


Flink 采集器可以从 Flink 实例中采取很多指标,比如 Flink 服务器状态和网络的状态等多种指标,并将指标采集到观测云 ,帮助你监控分析 Flink 各种异常情况。



说明:示例 Flink 版本为 Flink 1.14.2 (CentOS),各个不同版本指标可能存在差异。

目前 Flink 官方提供两种 metrics 上报方式:PrometheusPrometheus PushGateway。它们主要的区别是:

  • Prometheus PushGateway 方式是把集群所有的 metrics 统一汇报给 PushGateway,所以需要额外安装 PushGateway。
  • Prometheus 方式需要集群每个节点暴露一个唯一端口,不需要额外安装其它软件,但需要 N 个可用端口,配置略微复杂。

PrometheusPushGateway 方式(推荐)

启动 Push Gateway:(此命令仅供参考,具体命令根据实际环境可能有所不同)

nohup ./pushgateway &
  • 配置 flink-conf.yaml 把 metrics 统一汇报给 PushGateway

配置 Flink 的配置文件 conf/flink-conf.yaml 示例:

metrics.reporter.promgateway.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusPushGatewayReporter # 固定这个值,不能改
metrics.reporter.promgateway.host: localhost # promgateway 的 IP 地址
metrics.reporter.promgateway.port: 9091 # promgateway 的监听端口
metrics.reporter.promgateway.interval: 15 SECONDS # 采集间隔
metrics.reporter.promgateway.groupingKey: k1=v1;k2=v2

# 以下是可选参数
# metrics.reporter.promgateway.jobName: myJob
# metrics.reporter.promgateway.randomJobNameSuffix: true
# metrics.reporter.promgateway.deleteOnShutdown: false

启动 Flink:./bin/start-cluster.sh(此命令仅供参考,具体命令根据实际环境可能有所不同)

Prometheus 方式

  • 配置 flink-conf.yaml 暴露各个节点的 metrics。配置 Flink 的配置文件 conf/flink-conf.yaml 示例:
metrics.reporter.prom.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporter
metrics.reporter.prom.port: 9250-9260 # 各个节点的端口区间,根据节点数量有所不同,一个端口对应一个节点
  • 启动 Flink: ./bin/start-cluster.sh(此命令仅供参考,具体命令根据实际环境可能有所不同)
  • 可以访问外网的主机<安装 Datakit>
  • 更改 Flink 配置添加如下内容,开启 Prometheus 采集
metrics.reporter.prom.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusReporter
metrics.reporter.prom.port: 9250-9260

注意:metrics.reporter.prom.port 设置请参考集群 jobmanagertaskmanager 数量而定

  • 重启 Flink 集群应用配置
  • curl http://{Flink iP}:9250-9260 返回结果正常即可开始采集


默认情况下,Flink 会收集多个指标,这些指标可提供对当前状态的深入洞察。

  • 标签
Tag Description
host Host name.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
Status_JVM_CPU_Load The recent CPU usage of the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_CPU_Time The CPU time used by the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_ClassLoader_ClassesLoaded The total number of classes loaded since the start of the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_ClassLoader_ClassesUnloaded The total number of classes unloaded since the start of the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_Copy_Count The total number of collections that have occurred. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_Copy_Time The total time spent performing garbage collection. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Old_Generation_Count The total number of collections that have occurred. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Old_Generation_Time The total time spent performing garbage collection. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Young_Generation_Count The total number of collections that have occurred. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Young_Generation_Time The total time spent performing garbage collection. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_MarkSweepCompact_Count The total number of collections that have occurred. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_MarkSweepCompact_Time The total time spent performing garbage collection. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_Count The number of buffers in the direct buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_MemoryUsed The amount of memory used by the JVM for the direct buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_TotalCapacity The total capacity of all buffers in the direct buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Committed The amount of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Max The maximum amount of heap memory that can be used for memory management. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Used The amount of heap memory currently used. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Mapped_Count The number of buffers in the mapped buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Mapped_MemoryUsed The amount of memory used by the JVM for the mapped buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Mapped_TotalCapacity The number of buffers in the mapped buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Metaspace_Committed The amount of memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM in the meta-space memory pool (in bytes). int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Metaspace_Max The maximum amount of memory that can be used in the meta-space memory pool (in bytes). int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Metaspace_Used Used bytes of a given JVM memory area int count
Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Committed The amount of non-heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Max The maximum amount of non-heap memory that can be used for memory management int count
Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Used The amount of non-heap memory currently used. int count
Status_JVM_Threads_Count The total number of live threads. int count
numRegisteredTaskManagers The number of registered task managers. int count
numRunningJobs The number of running jobs. int count
taskSlotsAvailable The number of available task slots. int count
taskSlotsTotal The total number of task slots. int count
  • 标签
Tag Description
host Host name.
tm_id Task manager ID.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
Status_Flink_Memory_Managed_Total The total amount of managed memory. int count
Status_Flink_Memory_Managed_Used The amount of managed memory currently used. int count
Status_JVM_CPU_Load The recent CPU usage of the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_CPU_Time The CPU time used by the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_ClassLoader_ClassesLoaded The total number of classes loaded since the start of the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_ClassLoader_ClassesUnloaded The total number of classes unloaded since the start of the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Old_Generation_Count The total number of collections that have occurred. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Old_Generation_Time The total time spent performing garbage collection. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Young_Generation_Count The total number of collections that have occurred. int count
Status_JVM_GarbageCollector_G1_Young_Generation_Time The total time spent performing garbage collection. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_Count The number of buffers in the direct buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_MemoryUsed The amount of memory used by the JVM for the direct buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Direct_TotalCapacity The total capacity of all buffers in the direct buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Committed The amount of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Max The maximum amount of heap memory that can be used for memory management. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Heap_Used The amount of heap memory currently used. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Mapped_Count The number of buffers in the mapped buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Mapped_MemoryUsed The amount of memory used by the JVM for the mapped buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Mapped_TotalCapacity The number of buffers in the mapped buffer pool. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Metaspace_Committed The amount of memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM in the meta-space memory pool (in bytes). int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Metaspace_Max The maximum amount of memory that can be used in the meta-space memory pool (in bytes). int count
Status_JVM_Memory_Metaspace_Used Used bytes of a given JVM memory area int count
Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Committed The amount of non-heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM. int count
Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Max The maximum amount of non-heap memory that can be used for memory management int count
Status_JVM_Memory_NonHeap_Used The amount of non-heap memory currently used. int count
Status_JVM_Threads_Count The total number of live threads. int count
Status_Network_AvailableMemorySegments The number of unused memory segments. int count
Status_Network_TotalMemorySegments The number of allocated memory segments. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_AvailableMemory The amount of unused memory in bytes. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_AvailableMemorySegments The number of unused memory segments. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_RequestedMemoryUsage Experimental: The usage of the network memory. Shows (as percentage) the total amount of requested memory from all of the subtasks. It can exceed 100% as not all requested memory is required for subtask to make progress. However if usage exceeds 100% throughput can suffer greatly and please consider increasing available network memory, or decreasing configured size of network buffer pools. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_TotalMemory The amount of allocated memory in bytes. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_TotalMemorySegments The number of allocated memory segments. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_UsedMemory The amount of used memory in bytes. int count
Status_Shuffle_Netty_UsedMemorySegments The number of used memory segments. int count


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