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Get Notes List

GET /api/v1/notes/list


List all notes that meet the conditions. The current interface does not support pagination.

Query Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
search string Notes name search
Can be empty: False

Additional Parameter Notes

Parameter description:

Request Example

curl '' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "data": [
                "createAt": 1642588739,
                "creator": "acnt_xxxx32",
                "creatorInfo": {
                    "iconUrl": "",
                    "name": "66",
                    "username": ""
                "deleteAt": -1,
                "id": 185,
                "isFavourited": false,
                "name": "My Notes",
                "pos": [
                        "chartUUID": "chrt_xxxx32"
                "status": 0,
                "updateAt": 1642588739,
                "updator": "acnt_xxxx32",
                "updatorInfo": {
                    "iconUrl": "",
                    "name": "66",
                    "username": ""
                "uuid": "notes_xxxx32",
                "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-123ADCD7-95F0-4EDC-A27A-649885FAF9CD"


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