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Modify a Single Scheduled Report

POST /api/v1/crontab_report/{report_uuid}/modify


Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
report_uuid string Y UUID of the scheduled report

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
title string Y Name of the scheduled report
Allow null: True
Maximum length: 200
content string Content of the scheduled report
Allow null: True
Maximum length: 1000
Allow empty string: True
dashboardUUID string Y Dashboard UUID
Allow null: False
recipient array Y Recipient information
Example: [acnt_xxxx,, acnt_yyy]
Allow null: False
variables json View variable information
Allow null: True
timeRange string Y Query time range
Example: 1d
Allow null: True
crontab string Crontab for the scheduled task
Example: 1 2 * * *
Allow null: True
Allow empty string: True
singleExecuteTime int Timestamp for single execution
Allow null: True
extend json Additional information
Allow null: True
timezone string Y Timezone for the scheduled report
Example: Asia/Shanghai
Allow null: True
notifyType string Y Notification type for the scheduled report
Example: email
Allow null: True
Possible values: ['email', 'dingTalkRobot', 'wechatRobot', 'feishuRobot']

Additional Parameter Notes

Data Explanation.*

  • Request parameter explanation
Parameter Name type Description
title string Name of the scheduled report
content string Content of the scheduled report
dashboardUUID string Dashboard UUID of the scheduled report
recipient list List of recipient information for the scheduled report, user account acnt_/email/notification target UUID
variables json View variable information
timeRange string Query time range, integer plus d/h/m format, e.g., 3d, 15m, 2h
crontab string Crontab for repeating scheduled tasks
singleExecuteTime int Timestamp for single execution
extend json Extended information used for front-end interface display
timezone string Timezone
notifyType string Notification type, enumerated values (email, dingTalkRobot, wechatRobot, feishuRobot)
  • Extend extended field explanation
Parameter Name type Description
shareConfig json Share configuration for the scheduled report
shareConfig.shareMethod string Share method for the scheduled report public or enciphered, default is public
shareConfig.password string Password for sharing the scheduled report, encrypted share password

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
--data-raw '{"title":"test3","content":"","dashboardUUID":"dsbd_xxxx32","recipient":["notify_xxxx32"],"timeRange":"1d","singleExecuteTime":-1,"crontab":"10 10 03,14,13 * *","variables":{},"extend":{"cycleTimeType":"day","hour":"10","minutes":"10","dashboardInfo":{}},"timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","notifyType":"dingTalkRobot"}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "content": "",
        "createAt": 1698666812,
        "creator": "wsak_xxxxx",
        "crontab": "10 10 03,14,13 * *",
        "dashboardUUID": "dsbd_xxxx32",
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "executed": 0,
        "extend": {
            "cycleTimeType": "day",
            "dashboardInfo": {},
            "hour": "10",
            "minutes": "10"
        "id": 206,
        "isLocked": 0,
        "notifyType": "dingTalkRobot",
        "recipient": [
        "singleExecuteTime": -1,
        "status": 0,
        "timeRange": "1d",
        "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",
        "title": "test3",
        "updateAt": 1698667256,
        "updator": "wsak_xxxxx",
        "uuid": "cron_xxxx32",
        "variables": {},
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-060F8B2A-6502-44AB-81A0-E51E4006D205"


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