CoreDNS 采集器用于采集 CoreDNS 相关的指标数据。
- CoreDNS 配置启用
进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/coredns
目录,复制 coredns.conf.sample
并命名为 coredns.conf
url = ""
source = "coredns"
metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]
## filter metrics by names
metric_name_filter = ["^coredns_(acl|cache|dnssec|forward|grpc|hosts|template|dns)_([a-z_]+)$"]
# measurement_prefix = ""
# measurement_name = "prom"
interval = "10s"
# tags_ignore = [""]
## TLS config
tls_open = false
# tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
# tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
# tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"
## customize metrics
prefix = "coredns_acl_"
name = "coredns_acl"
prefix = "coredns_cache_"
name = "coredns_cache"
prefix = "coredns_dnssec_"
name = "coredns_dnssec"
prefix = "coredns_forward_"
name = "coredns_forward"
prefix = "coredns_grpc_"
name = "coredns_grpc"
prefix = "coredns_hosts_"
name = "coredns_hosts"
prefix = "coredns_template_"
name = "coredns_template"
prefix = "coredns_dns_"
name = "coredns"
配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。
通过 DataKit 来开启[ kubernetesprometheus
role = "pod"
namespaces = ["kube-system"]
selector = "k8s-app=kube-dns"
port = "__kubernetes_pod_container_coredns_port_metrics_number"
cluster = "demo"
- 标签
Tag | Description |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
server |
Server responsible for the request. |
zone |
Zone name used for the request/response. |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
allowed_requests_total |
Counter of DNS requests being allowed | float | count |
blocked_requests_total |
Counter of DNS requests being blocked | float | count |
dropped_requests_total |
Counter of DNS requests being dropped | float | count |
filtered_requests_total |
Counter of DNS requests being filtered | float | count |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
server |
Server responsible for the request |
type |
Cache type |
zones |
Zone name used for the request/response |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
drops_total |
The number responses that are not cached, because the reply is malformed | float | count |
entries |
The number of elements in the cache | float | count |
evictions_total |
The count of cache evictions | float | count |
hits_total |
The count of cache hits | float | count |
misses_total |
The count of cache misses. Deprecated, derive misses from cache hits/requests counters | float | count |
prefetch_total |
The number of times the cache has prefetched a cached item. | float | count |
requests_total |
The count of cache requests | float | count |
served_stale_total |
The number of requests served from stale cache entries | float | count |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
server |
Server responsible for the request |
type |
signature |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
cache_entries |
The number of elements in the dnssec cache | float | count |
cache_hits_total |
The count of cache hits | float | count |
cache_misses_total |
The count of cache misses | float | count |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
proto |
Transport protocol like udp , tcp , tcp-tls |
rcode |
Upstream returned RCODE |
to |
Upstream server |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
conn_cache_hits_total |
Counter of connection cache hits per upstream and protocol | float | count |
conn_cache_misses_total |
Counter of connection cache misses per upstream and protocol | float | count |
healthcheck_broken_total |
Counter of the number of complete failures of the health checks | float | count |
healthcheck_failures_total |
Counter of the number of failed health checks | float | count |
max_concurrent_rejects_total |
Counter of the number of queries rejected because the concurrent queries were at maximum | float | count |
request_duration_seconds |
Histogram of the time each request took | float | s |
requests_total |
Counter of requests made per upstream | float | count |
responses_total |
Counter of responses received per upstream | float | count |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
rcode |
Upstream returned RCODE |
to |
Upstream server |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
request_duration_seconds |
Histogram of the time each request took | float | s |
requests_total |
Counter of requests made per upstream | float | count |
responses_total |
Counter of requests made per upstream | float | count |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
entries |
The combined number of entries in hosts and Corefile | float | count |
reload_timestamp_seconds |
The timestamp of the last reload of hosts file | float | sec |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
class |
The query class (usually IN ) |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
section |
Section label |
server |
Server responsible for the request |
template |
Template label |
type |
The RR type requested (e.g. PTR |
view |
View name |
zone |
Zone name |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
failures_total |
Counter of go template failures | float | count |
matches_total |
Counter of template regex matches | float | count |
rr_failures_total |
Counter of mis-templated RRs | float | count |
- 标签
Tag | Description |
goversion |
Golang version |
hash |
Is sha512 |
host |
Host name |
instance |
Instance endpoint |
name |
Handler name |
plugin |
The name of the plugin that made the write to the client |
proto |
Transport protocol like udp , tcp , tcp-tls |
rcode |
Upstream returned RCODE |
revision |
Gitcommit contains the commit where we built CoreDNS from |
server |
Server responsible for the request |
service_kind |
Service kind |
status |
HTTPs status code |
value |
The returned hash value |
version |
CoreDNS version |
view |
View name |
zone |
Zone name used for the request/response |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
autopath_success_total |
Counter of requests that did auto path | float | count |
build_info |
A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, and Go version from which CoreDNS was built | float | bool |
dns64_requests_translated_total |
Counter of DNS requests translated by dns64 | float | count |
dns_do_requests_total |
Counter of DNS requests with DO bit set per zone | float | count |
dns_https_responses_total |
Counter of DoH responses per server and http status code | float | count |
dns_panics_total |
A metrics that counts the number of panics | float | count |
dns_plugin_enabled |
A metric that indicates whether a plugin is enabled on per server and zone basis | float | bool |
dns_request_duration_seconds |
Histogram of the time (in seconds) each request took per zone | float | s |
dns_request_size_bytes |
Size of the EDNS0 UDP buffer in bytes (64K for TCP) per zone and protocol |
float | B |
dns_requests_total |
Counter of DNS requests made per zone, protocol and family | float | count |
dns_response_size_bytes |
Size of the returned response in bytes | float | B |
dns_responses_total |
Counter of response status codes | float | count |
health_request_duration_seconds |
Histogram of the time (in seconds) each request took | float | s |
health_request_failures_total |
The number of times the health checks failed | float | count |
kubernetes_dns_programming_duration_seconds |
Histogram of the time (in seconds) it took to program a dns instance | float | s |
local_localhost_requests_total |
Counter of localhost. domain requests |
float | count |
reload_failed_total |
Counter of the number of failed reload attempts | float | count |
reload_version_info |
A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by hash, and value which type of hash generated | float | bool |