx",
      "InstanceName": "mysql-xxx",
      "InstanceStatus": "Running",
      "InstanceType": "DoubleNode",
      "LowerCaseTableNames": "1",
      "NodeNumber": "2",
      "ProjectName": "default",
      "RegionId": "cn-beijing",
      "StorageSpace": "20",
      "StorageType": "LocalSSD",
      "SubnetId": "subnet-xxx",
      "VpcId": "vpc-xxx",
      "ZoneId": "cn-beijing-a",
      "name": "mysql-xxx"


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