

采集器可以从 CouchBase 实例中采取很多指标,比如数据使用的内存和磁盘、当前连接数等多种指标,并将指标采集到观测云,帮助监控分析 CouchBase 各种异常情况。




CouchBase Version:7.2.0 CouchBase Exporter Version:blakelead/couchbase-exporter:latest

安装CouchBase Exporter

使用 CouchBase 的客户端采集器 CouchBase Exporter,采集器文档地址

备注:文中使用的用户密码为 CouchBase Server 的用户密码

docker run -d  --name cbexporter                      --publish 9191:9191                      --env EXPORTER_LISTEN_ADDR=:9191                      --env EXPORTER_TELEMETRY_PATH=/metrics                      --env EXPORTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT=10s                      --env EXPORTER_LOG_LEVEL=debug                      --env EXPORTER_LOG_FORMAT=json                      --env EXPORTER_DB_URI=                      --env EXPORTER_DB_TIMEOUT=10s                      --env EXPORTER_DB_USER=Administrator                      --env EXPORTER_DB_PASSWORD=guance.com                      --env EXPORTER_SCRAPE_CLUSTER=true                      --env EXPORTER_SCRAPE_NODE=true                      --env EXPORTER_SCRAPE_BUCKET=true                      --env EXPORTER_SCRAPE_XDCR=false                      blakelead/couchbase-exporter:latest


|                            |                     |                                                    |                                                 |
| -------------------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| environment variable       | argument            | description                                        | default                                         |
|                            | -config.file        | Configuration file to load data from               |                                                 |
| EXPORTER_LISTEN_ADDR       | -web.listen-address | Address to listen on for HTTP requests             | :9191                                           |
| EXPORTER_TELEMETRY_PATH    | -web.telemetry-path | Path under which to expose metrics                 | /metrics                                        |
| EXPORTER_SERVER_TIMEOUT    | -web.timeout        | Server read timeout in seconds                     | 10s                                             |
| EXPORTER_DB_URI            | -db.uri             | Address of CouchBase cluster                       | []( |
| EXPORTER_DB_TIMEOUT        | -db.timeout         | CouchBase client timeout in seconds                | 10s                                             |
| EXPORTER_TLS_ENABLED       | -tls.enabled        | If true, enable TLS communication with the cluster | false                                           |
| EXPORTER_TLS_SKIP_INSECURE | -tls.skip-insecure  | If true, certificate won't be verified             | false                                           |
| EXPORTER_TLS_CA_CERT       | -tls.ca-cert        | Root certificate of the cluster                    |                                                 |
| EXPORTER_TLS_CLIENT_CERT   | -tls.client-cert    | Client certificate                                 |                                                 |
| EXPORTER_TLS_CLIENT_KEY    | -tls.client-key     | Client private key                                 |                                                 |
| EXPORTER_DB_USER           | *not allowed*       | Administrator username                             |                                                 |
| EXPORTER_DB_PASSWORD       | *not allowed*       | Administrator password                             |                                                 |
| EXPORTER_LOG_LEVEL         | -log.level          | Log level: info,debug,warn,error,fatal             | error                                           |
| EXPORTER_LOG_FORMAT        | -log.format         | Log format: text, `json`                             | text                                            |
| EXPORTER_SCRAPE_CLUSTER    | -scrape.cluster     | If false, wont scrape cluster metrics              | true                                            |
| EXPORTER_SCRAPE_NODE       | -scrape.node        | If false, wont scrape node metrics                 | true                                            |
| EXPORTER_SCRAPE_BUCKET     | -scrape.bucket      | If false, wont scrape bucket metrics               | true                                            |
| EXPORTER_SCRAPE_XDCR       | -scrape.xdcr        | If false, wont scrape `xdcr` metrics                 | false                                           |
|                            | -help               | Command line help                                  |                                                 |


  • 开启 DataKit Prom 插件,复制 sample 文件
cp prom.conf.sample couchbase-prom.conf
  • 修改 couchbase-prom.conf 配置文件
## Exporter URLs
urls = [""]

## 忽略对 url 的请求错误
ignore_req_err = false

## 采集器别名
source = "zookeeper"

## 采集数据输出源
# 配置此项,可以将采集到的数据写到本地文件而不将数据打到中心
# 之后可以直接用 datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf 命令对本地保存的指标集进行调试
# 如果已经将 url 配置为本地文件路径,则 --prom-conf 优先调试 output 路径的数据
# output = "/abs/path/to/file"
## 采集数据大小上限,单位为字节
# 将数据输出到本地文件时,可以设置采集数据大小上限
# 如果采集数据的大小超过了此上限,则采集的数据将被丢弃
# 采集数据大小上限默认设置为32MB
# max_file_size = 0

## 指标类型过滤, 可选值为 counter, gauge, histogram, summary
# 默认只采集 counter 和 gauge 类型的指标
# 如果为空,则不进行过滤
metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

## 指标名称过滤
# 支持正则,可以配置多个,即满足其中之一即可
# 如果为空,则不进行过滤
# metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

## 指标集名称前缀
# 配置此项,可以给指标集名称添加前缀
measurement_prefix = ""

## 指标集名称
# 默认会将指标名称以下划线"_"进行切割,切割后的第一个字段作为指标集名称,剩下字段作为当前指标名称
# 如果配置measurement_name, 则不进行指标名称的切割
# 最终的指标集名称会添加上measurement_prefix前缀
# measurement_name = "prom"

## 采集间隔 "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
interval = "10s"

## 过滤tags, 可配置多个tag
# 匹配的tag将被忽略
# tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

## TLS 配置
tls_open = false
# tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
# tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
# tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

## 自定义认证方式,目前仅支持 Bearer Token
# token 和 token_file: 仅需配置其中一项即可
# [inputs.prom.auth]
# type = "bearer_token"
# token = "xxxxxxxx"
# token_file = "/tmp/token"

## 自定义指标集名称
# 可以将包含前缀prefix的指标归为一类指标集
# 自定义指标集名称配置优先measurement_name配置项
#  prefix = "cpu_"
#  name = "cpu"

# [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
# prefix = "mem_"
# name = "mem"

## 自定义Tags
#some_tag = "some_value"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"
  • 重启 DataKit
systemctl restart datakit

目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加名为 host 的全局 tag(tag 值为 DataKit 所在主机名),也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.prom.tags] 指定其它标签:

#some_tag = "some_value"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"

Cluster metrics


name description
bucket bucket name
host host name which installed nginx
instance host


name description
cluster_rebalance_status Rebalancing status


Node metrics


name description
bucket bucket name
host host name which installed nginx
instance host


name description
node_stats_couch_docs_data_size CouchBase documents data size in the node
node_stats_get_hits Number of get hits
node_uptime_seconds Node uptime
node_status Status of CouchBase node


Bucket metrics


name description
bucket bucket name
host host name which installed nginx
instance host


name description
bucket_ram_quota_percent_used Memory used by the bucket in percent
bucket_ops_per_second Number of operations per second
bucket_item_count Number of items in the bucket
bucketstats_curr_connections Current bucket connections
bucketstats_delete_hits Delete hits
bucketstats_disk_write_queue Disk write queue depth
bucketstats_ep_bg_fetched Disk reads per second
bucketstats_ep_mem_high_wat Memory usage high water mark for auto-evictions


XDCR metrics


name description
bucket bucket name
host host name which installed nginx
instance host




如需采集 CouchBase 的日志,步骤如下:

  • 开启 DataKit log 插件,复制 sample 文件
cp logging.conf.sample couchbase-logging.conf

注意:必须将 DataKit 安装在 CouchBase 所在主机才能采集 CouchBase 日志。

  • 修改 couchbase-prom.conf 配置文件
# {"version": "1.9.2", "desc": "do NOT edit this line"}

  ## Required
  ## File names or a pattern to tail.
  logfiles = [

  ## glob filteer
  ignore = [""]

  ## Your logging source, if it's empty, use 'default'.
  source = "couchdb"

  ## Add service tag, if it's empty, use $source.
  service = "couchdb"

  ## Grok pipeline script name.
  pipeline = ""

  ## optional status:
  ##   "emerg","alert","critical","error","warning","info","debug","OK"
  ignore_status = []

  ## optional encodings:
  ##    "utf-8", "utf-16le", "utf-16le", "gbk", "gb18030" or ""
  character_encoding = ""

  ## The pattern should be a regexp. Note the use of '''this regexp'''.
  ## regexp link: https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/syntax/#hdr-Syntax
  # multiline_match = '''^\S'''

  auto_multiline_detection = true
  auto_multiline_extra_patterns = []

  ## Removes ANSI escape codes from text strings.
  remove_ansi_escape_codes = false

  ## If the data sent failure, will retry forevery.
  blocking_mode = true

  ## If file is inactive, it is ignored.
  ## time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h"
  ignore_dead_log = "1h"

  ## Read file from beginning.
  from_beginning = false

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"


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