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This collector gathers resource usage metrics from vSphere clusters, including resources such as CPU, memory, and network, and reports this data to the Guance Cloud.



  • Create a vSphere account:

In the vCenter management interface, create a user datakit and assign read-only permissions, applying these to the resources that need to be monitored. If monitoring of all child objects is required, you can select the Propagate to children option.

Collector Configuration

Go to the conf.d/vmware directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy vsphere.conf.sample and name it vsphere.conf. Examples are as follows:

  ## Collect interval
  interval = "60s"

  ## vCenter URL to be monitored
  vcenter = "https://vcenter.local" 

  ## Username and password to be used for authentication
  username = "datakit@corp.local"
  password = "secret"

  ## timeout applies to any of the api request made to vcenter
  timeout = "60s"

  ## VMs
  ## Typical VM metrics (if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected)
  # vm_include = [ "/*/vm/**"] # Inventory path to VMs to collect (by default all are collected)
  # vm_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
  vm_metric_include = [
  # vm_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing is excluded by default
  # vm_instances = true ## true by default

  ## Hosts
  ## Typical host metrics (if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected)
  # host_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to hosts to collect (by default all are collected)
  # host_exclude [] # Inventory paths to exclude
  host_metric_include = [

  # host_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
  host_instances = true ## true by default

  ## Clusters
  # cluster_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to clusters to collect (by default all are collected)
  # cluster_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
  # cluster_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
  # cluster_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
  # cluster_instances = false ## false by default

  ## Datastores
  # datastore_include = [ "/*/datastore/**"] # Inventory path to datastores to collect (by default all are collected)
  # datastore_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
  # datastore_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
  # datastore_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
  # datastore_instances = false ## false by default

  ## Datacenters
  # datacenter_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to clusters to collect (by default all are collected)
  # datacenter_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
  datacenter_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
  datacenter_metric_exclude = [ "*" ] ## Datacenters are not collected by default.
  datacenter_instances = false ## false by default

  ## number of objects to retrieve per query for realtime resources (vms and hosts)
  ## set to 64 for vCenter 5.5 and 6.0 (default: 256)
  # max_query_objects = 256

  ## number of metrics to retrieve per query for non-realtime resources (clusters and datastores)
  ## set to 64 for vCenter 5.5 and 6.0 (default: 256)
  # max_query_metrics = 256

  ## The Historical Interval value must match EXACTLY the interval in the daily
  # "Interval Duration" found on the VCenter server under Configure > General > Statistics > Statistic intervals
  historical_interval = "5m"

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

  ## TLS connection config
  # ca_certs = ["/etc/ssl/certs/mongod.cert.pem"]
  # cert = "/etc/ssl/certs/mongo.cert.pem"
  # cert_key = "/etc/ssl/certs/mongo.key.pem"
  # insecure_skip_verify = true
  # server_name = ""

# [inputs.vsphere.tags]
  # "key1" = "value1"
  # "key2" = "value2"
  # ...

After configuration, restart DataKit.

The collector can now be turned on by configMap injection collector configuration.


For all of the following data collections, a global tag named host is appended by default (the tag value is the host name of the DataKit), or other tags can be specified in the configuration by [inputs.vsphere.tags]:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...
  • Not all of the metrics listed below are collected; for specifics, refer to the explanations in the Data Collection Levels


  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name Cluster name
dcname Datacenter name
host The host of the vCenter
moid The managed object id
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cpu_usage_average Percentage of CPU capacity being used. float percent
cpu_usagemhz_average CPU usage, as measured in megahertz. float percent
mem_consumed_average Amount of host physical memory consumed by a virtual machine, host, or cluster. int KB
mem_overhead_average Host physical memory consumed by the virtualization infrastructure for running the virtual machine. int KB
mem_usage_average Memory usage as percent of total configured or available memory. float percent
mem_vmmemctl_average Amount of memory allocated by the virtual machine memory control driver (vmmemctl). float percent
vmop_numChangeDS_latest Number of datastore change operations for powered-off and suspended virtual machines. int count
vmop_numChangeHostDS_latest Number of host and datastore change operations for powered-off and suspended virtual machines. int count
vmop_numChangeHost_latest Number of host change operations for powered-off and suspended virtual machines. int count
vmop_numClone_latest Number of virtual machine clone operations. int count
vmop_numCreate_latest Number of virtual machine create operations. int count
vmop_numDeploy_latest Number of virtual machine template deploy operations. int count
vmop_numDestroy_latest Number of virtual machine delete operations. int count
vmop_numPoweroff_latest Number of virtual machine power off operations. int count
vmop_numPoweron_latest Number of virtual machine power on operations. int count
vmop_numRebootGuest_latest Number of virtual machine guest reboot operations. int count
vmop_numReconfigure_latest Number of virtual machine reconfigure operations. int count
vmop_numRegister_latest Number of virtual machine register operations. int count
vmop_numReset_latest Number of virtual machine reset operations. int count
vmop_numSVMotion_latest Number of migrations with Storage vMotion (datastore change operations for powered-on VMs). int count
vmop_numShutdownGuest_latest Number of virtual machine guest shutdown operations. int count
vmop_numStandbyGuest_latest Number of virtual machine standby guest operations. int count
vmop_numSuspend_latest Number of virtual machine suspend operations. int count
vmop_numUnregister_latest Number of virtual machine unregister operations. int count
vmop_numVMotion_latest Number of migrations with vMotion (host change operations for powered-on VMs). int count
vmop_numXVMotion_latest Number of host and datastore change operations for powered-on and suspended virtual machines. int count


  • Tags
Tag Description
dcname Datacenter name
dsname The name of the datastore
host The host of the vCenter
moid The managed object id
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
datastore_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int count
datastore_commandsAborted_sum Number of SCSI commands aborted. int count
datastore_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
datastore_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. float -
datastore_throughput_contention.avg Average amount of time for an I/O operation to the datastore or LUN across all ESX hosts accessing it. int ms
datastore_throughput_usage_average The current bandwidth usage for the datastore or LUN. int KB
disk_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int -
disk_capacity_contention_average The amount of storage capacity overcommitment for the entity, measured in percent. float percent
disk_capacity_latest Configured size of the datastore. int KB
disk_capacity_provisioned_average Provisioned size of the entity. int KB
disk_capacity_usage.avg The amount of storage capacity currently being consumed by or on the entity. int KB
disk_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
disk_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
disk_provisioned_latest Amount of storage set aside for use by a datastore or a virtual machine. Files on the datastore and the virtual machine can expand to this size but not beyond it. int KB
disk_unshared_latest Amount of space associated exclusively with a virtual machine. int KB
disk_used_latest Amount of space actually used by the virtual machine or the datastore. May be less than the amount provisioned at any given time, depending on whether the virtual machine is powered-off, whether snapshots have been created or not, and other such factors. int KB


  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name Cluster name
dcname Datacenter name
esx_hostname The name of the ESXi host
host The host of the vCenter
instance The name of the instance
moid The managed object id
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cpu_capacity_contention_average Percent of time the virtual machine is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s). float percent
cpu_capacity_usage_average CPU usage as a percent during the interval. int -
cpu_coreUtilization_average CPU utilization of the corresponding core (if hyper-threading is enabled) as a percentage. int percent
cpu_costop_sum Time the virtual machine is ready to run, but is unable to run due to co-scheduling constraints. int ms
cpu_demand_average The amount of CPU resources a virtual machine would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit. int -
cpu_idle_sum Total time that the CPU spent in an idle state. int ms
cpu_latency_average Percent of time the virtual machine is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s). int percent
cpu_readiness_average Percentage of time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU. int percent
cpu_ready_sum Milliseconds of CPU time spent in ready state. int ms
cpu_reservedCapacity_average Total CPU capacity reserved by virtual machines. int -
cpu_swapwait_sum CPU time spent waiting for swap-in. int ms
cpu_totalCapacity_average Total CPU capacity reserved by and available for virtual machines. int -
cpu_usage_average Percentage of CPU capacity being used. float percent
cpu_usagemhz_average CPU usage, as measured in megahertz. float -
cpu_used_sum Time accounted to the virtual machine. If a system service runs on behalf of this virtual machine, the time spent by that service (represented by cpu.system) should be charged to this virtual machine. If not, the time spent (represented by cpu.overlap) should not be charged against this virtual machine. int ms
cpu_utilization_average CPU utilization as a percentage during the interval (CPU usage and CPU utilization might be different due to power management technologies or hyper-threading). int percent
cpu_wait_sum Total CPU time spent in wait state.The wait total includes time spent the CPU Idle, CPU Swap Wait, and CPU I/O Wait states. int ms
datastore_datastoreIops_average Storage I/O Control aggregated IOPS. int -
datastore_datastoreMaxQueueDepth_latest Storage I/O Control datastore maximum queue depth. int -
datastore_datastoreNormalReadLatency_latest Storage DRS datastore normalized read latency. int ms
datastore_datastoreNormalWriteLatency_latest Storage DRS datastore normalized write latency. int ms
datastore_datastoreReadBytes_latest Storage DRS datastore bytes read. int ms
datastore_datastoreReadIops_latest Storage DRS datastore read I/O rate. int -
datastore_datastoreReadLoadMetric_latest Storage DRS datastore metric for read workload model. int -
datastore_datastoreReadOIO_latest Storage DRS datastore outstanding read requests. int -
datastore_datastoreVMObservedLatency_latest The average datastore latency as seen by virtual machines. int μs
datastore_datastoreWriteBytes_latest Storage DRS datastore bytes written. int ms
datastore_datastoreWriteIops_latest Storage DRS datastore write I/O rate. int -
datastore_datastoreWriteLoadMetric_latest Storage DRS datastore metric for write workload model. int -
datastore_datastoreWriteOIO_latest Storage DRS datastore outstanding write requests. int -
datastore_maxTotalLatency_latest Highest latency value across all datastores used by the host. int ms
datastore_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
datastore_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. float -
datastore_read_average Rate of reading data from the datastore. float KB
datastore_siocActiveTimePercentage_average Percentage of time Storage I/O Control actively controlled datastore latency. int percent
datastore_sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency_average Storage I/O Control size-normalized I/O latency. int μs
datastore_totalReadLatency_average Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore. float ms
datastore_totalWriteLatency_average Average amount of time for a write operation from the datastore. float ms
datastore_write_average Rate of writing data to the datastore. float KB
disk_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int -
disk_commandsAborted_sum Number of SCSI commands aborted. int -
disk_commandsAveraged_average Average number of SCSI commands issued per second. int -
disk_commands_sum Number of SCSI commands issued int -
disk_deviceLatency_average Average amount of time it takes to complete an SCSI command from physical device. int ms
disk_deviceReadLatency_average Average amount of time to read from the physical device. int ms
disk_deviceWriteLatency_average Average amount of time to write from the physical device. int ms
disk_kernelLatency_average Average amount of time spent by VMkernel to process each SCSI command. int ms
disk_kernelReadLatency_average Average amount of time spent by VMkernel to process each SCSI read command. int ms
disk_kernelWriteLatency_average Average amount of time spent by VMkernel to process each SCSI write command. int ms
disk_maxQueueDepth_average Maximum queue depth. int -
disk_maxTotalLatency_latest Highest latency value across all disks used by the host. int ms
disk_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore. int -
disk_numberRead_sum Number of disk reads during the collection interval. int -
disk_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
disk_numberWrite_sum Number of disk writes during the collection interval. int -
disk_queueLatency_average Average amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue per SCSI command. int ms
disk_queueReadLatency_average Average amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue per SCSI read command. int ms
disk_queueWriteLatency_average Average amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue per SCSI write command. int ms
disk_read_average Average number of kilobytes read from the disk each second. float KB
disk_scsiReservationCnflctsPct_average Number of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN as a percent of total commands during the collection interval. int percent
disk_scsiReservationConflicts_sum Number of SCSI reservation conflicts for the LUN during the collection interval. int -
disk_totalLatency_average Average amount of time taken during the collection interval to process a SCSI command issued by the guest OS to the virtual machine. int ms
disk_totalReadLatency_average Average amount of time taken to process a SCSI read command issued from the guest OS to the virtual machine. int ms
disk_totalWriteLatency_average Average amount of time taken to process a SCSI write command issued by the guest OS to the virtual machine. int ms
disk_usage_average Aggregated disk I/O rate. float KB
disk_write_average Average number of kilobytes written to the disk each second. float KB
hbr_hbrNetRx_average Kilobytes per second of outgoing host-based replication network traffic (for this virtual machine or host). float KB
hbr_hbrNetTx_average Average amount of data transmitted per second. float KB
hbr_hbrNumVms_average Number of powered-on virtual machines running on this host that currently have host-based replication protection enabled. int -
mem_active_average Amount of memory that is actively used, as estimated by VMkernel based on recently touched memory pages. float KB
mem_activewrite_average Estimate for the amount of memory actively being written to by the virtual machine. float KB
mem_capacity_contention_average Percentage of time VMs are waiting to access swapped, compressed or ballooned memory. int KB
mem_capacity_usage_average Amount of physical memory actively used. int KB
mem_compressed_average Amount of memory reserved by userworlds. float KB
mem_compressionRate_average Rate of memory compression for the virtual machine. float KB
mem_consumed_average Amount of host physical memory consumed by a virtual machine, host, or cluster. float KB
mem_consumed_userworlds.avg Amount of physical memory consumed by userworlds on this host. int KB
mem_consumed_vms.avg Amount of physical memory consumed by VMs on this host. int KB
mem_decompressionRate_average Rate of memory decompression for the virtual machine. float KB
mem_granted_average Amount of host physical memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host. float KB
mem_heap_average VMkernel virtual address space dedicated to VMkernel main heap and related data. int KB
mem_heapfree_average Free address space in the VMkernel main heap.Varies based on number of physical devices and configuration options. There is no direct way for the user to increase or decrease this statistic. For informational purposes only: not useful for performance monitoring. int KB
mem_latency_average Percentage of time the virtual machine is waiting to access swapped or compressed memory. float percent
mem_llSwapInRate_average Rate at which memory is being swapped from host cache into active memory. float KB
mem_llSwapIn_average Amount of memory swapped-in from host cache. int KB
mem_llSwapOutRate_average Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to host cache. float KB
mem_llSwapOut_average Amount of memory swapped-out to host cache. int KB
mem_llSwapUsed_average Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache. float KB
mem_lowfreethreshold_average Threshold of free host physical memory below which ESX/ESXi will begin reclaiming memory from virtual machines through ballooning and swapping. int KB
mem_overhead_average Host physical memory consumed by the virtualization infrastructure for running the virtual machine. float KB
mem_reservedCapacity_average Total amount of memory reservation used by powered-on virtual machines and vSphere services on the host. int MB
mem_shared_average Amount of guest physical memory that is shared with other virtual machines, relative to a single virtual machine or to all powered-on virtual machines on a host. float KB
mem_sharedcommon_average Amount of machine memory that is shared by all powered-on virtual machines and vSphere services on the host. int KB
mem_state_latest One of four threshold levels representing the percentage of free memory on the host. The counter value determines swapping and ballooning behavior for memory reclamation. int KB
mem_swapinRate_average Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory. float KB
mem_swapin_average Amount of memory swapped-in from disk. float KB
mem_swapoutRate_average Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk. float KB
mem_swapout_average Amount of memory swapped-out to disk. float KB
mem_swapused_average Amount of memory that is used by swap. Sum of memory swapped of all powered on VMs and vSphere services on the host. int KB
mem_sysUsage_average Amount of host physical memory used by VMkernel for core functionality, such as device drivers and other internal uses. Does not include memory used by virtual machines or vSphere services. int KB
mem_totalCapacity_average Total amount of memory reservation used by and available for powered-on virtual machines and vSphere services on the host. int MB
mem_unreserved_average Amount of memory that is unreserved. Memory reservation not used by the Service Console, VMkernel, vSphere services and other powered on VMs user-specified memory reservations and overhead memory. int KB
mem_usage_average Memory usage as percent of total configured or available memory float percent
mem_vmfs_pbc_capMissRatio_latest Trailing average of the ratio of capacity misses to compulsory misses for the VMFS PB Cache. int percent
mem_vmfs_pbc_overhead_latest Amount of VMFS heap used by the VMFS PB Cache. int KB
mem_vmfs_pbc_sizeMax_latest Maximum size the VMFS Pointer Block Cache can grow to. int MB
mem_vmfs_pbc_size_latest Space used for holding VMFS Pointer Blocks in memory. int MB
mem_vmfs_pbc_workingSetMax_latest Maximum amount of file blocks whose addresses are cached in the VMFS PB Cache. int TB
mem_vmfs_pbc_workingSet_latest Amount of file blocks whose addresses are cached in the VMFS PB Cache. int TB
mem_vmmemctl_average Amount of memory allocated by the virtual machine memory control driver (vmmemctl). int KB
mem_zero_average Memory that contains 0s only. Included in shared amount. Through transparent page sharing, zero memory pages can be shared among virtual machines that run the same operating system. int KB
net_broadcastRx_sum Number of broadcast packets received. int -
net_broadcastTx_sum Number of broadcast packets transmitted. int -
net_bytesRx_average Average amount of data received per second. int KB
net_bytesTx_average Average amount of data transmitted per second. int KB
net_droppedRx_sum Number of received packets dropped. int -
net_droppedTx_sum Number of transmitted packets dropped. int -
net_errorsRx_sum Number of packets with errors received. int -
net_errorsTx_sum Number of packets with errors transmitted. int -
net_multicastRx_sum Number of multicast packets received. int -
net_multicastTx_sum Number of multicast packets transmitted. int -
net_packetsRx_sum Number of packets received. int -
net_packetsTx_sum Number of packets transmitted. int -
net_received_average Average rate at which data was received during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. float KB
net_throughput_usage_average The current network bandwidth usage for the host. float KB
net_transmitted_average Average rate at which data was transmitted during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. float KB
net_unknownProtos_sum Number of frames with unknown protocol received. int KB
net_usage_average Network utilization (combined transmit- and receive-rates). float KB
power_energy_sum Total energy (in joule) used since last stats reset. int -
power_powerCap_average Maximum allowed power usage. int -
power_power_average Current power usage. int -
rescpu_actav15_latest CPU active average over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_actav1_latest CPU active average over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_actav5_latest CPU active average over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_actpk15_latest CPU active peak over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_actpk1_latest CPU active peak over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_actpk5_latest CPU active peak over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_maxLimited15_latest Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_maxLimited1_latest Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_maxLimited5_latest Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runav15_latest CPU running average over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runav1_latest CPU running average over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_runav5_latest CPU running average over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runpk15_latest CPU running peak over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runpk1_latest CPU running peak over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_runpk5_latest CPU running peak over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_sampleCount_latest Group CPU sample count. int -
rescpu_samplePeriod_latest Group CPU sample period. int ms
storageAdapter_commandsAveraged_average Average number of commands issued per second by the storage adapter. int -
storageAdapter_maxTotalLatency_latest Highest latency value across all storage adapters used by the host. int ms
storageAdapter_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second by the storage adapter. int -
storageAdapter_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second by the storage adapter. int -
storageAdapter_outstandingIOs_average The number of I/Os that have been issued but have not yet completed. int -
storageAdapter_queueDepth_average The maximum number of I/Os that can be outstanding at a given time. int -
storageAdapter_queueLatency_average Average amount of time spent in the VMkernel queue per SCSI command. int -
storageAdapter_queued_average The current number of I/Os that are waiting to be issued. int -
storageAdapter_read_average Rate of reading data by the storage adapter. int KB
storageAdapter_totalReadLatency_average Average amount of time for a read operation by the storage adapter. int ms
storageAdapter_totalWriteLatency_average Average amount of time for a write operation by the storage adapter. int ms
storageAdapter_write_average Rate of writing data by the storage adapter. int KB
storagePath_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int -
storagePath_commandsAborted_sum Number of SCSI commands aborted. int -
storagePath_commandsAveraged_average Average number of commands issued per second on the storage path during the collection interval. int -
storagePath_maxTotalLatency_latest Highest latency value across all storage paths used by the host. int ms
storagePath_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second on the storage path during the collection interval. int -
storagePath_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second on the storage path during the collection interval. int -
storagePath_read_average Rate of reading data on the storage path. int KB
storagePath_totalReadLatency_average Average amount of time for a read issued on the storage path. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency. int ms
storagePath_totalWriteLatency_average Average amount of time for a write issued on the storage path. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency. int ms
storagePath_write_average Rate of writing data on the storage path. int KB
sys_resourceCpuAct1_latest CPU active average over 1 minute of the system resource group. int percent
sys_resourceCpuAct5_latest CPU active average over 5 minutes of the system resource group. int percent
sys_resourceCpuAllocMax_latest CPU allocation limit (in MHz) of the system resource group. int -
sys_resourceCpuAllocMin_latest CPU allocation reservation (in MHz) of the system resource group. int -
sys_resourceCpuAllocShares_latest CPU allocation shares of the system resource group. int -
sys_resourceCpuMaxLimited1_latest CPU maximum limited over 1 minute of the system resource group. int percent
sys_resourceCpuMaxLimited5_latest CPU maximum limited over 5 minutes of the system resource group. int percent
sys_resourceCpuRun1_latest CPU running average over 1 minute of the system. int percent
sys_resourceCpuRun5_latest CPU running average over 5 minutes of the system resource group. int percent
sys_resourceCpuUsage_average Amount of CPU used by the Service Console and other applications during the interval by the Service Console and other applications. int -
sys_resourceFdUsage_latest Number of file descriptors used by the system resource group. int -
sys_resourceMemAllocMax_latest Memory allocation limit (in KB) of the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemAllocMin_latest Memory allocation reservation (in KB) of the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemAllocShares_latest Memory allocation shares of the system resource group. int -
sys_resourceMemConsumed_latest Memory consumed by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemCow_latest Memory shared by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemMapped_latest Memory mapped by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemOverhead_latest Overhead memory consumed by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemShared_latest Memory saved due to sharing by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemSwapped_latest Memory swapped out by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemTouched_latest Memory touched by the system resource group. int KB
sys_resourceMemZero_latest Zero filled memory used by the system resource group. int KB
sys_uptime_latest Total time elapsed since last system startup int s
virtualDisk_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int -
virtualDisk_commandsAborted_sum Number of SCSI commands aborted int -


  • Tags
Tag Description
cluster_name Cluster name
dcname Datacenter name
esx_hostname The name of the ESXi host
host The host of the vCenter
instance The name of the instance
moid The managed object id
vm_name The name of the resource
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
cpu_capacity_contention_average Percent of time the virtual machine is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s). float percent
cpu_capacity_demand_average The amount of CPU resources a virtual machine would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit. int -
cpu_capacity_usage_average CPU usage as a percent during the interval. int -
cpu_costop_sum Time the virtual machine is ready to run, but is unable to run due to co-scheduling constraints. int ms
cpu_demandEntitlementRatio_latest CPU resource entitlement to CPU demand ratio (in percents). float percent
cpu_demand_average The amount of CPU resources a virtual machine would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit. int -
cpu_entitlement_latest CPU resources devoted by the ESXi scheduler. int -
cpu_idle_sum Total time that the CPU spent in an idle state. int ms
cpu_latency_average Percent of time the virtual machine is unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s). int percent
cpu_maxlimited_sum Time the virtual machine is ready to run, but is not running because it has reached its maximum CPU limit setting. int ms
cpu_overlap_sum Time the virtual machine was interrupted to perform system services on behalf of itself or other virtual machines. int ms
cpu_readiness_average Percentage of time that the virtual machine was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU. int percent
cpu_ready_sum Milliseconds of CPU time spent in ready state. int ms
cpu_run_sum Time the virtual machine is scheduled to run. int ms
cpu_swapwait_sum CPU time spent waiting for swap-in. int ms
cpu_system_sum Amount of time spent on system processes on each virtual CPU in the virtual machine. This is the host view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view. int ms
cpu_usage_average Percentage of CPU capacity being used. float percent
cpu_usagemhz_average CPU usage, as measured in megahertz. float -
cpu_used_sum Time accounted to the virtual machine. If a system service runs on behalf of this virtual machine, the time spent by that service (represented by cpu.system) should be charged to this virtual machine. If not, the time spent (represented by cpu.overlap) should not be charged against this virtual machine. int ms
cpu_wait_sum Total CPU time spent in wait state.The wait total includes time spent the CPU Idle, CPU Swap Wait, and CPU I/O Wait states. int ms
datastore_maxTotalLatency_latest Highest latency value across all datastores used by the host. int ms
datastore_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
datastore_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore during the collection interval. float -
datastore_read_average Rate of reading data from the datastore. float KB
datastore_totalReadLatency_average Average amount of time for a read operation from the datastore. float ms
datastore_totalWriteLatency_average Average amount of time for a write operation from the datastore. float ms
datastore_write_average Rate of writing data to the datastore. float KB
disk_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int -
disk_commandsAborted_sum Number of SCSI commands aborted. int -
disk_commandsAveraged_average Average number of SCSI commands issued per second. int -
disk_commands_sum Number of SCSI commands issued int -
disk_maxTotalLatency_latest Highest latency value across all disks used by the host. int ms
disk_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the datastore. int -
disk_numberRead_sum Number of disk reads during the collection interval. int -
disk_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the datastore. float -
disk_numberWrite_sum Number of disk writes during the collection interval. int -
disk_read_average Average number of kilobytes read from the disk each second. float KB
disk_usage_average Aggregated disk I/O rate. float KB
disk_write_average Average number of kilobytes written to the disk each second. float KB
hbr_hbrNetRx_average Kilobytes per second of outgoing host-based replication network traffic (for this virtual machine or host). float KB
hbr_hbrNetTx_average Average amount of data transmitted per second. float KB
mem_active_average Amount of memory that is actively used, as estimated by VMkernel based on recently touched memory pages. float KB
mem_activewrite_average Estimate for the amount of memory actively being written to by the virtual machine. float KB
mem_capacity_contention_average Percentage of time VMs are waiting to access swapped, compressed or ballooned memory. int KB
mem_capacity_usage_average Amount of physical memory actively used. int KB
mem_compressed_average Amount of memory reserved by userworlds. float KB
mem_compressionRate_average Rate of memory compression for the virtual machine. float KB
mem_consumed_average Amount of host physical memory consumed by a virtual machine, host, or cluster. float KB
mem_decompressionRate_average Rate of memory decompression for the virtual machine. float KB
mem_entitlement_average Amount of host physical memory the virtual machine is entitled to, as determined by the ESX scheduler. float KB
mem_granted_average Amount of host physical memory or physical memory that is mapped for a virtual machine or a host. float KB
mem_latency_average Percentage of time the virtual machine is waiting to access swapped or compressed memory. float percent
mem_llSwapInRate_average Rate at which memory is being swapped from host cache into active memory. float KB
mem_llSwapOutRate_average Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to host cache. float KB
mem_llSwapUsed_average Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache. float KB
mem_overheadMax_average Host physical memory reserved for use as the virtualization overhead for the virtual machine. float KB
mem_overheadTouched_average Actively touched overhead host physical memory (KB) reserved for use as the virtualization overhead for the virtual machine. float KB
mem_overhead_average Host physical memory consumed by the virtualization infrastructure for running the virtual machine. float KB
mem_shared_average Amount of guest physical memory that is shared with other virtual machines, relative to a single virtual machine or to all powered-on virtual machines on a host. float KB
mem_swapinRate_average Rate at which memory is swapped from disk into active memory. float KB
mem_swapin_average Amount of memory swapped-in from disk. float KB
mem_swapoutRate_average Rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk. float KB
mem_swapout_average Amount of memory swapped-out to disk. float KB
mem_swapped_average Current amount of guest physical memory swapped out to the virtual machine swap file by the VMkernel. Swapped memory stays on disk until the virtual machine needs it. This statistic refers to VMkernel swapping and not to guest OS swapping. float KB
mem_swaptarget_average Target size for the virtual machine swap file. The VMkernel manages swapping by comparing swaptarget against swapped. float KB
mem_usage_average Memory usage as percent of total configured or available memory float percent
mem_vmmemctl_average Amount of memory allocated by the virtual machine memory control driver (vmmemctl). int KB
mem_vmmemctltarget_average Target value set by VMkernal for the virtual machine's memory balloon size. In conjunction with vmmemctl metric, this metric is used by VMkernel to inflate and deflate the balloon for a virtual machine. int KB
mem_zero_average Memory that contains 0s only. Included in shared amount. Through transparent page sharing, zero memory pages can be shared among virtual machines that run the same operating system. int KB
mem_zipSaved_latest Memory saved due to memory zipping. int KB
mem_zipped_latest Memory zipped int KB
net_broadcastRx_sum Number of broadcast packets received. int -
net_broadcastTx_sum Number of broadcast packets transmitted. int -
net_bytesRx_average Average amount of data received per second. int KB
net_bytesTx_average Average amount of data transmitted per second. int KB
net_droppedRx_sum Number of received packets dropped. int -
net_droppedTx_sum Number of transmitted packets dropped. int -
net_multicastRx_sum Number of multicast packets received. int -
net_multicastTx_sum Number of multicast packets transmitted. int -
net_packetsRx_sum Number of packets received. int -
net_packetsTx_sum Number of packets transmitted. int -
net_pnicBytesRx_average Average number of bytes received per second by a physical network interface card (PNIC) on an ESXi host. float B
net_pnicBytesTx_average Average number of bytes transmitted per second by a physical network interface card (PNIC) on an ESXi host. float B
net_received_average Average rate at which data was received during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. float KB
net_throughput_usage_average The current network bandwidth usage for the host. float KB
net_transmitted_average Average rate at which data was transmitted during the interval. This represents the bandwidth of the network. float KB
net_usage_average Network utilization (combined transmit- and receive-rates). float KB
power_energy_sum Total energy (in joule) used since last stats reset. int -
power_power_average Current power usage. int -
rescpu_actav15_latest CPU active average over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_actav1_latest CPU active average over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_actav5_latest CPU active average over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_actpk15_latest CPU active peak over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_actpk1_latest CPU active peak over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_actpk5_latest CPU active peak over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_maxLimited15_latest Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_maxLimited1_latest Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_maxLimited5_latest Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runav15_latest CPU running average over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runav1_latest CPU running average over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_runav5_latest CPU running average over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runpk15_latest CPU running peak over 15 minutes. int percent
rescpu_runpk1_latest CPU running peak over 1 minute. int percent
rescpu_runpk5_latest CPU running peak over 5 minutes. int percent
rescpu_sampleCount_latest Group CPU sample count. int -
rescpu_samplePeriod_latest Group CPU sample period. int ms
sys_heartbeat_latest Number of heartbeats issued per virtual machine. int -
sys_heartbeat_sum Number of heartbeats issued per virtual machine. int -
sys_osUptime_latest Total time elapsed, in seconds, since last operating system boot-up. int s
sys_uptime_latest Total time elapsed since last system startup int s
virtualDisk_busResets_sum Number of SCSI-bus reset commands issued. int -
virtualDisk_commandsAborted_sum Number of SCSI commands aborted int -
virtualDisk_largeSeeks_latest Number of seeks during the interval that were greater than 8192 LBNs apart. int -
virtualDisk_mediumSeeks_latest Number of seeks during the interval that were between 64 and 8192 LBNs apart. int -
virtualDisk_numberReadAveraged_average Average number of read commands issued per second to the virtual disk. int -
virtualDisk_numberWriteAveraged_average Average number of write commands issued per second to the virtual disk. int -
virtualDisk_readIOSize_latest Average read request size in bytes. int B
virtualDisk_readLatencyUS_latest Read latency in microseconds. int μs
virtualDisk_readLoadMetric_latest Storage DRS virtual disk metric for the read workload model. int -
virtualDisk_readOIO_latest Average number of outstanding read requests to the virtual disk. int -
virtualDisk_read_average Average number of kilobytes read from the virtual disk each second. int -
virtualDisk_smallSeeks_latest Number of seeks during the interval that were less than 64 LBNs apart. int -
virtualDisk_totalReadLatency_average Average amount of time for a read operation from the virtual disk. int ms
virtualDisk_totalWriteLatency_average Average amount of time for a write operation from the virtual disk. int ms
virtualDisk_writeIOSize_latest Average write request size in bytes. int B
virtualDisk_writeLatencyUS_latest Write latency in microseconds. int μs
virtualDisk_writeLoadMetric_latest Storage DRS virtual disk metric for the write workload model. int -
virtualDisk_writeOIO_latest Average number of outstanding write requests to the virtual disk. int -
virtualDisk_write_average Average number of kilobytes written to the virtual disk each second. int KB



The object of the cluster.

  • Tags
Tag Description
name The name of the cluster
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
effective_cpu Effective CPU resources (in MHz) available to run virtual machines. int count
effective_memory Effective memory resources (in MB) available to run virtual machines. int MB
num_cpu_cores Number of physical CPU cores. Physical CPU cores are the processors contained by a CPU package. int count
num_cpu_threads Aggregated number of CPU threads. int count
num_effective_hosts Total number of effective hosts. int count
num_hosts Total number of hosts. int count
total_cpu Aggregated CPU resources of all hosts, in MHz. int -
total_memory Aggregated memory resources of all hosts, in bytes. int B


The object of the datastore.

  • Tags
Tag Description
name The name of the datastore
type Type of file system volume, such as VMFS or NFS
url The unique locator for the datastore
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
free_space Free space of this datastore, in bytes. The server periodically updates this value. It can be explicitly refreshed with the Refresh operation. int B
max_file_size The maximum size of a file that can reside on this file system volume. int B
max_memory_file_size The maximum size of a snapshot or a swap file that can reside on this file system volume. int B
max_virtual_disk_capacity The maximum capacity of a virtual disk which can be created on this volume. int B


The object of the ESXi host.

  • Tags
Tag Description
connection_state The host connection state
cpu_model The CPU model
model The system model identification
name The name of the ESXi host
vendor The hardware vendor identification
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
boot_time The time when the host was booted. int nsec
memory_size The physical memory size in bytes. int B
num_cpu_cores Number of physical CPU cores on the host. Physical CPU cores are the processors contained by a CPU package. int count
num_nics The number of network adapters. int count


The object of the virtual machine.

  • Tags
Tag Description
connection_state Indicates whether or not the virtual machine is available for management
guest_full_name Guest operating system full name, if known
host_name Hostname of the guest operating system, if known
ip_address Primary IP address assigned to the guest operating system, if known
name The name of the virtual machine
template Flag to determine whether or not this virtual machine is a template.
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
boot_time The timestamp when the virtual machine was most recently powered on. int nsec
max_cpu_usage Current upper-bound on CPU usage. int -
max_memory_usage Current upper-bound on memory usage. int -
memory_size_mb Memory size of the virtual machine, in megabytes. int count
num_cpu Number of processors in the virtual machine. int count
num_ethernet_cards Number of virtual network adapters. int count
num_virtual_disks Number of virtual disks attached to the virtual machine. int count



The event of the vSphere.

  • Tags
Tag Description
change_tag The user entered tag to identify the operations and their side effects
event_type_id The type of the event
host The host of the vCenter
object_name The name of the object
resource_type The resource type, such as host, vm, datastore
status The status of the logging
user_name The user who caused the event
  • Metrics
Metric Description Type Unit
chain_id The parent or group ID. int -
event_key The event ID. int -
message A formatted text message describing the event. The message may be localized. string -


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