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Create Auto Discovery Configuration

POST /api/v1/issue_auto_discovery/add


Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Title Name
Example: name
Allow Null: False
Maximum Length: 256
description string Description
Example: description
Allow Null: False
Allow Empty String: True
dqlNamespace string Y Data Scope
Example: rum
Allow Null: False
Optional Values: ['keyevent']
every integer Y Check Frequency (time length in seconds)
Example: 300
Allow Null: False
$minValue: 300
$maxValue: 3600
Optional Values: [300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600]
conditions string Content within curly braces in DQL query filter conditions
Example: source IN ['kube-controller']
Allow Null: False
Allow Empty String: True
dimensions array List of Dimension Fields
Example: ['chan_xxx1', 'chan_xxx2']
Allow Null: False
$minLength: 1
config json Y Issue Definition Configuration
Example: {}
Allow Null: False string Y Title Name
Example: name
Allow Null: False
Maximum Length: 256
config.level string Level
Example: level
Allow Null: False
Allow Empty String: True
config.channelUUIDs array List of Channel UUIDs
Example: ['chan_xxx1', 'chan_xxx2']
Allow Null: False
config.description string Description
Example: description
Allow Null: False
config.extend json Additional Extended Information. Refer to the extend field in issue creation; generally not recommended to set via OpenAPI.
Example: {}
Allow Null: True

Additional Parameter Notes

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"name":"test-core-worker","description":"This is an example for creating a new issue auto discovery rule","every":300,"dqlNamespace":"keyevent","conditions":"`source` = \"lwctest\"","dimensions":["name"],"config":{"name":"Title in issue definition","description":"Description information in issue definition","level":"system_level_0","extend":{"manager":["acnt_e52a5a7b6418464cb2acbeaa199e7fd1"]},"channelUUIDs":["chan_61367ab1e38744738eb0a219dbf8bac1"]}}' \


{"code":200,"content":{"conditions":"`source` = \\"lwctest\\"","config":{"channelUUIDs":["chan_xxx"],"description":"Description information in issue definition","extend":{"manager":["acnt_xxx"]},"level":"system_level_0","name":"Title in issue definition"},"createAt":1735893173,"creator":"wsak_xxxx","declaration":{"asd":"aa,bb,cc,1,True","asdasd":"dawdawd","business":"aaa","dd":"dd","fawf":"afawf","organization":"64fe7b4062f74d0007b46676"},"deleteAt":-1,"description":"This is an example for creating a new issue auto discovery rule","dimensions":["name"],"dqlNamespace":"keyevent","every":300,"id":null,"name":"test-core-worker","status":0,"updateAt":null,"updator":null,"uuid":"iatdc_xxxx","workspaceUUID":"wksp_xxxx"},"errorCode":"","message":"","success":true,"traceId":"4483644685680847012"} 


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