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Modify an Alert Strategy

POST /api/v1/alert_policy/{alert_policy_uuid}/modify


Modify the configuration information of a specified alert strategy based on alert_policy_uuid.

Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
alert_policy_uuid string Y Alert strategy UUID

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Monitor name
desc string Description
openPermissionSet boolean Enable custom permission settings (default false: not enabled). If enabled, the operation permissions for this rule will be based on permissionSet
permissionSet array Operation permission configuration, configurable with roles (except owner), member UUIDs, and team UUIDs. Example: ['wsAdmin', 'acnt_xxxx', 'group_yyyy']
ruleTimezone str Y Time zone for the alert strategy. Example: Asia/Shanghai
alertOpt json Alert settings
alertOpt.alertType string Notification type for the alert strategy, either level (status) or member, default is level
alertOpt.silentTimeout integer Silent timeout for the alert setting
alertOpt.alertTarget array Trigger actions, note the trigger time and parameter handling. Example: [{'name': 'Notification Configuration 1', 'targets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'status': 'critical', 'tags': {'pod_name': ['coredns-7769b554cf-w95fk']}, 'upgradeTargets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'duration': 600}, {'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'duration': 6000}]}], 'crontabDuration': 600, 'crontab': '0 9 * * 0,1,2,3,4'}, {'name': 'Notification Configuration 2', 'targets': [{'status': 'error', 'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'upgradeTargets': [{'to': ['acnt_xxxx32'], 'duration': 600}, {'to': ['group_xxxx32'], 'duration': 6000}]}], 'customDateUUIDs': ['ndate_xxxx32'], 'customStartTime': '09:30:10', 'crontabDuration': 600}]
alertOpt.aggInterval integer Y Aggregation interval in seconds, 0 means no aggregation
alertOpt.aggFields array List of fields to aggregate. An empty list [] indicates "Aggregate all". Fields include df_monitor_checker_id: monitor/intelligent inspection/SLO, df_dimension_tags: detection dimensions, df_label: labels, CLUSTER: intelligent aggregation. Example: ['CLUSTER']
alertOpt.aggLabels array List of label values when aggregating by labels, effective only if df_label is specified in aggFields
alertOpt.aggClusterFields array List of fields for intelligent aggregation, effective only if CLUSTER is specified in aggFields. Options: "df_title": title, "df_message": content. Example: ['df_title']

Additional Parameter Notes

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"jj_modify","ruleTimezone":"Asia/Shanghai","alertOpt":{"alertTarget":[{"targets":[{"status":"warning","to":["notify_xxxx32"]}]}],"silentTimeout":21600,"aggInterval":120,"aggFields":["df_monitor_checker_id"]}}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "alertOpt": {
            "aggFields": [
            "aggInterval": 120,
            "alertTarget": [
                    "targets": [
                            "status": "warning",
                            "to": [
            "silentTimeout": 21600
        "createAt": 1706152082,
        "creator": "xxxx",
        "declaration": {},
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "id": 4100,
        "name": "jj_modify",
        "ruleTimezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
        "score": 0,
        "status": 0,
        "updateAt": 1706152339.7920609,
        "updator": "xxx",
        "uuid": "altpl_xxxx32",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-D38C6668-6F44-45E8-B8A4-BD28EBF142DE"


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