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Volcengine TOS Object Storage

Collect Volcengine TOS metric data


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare Volcenine AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of TOS cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:「Guance Integration(Volcengine TOS Collect)」(ID:guance_volcengine_tos)

Click【Install】and enter the corresponding parameters: Volcenine AK, Volcenine account name, Volcenine regions.

Tap 【Deploy startup Script】, The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」。Click "Run",you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time。After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs.


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task. In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the Guance platform, click 「Infrastructure - Resource Catalog」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the Guance platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure the Volcengine TOS monitoring metric to collect more metrics through configuration Volcengine TOS metric Details

MetricName Subnamespace MetricName MetricUnit Dimension
AccountTotalStorage account_overview Total billing capacity for user storage Gibibytes -
AccountStandardStorage account_overview User standard storage billing capacity Gibibytes -
AccountIAStorage account_overview User low-frequency storage billing capacity Gibibytes -
AccountITStdStorage account_overview User intelligent layered high-frequency access layer capacity Gibibytes -
AccountITAchiveFrStorage account_overview User intelligent layered archiving flashback access layer capacity Gibibytes -
AccountStandardMultiAZStorage account_overview User standard storage (multi AZ) billing capacity Gibibytes -
TotalUploadBandwidthV2 bandwidth Total incoming bandwidth Megabytes/Second ResourceID
InternetUploadBandwidthV2 bandwidth Internal network bandwidth inflow Megabytes/Second ResourceID
TotalDownloadBandwidthV2 bandwidth Total bandwidth outflow from the public network Megabytes/Second ResourceID
InternetDownloadBandwidthV2 bandwidth Public network outflow bandwidth Megabits/Second ResourceID
GetRequestFirstByteP95Latency bucket_latency GET request first byte P95 latency Millisecond ResourceID
PutRequestFirstByteP95Latency bucket_latency PUT request first byte P95 latency Millisecond ResourceID
BucketTotalStorage bucket_overview Total capacity of bucket objects Gibibytes ResourceID
BucketITStdStorage bucket_overview Bucket intelligent layered high-frequency access layer capacity Gibibytes ResourceID
BucketArchiveStorage bucket_overview Bucket archive storage billing capacity Gibibytes ResourceID
ErrorRatio bucket_status_code error rate Gibibytes ResourceID
GetObjectQps qps GetObject requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
PutObjectQps qps PutObject requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
ListObjectsQps qps ListObjects requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
UploadPartQps qps UploadPart requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
DeleteObjectQps qps DeleteObject requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
PostObjectQps qps PostObject requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
DeleteObjectsQps qps DeleteObjects requests QPS Gibibytes ResourceID
TotalStorage storage Total storage capacity Gibibytes ResourceID
StandardStorage storage Standard storage capacity Gibibytes ResourceID
InfrequentAccessStorage storage Low frequency storage capacity Gibibytes ResourceID


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