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Combined Monitoring

In Guance, in addition to setting different monitoring rules based on various data ranges, you can also combine the results of multiple monitors through expressions into one monitor, ultimately triggering alerts based on the combined results.

Detection Frequency

Combined monitoring does not have a fixed detection frequency but rather makes judgments based on the event states of the selected monitors. Since the detection frequencies of individual monitors may differ, it selects the highest detection frequency for synchronization.

For example: Monitor A has a detection frequency of 5 minutes, and Monitor B has a detection frequency of 1 hour. Therefore, the combined monitor A&&B follows B’s frequency (once every hour). After B triggers a detection, it combines Monitor B's detection results with the latest detection result from Monitor A for logical judgment.

Detection Configuration

  1. Please select at least two monitors; the right side will display their groupings by conditions. You can add up to 10 monitors.

  2. Combination Method: Define whether the combined monitor triggers an event using logical expressions that follow AND, OR, NOT operations. When all selected monitors trigger an abnormal state, it evaluates to true; otherwise, it evaluates to false.

Logical Operations

When the selected monitors are in an abnormal state, they evaluate to True as follows:

Event Status Evaluation Severity Level
critical True 4
error True 3
warning True 2
nodata True 1
ok False 0
info False 0
Non-triggered events are considered normal, which also evaluate to False

Operator Details

Logical Operation Description
&& AND A&&B: If the operation result is true, it returns the less severe status level between A and B. For example: A=critical, B=warning, then it returns warning.
|| OR A||B: If the operation result is true, it returns the more severe status level between A and B. For example: A=critical, B=warning, then it returns critical.
! NOT "Abnormal state" corresponds to ok; "normal state" corresponds to critical. For example: if A=error, then !A=ok; if A=ok, then !A=critical.
How is 'True' Defined?

Based on the selected monitors, if the monitors have groupings, then only when all common groupings of the monitors are in an abnormal state will it evaluate to "true".

For example: If you select Monitor A (hosts 1, 2, 3, 4 generate alerts) and Monitor B (hosts 2, 3, 5, 6 generate alerts), then the combined monitor (A&&B) will only return "true" for hosts 2 and 3, generating alerts.

Note: When the groupings of monitors in the combination method are inconsistent, situations without common groupings will not trigger alerts.

Grouping Situation Consistent Example
Monitor A has no grouping, Monitor B has grouping No (alerts will not be generated) B: by host
Monitor A and B have partially consistent groupings No (alerts will not be generated) A: by host, service, B: by host, device
Monitor A and B have completely inconsistent groupings No (alerts will not be generated) A: by host, B: by service
Monitor A and B have inclusion relationships in groupings Yes (alerts can be normally detected and generated) A: by host, B: by host, device (dimension_tags=host)
Monitor A is included in Monitor B's grouping, and Monitor B is included in Monitor C's grouping Yes (alerts can be normally detected and generated) A: by host, B: by host, device, C: by host, device, os (dimension_tags=host)


Select Monitor A: by host; Monitor B: by host, device. In this case, take the intersection host as the final dimension_tags. Monitor A can make normal judgments, while Monitor B takes the most severe level of all device statuses under the host, for example:

Common Questions

If BY configuration does not comply with the rules, can the monitor still be configured successfully?

It can still be created successfully even if it doesn't comply with the rules, but it won’t generate alerts.

If a combined monitor is configured, will the original monitors continue to function normally?

They will still trigger alerts normally, and the monitors being combined will not be affected.

How does combined monitoring calculate task calls?

It also counts one detection as 1 task call, with the detection frequency consistent with the highest detection frequency among the combined monitors.


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