
Active Directory


说明:示例 Active Directory exporter 版本为0.24.0 (Windows)

开启 DataKit 采集器

  • 开启 DataKit Prom 插件,复制 sample 文件
cd C:\Program Files\datakit\conf.d\prom
# 复制 prom.conf.sample 为 prom.conf
  • 修改 prom.conf 配置文件
## Exporter URLs
urls = [""]

## 忽略对 url 的请求错误
ignore_req_err = false

## 采集器别名
source = "active_directory"

## 采集数据输出源
# 配置此项,可以将采集到的数据写到本地文件而不将数据打到中心
# 之后可以直接用 datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf 命令对本地保存的指标集进行调试
# 如果已经将 url 配置为本地文件路径,则 --prom-conf 优先调试 output 路径的数据
# output = "/abs/path/to/file"
## 采集数据大小上限,单位为字节
# 将数据输出到本地文件时,可以设置采集数据大小上限
# 如果采集数据的大小超过了此上限,则采集的数据将被丢弃
# 采集数据大小上限默认设置为32MB
# max_file_size = 0

## 指标类型过滤, 可选值为 counter, gauge, histogram, summary
# 默认只采集 counter 和 gauge 类型的指标
# 如果为空,则不进行过滤
metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

## 指标名称过滤
# 支持正则,可以配置多个,即满足其中之一即可
# 如果为空,则不进行过滤
# metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

## 指标集名称前缀
# 配置此项,可以给指标集名称添加前缀
measurement_prefix = ""

## 指标集名称
# 默认会将指标名称以下划线"_"进行切割,切割后的第一个字段作为指标集名称,剩下字段作为当前指标名称
# 如果配置measurement_name, 则不进行指标名称的切割
# 最终的指标集名称会添加上measurement_prefix前缀
# measurement_name = "prom"

## 采集间隔 "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
interval = "10s"

## 过滤tags, 可配置多个tag
# 匹配的tag将被忽略
# tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

## TLS 配置
tls_open = false
# tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
# tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
# tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

## 自定义认证方式,目前仅支持 Bearer Token
# token 和 token_file: 仅需配置其中一项即可
# [inputs.prom.auth]
# type = "bearer_token"
# token = "xxxxxxxx"
# token_file = "/tmp/token"

## 自定义指标集名称
# 可以将包含前缀prefix的指标归为一类指标集
# 自定义指标集名称配置优先measurement_name配置项
#  prefix = "cpu_"
#  name = "cpu"

# [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
# prefix = "mem_"
# name = "mem"

## 自定义Tags
  service = "active_directory"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"
  • 重启 DataKit (如果需要开启日志,请配置日志采集再重启)
systemctl restart datakit
  • DQL 验证
[root@df-solution-ecs-018 prom]# datakit -Q

Flag -Q deprecated, please use datakit help to use recommend flags.

dqlcmd: &cmds.dqlCmd{json:false, autoJSON:false, verbose:false, csv:"", forceWriteCSV:false, dqlString:"", token:"tkn_9a49a7e9343c432eb0b99a297401c3bb", host:"", log:"", dqlcli:(*http.Client)(0xc0009a5800)}
dql > M::active_directory LIMIT 1
-----------------[ r1.active_directory.s1 ]-----------------

                   windows_ad_atq_average_request_latency 0
                           windows_ad_atq_current_threads 44
                      windows_ad_atq_outstanding_requests 0
                          windows_ad_ldap_client_sessions '1.0'
  windows_ad_replication_inbound_properties_updated_total '0.0'
                windows_ad_replication_pending_operations '0.0'

                                      windows_cs_hostname 2
                         windows_cs_physical_memory_bytes 0
                                                     time 2023-11-1 16:00:10 +0800 CST
                      windows_exchange_owa_requests_total 0
                          windows_exchange_rpc_user_count 0                                   
                              windows_exporter_build_info 0
                                                   uptime 2858680025
              windows_exporter_collector_duration_seconds 0
1 rows, 1 series, cost 40.297037ms


Name Description 指标含义 单位 维度
windows_ad_replication_pending_synchronizations Shows the number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server but not yet processed. 显示为该服务器排队但尚未处理的目录同步次数。 count host
windows_ad_replication_sync_requests_total Shows the number of sync requests made to neighbors. 显示向邻居发出的同步请求数。 count host
windows_ad_replication_sync_requests_success_total Shows the number of sync requests made to the neighbors that successfully returned. 显示向邻居发出的同步请求中成功返回的请求数。 count host
windows_ad_ldap_active_threads Shows the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local directory service. 显示本地目录服务 LDAP 子系统当前使用的线程数。 count host
windows_ad_ldap_last_bind_time_seconds Shows the time, in milliseconds, taken for the last successful LDAP bind. 显示上次成功 LDAP 绑定所需的时间(毫秒)。 count host
windows_ad_ldap_searches_total Shows the number at which LDAP clients perform search operations. 显示 LDAP 客户端执行搜索操作的次数。 count host
windows_ad_ldap_writes_total Shows the number at which LDAP clients perform write operations. 显示 LDAP 客户端执行写操作的次数。 count host
windows_ad_ldap_client_sessions This is the number of sessions opened by LDAP clients at the time the data is taken. 这是采集数据时 LDAP 客户端打开的会话数。 count host
windows_ad_replication_inbound_sync_objects_remaining Shows the number of objects remaining before full synchronization is complete (at setup). 显示完全同步完成前(设置时)剩余的对象数量。 count host
windows_ad_replication_inbound_objects_updated_total Shows the number of objects received from neighbors through inbound replication. A neighbor is a domain controller from which the local domain controller replicates locally. 显示通过入站复制从邻居接收的对象数量。邻居是本地域控制器在本地复制的域控制器。 count host
windows_ad_replication_inbound_objects_filtered_total Shows the number of objects received from inbound replication partners that contained no updates that needed to be applied. 显示从入站(inbound)复制伙伴收到的不包含需要应用的更新的对象数量。 count host


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