

TiDB 视图展示,包括概览(如:启动时间、存储信息、节点信息等)、cluster(集群相关信息)、TiDB、Etcd、Region 等相关指标信息。



版本支持取决于 TiDB 自身系统支持

说明:示例 TiDB 版本为 6.3+

(Linux / Windows 环境相同)

如需安装 TiDB,可参考文档 TiDB 部署本地测试集群

以下采集流程,均按照 TiDB 部署本地测试集群 部署方式进行采集。


TiDB 各组件(共 4 个组件)均已暴露 metrics ,协议为 http

组件 metrics 端口
TiDB 10080
pd 2379
TiKV 20180
TiFlash 8234

以上是单节点集群组件部署相关 metrics 端口,如果是多节点集群,端口方式类似

开启 DataKit 采集器

  1. 复制 sample 文件

      cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
      cp prom.conf.sample tidb_prom.conf

  2. 调整 tidb_prom.conf

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = [""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_prom"

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge","histogram"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.
  1. 复制 sample 文件

    cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
    cp prom.conf.sample tidb_pd_prom.conf

  2. 调整 tidb_pd_prom.conf

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = [""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_pd_prom"

  ## Collect data output.
  # Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
  # After filling, could use 'datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
  # Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
  # output = "/abs/path/to/file"

  ## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
  # Only available when set output to local file.
  # If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
  # Default is 32MB.
  # max_file_size = 0

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

  ## Metrics name whitelist.
  # Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
  # Collect all if empty.
  # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_pd_"

  ## Measurement name.
  # If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
  # If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
  # Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
  # measurement_name = "prom"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    #overwrite_exist_tags = false
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
      cluster_version = "version"
      server_id = "s_id"
      server_version = "version"
      server_go_version = "version"
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.
  1. 复制 sample 文件

    cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
    cp prom.conf.sample tidb_tikv_prom.conf

  2. 调整 tidb_tikv_prom.conf

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = [""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_tikv_prom"

  ## Collect data output.
  # Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
  # After filling, could use 'datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
  # Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
  # output = "/abs/path/to/file"

  ## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
  # Only available when set output to local file.
  # If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
  # Default is 32MB.
  # max_file_size = 0

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

  ## Metrics name whitelist.
  # Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
  # Collect all if empty.
  # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_tikv_"

  ## Measurement name.
  # If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
  # If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
  # Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
  # measurement_name = "prom"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.
  1. 复制 sample 文件

    cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom/
    cp prom.conf.sample tidb_tiflash_prom.conf

  2. 调整 tidb_tiflash_prom.conf

  # Exporter URLs.
  # urls = ["", ""]
  urls = ["",""]
  # Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
  uds_path = ""

  # Ignore URL request errors.
  ignore_req_err = false

  ## Collector alias.
  source = "tidb_tiflash"

  ## Collect data output.
  # Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
  # After filling, could use 'datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
  # Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
  # output = "/abs/path/to/file"

  ## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
  # Only available when set output to local file.
  # If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
  # Default is 32MB.
  # max_file_size = 0

  ## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
  # Default only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
  # Collect all if empty.
  metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

  ## Metrics name whitelist.
  # Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
  # Collect all if empty.
  # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

  ## Measurement prefix.
  # Add prefix to measurement set name.
  measurement_prefix = "tidb_tiflash_"

  ## Measurement name.
  # If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
  # If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
  # Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
  # measurement_name = "prom"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
  # tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
  # tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

  # Ignore tags. Multi supported.
  # The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
  # tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

  ## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
  # Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
  # [inputs.prom.auth]
  # type = "bearer_token"
  # token = "xxxxxxxx"
  # token_file = "/tmp/token"

  ## Customize measurement set name.
  # Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
  # Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
  #  prefix = "cpu_"
  #  name = "cpu"

  # [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
  # prefix = "mem_"
  # name = "mem"

  # Not collecting those data when tag matched.
  # key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
  # key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]

  # Add HTTP headers to data pulling.
  # Root = "passwd"
  # Michael = "1234"

  # Rename tag key in prom data.
    overwrite_exist_tags = false
    # tag1 = "new-name-1"
    # tag2 = "new-name-2"
    # tag3 = "new-name-3"

  # Send collected metrics to center as log.
  # When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
    enable = false
    service = "service_name"

  ## Customize tags.


主要参数说明 :

  • urls:prometheus 指标地址,这里填写对应组件暴露出来的指标 url
  • source:采集器别名,建议做区分
  • interval:采集间隔
  • measurement_prefix: 指标集前缀,方便管理分类
  • tls_open:TLS 配置
  • metric_types:指标类型,不填,代表采集所有指标,建议按需填写,涉及到时间线
  • tags_ignore: 忽略不需要的 tag
  • [inputs.prom.tags_rename.mapping]:tag 重命名,如果遇到 tag 与 filed 重名,则需要重命名 tag ,否则整个指标都无法进行采集。
  • [inputs.prom.tags] :设置 tag,应用于当前 metrics 的所有指标

重启 DataKit

systemctl restart datakit


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