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Get Explorer List

GET /api/v1/viewer/list


List all Explorers that meet the specified conditions

Query Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
sortKey string No Sorting field, default is to sort by updateAt. If the current value does not exist, it will be sorted by default.
Can be empty: False
Can be an empty string: True
Optional values: ['name', 'updateAt']
sortMethod string No Sorting method, default is to sort by desc
Can be empty: False
Can be an empty string: True
Optional values: ['desc', 'asc']
search string No Search by Explorer name
Can be empty: False
pageIndex integer No Page number
Can be empty: False
Example: 10
$minValue: 1
pageSize integer No Number of items returned per page
Can be empty: False
Example: 10
$minValue: 1
$maxValue: 100
filter string No Filtering condition
Can be empty: False
Optional values: ['total', 'favorite', 'import', 'myCreate', 'oftenBrowse', 'ofenBrowse', 'selfVisibleOnly']
tagNames json No Tag names used for filtering
Can be empty: False
Example: []

Additional Parameter Notes

Request Example

curl '' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": [
            "chartGroupPos": [],
            "chartPos": [],
            "createAt": 1677659952,
            "createdWay": "import",
            "creator": "acnt_xxxx32",
            "creatorInfo": {
                "email": "",
                "iconUrl": "",
                "name": "88 test",
                "username": "test"
            "dashboardBindSet": [],
            "deleteAt": -1,
            "extend": {
                "analysisField": "message",
                "charts": [
                        "extend": {
                            "fixedTime": "",
                            "settings": {
                                "alias": [],
                                "chartType": "line",
                                "colors": [],
                                "compareColors": {
                                    "dayCompare": "rgba(11,11,12,0.5)",
                                    "hourCompare": "#0B0B0C",
                                    "monthCompare": "rgba(11,11,12,0.12)",
                                    "weekCompare": "rgba(11,11,12,0.3)"
                                "compareColorsDark": {
                                    "dayCompare": "rgba(213,217,226,0.5)",
                                    "hourCompare": "#D5D9E2",
                                    "monthCompare": "rgba(213,217,226,0.12)",
                                    "weekCompare": "rgba(213,217,226,0.25)"
                                "compareColorsLight": {
                                    "dayCompare": "rgba(11,11,12,0.5)",
                                    "hourCompare": "#0B0B0C",
                                    "monthCompare": "rgba(11,11,12,0.12)",
                                    "weekCompare": "rgba(11,11,12,0.3)"
                                "compareType": [],
                                "density": "medium",
                                "fixedTime": "",
                                "isPercent": false,
                                "isTimeInterval": true,
                                "legendPostion": "none",
                                "legendValues": "",
                                "levels": [],
                                "onlyShowGroupName": false,
                                "openCompare": false,
                                "openStack": false,
                                "showFieldMapping": false,
                                "showLine": false,
                                "showTitle": true,
                                "stackType": "time",
                                "timeInterval": "auto",
                                "titleDesc": "",
                                "units": [],
                                "xAxisShowType": "time",
                                "yAxixMaxVal": null,
                                "yAxixMinVal": null
                        "isQuery": true,
                        "name": "Create Chart",
                        "queries": [
                                "color": "",
                                "datasource": "dataflux",
                                "name": "",
                                "qtype": "dql",
                                "query": {
                                    "alias": "",
                                    "code": "A",
                                    "dataSource": "",
                                    "field": "",
                                    "fieldFunc": "",
                                    "fill": null,
                                    "filters": [],
                                    "funcList": [],
                                    "groupBy": [],
                                    "groupByTime": "",
                                    "indexFilter": "",
                                    "namespace": "tracing",
                                    "q": "",
                                    "queryFuncs": [],
                                    "type": "simple"
                                "type": "sequence",
                                "unit": ""
                        "type": "sequence"
                "filters": [],
                "index": "tracing",
                "quickFilter": {
                    "columns": []
                "rumAppId": "",
                "rumType": "",
                "selectedIndex": "default",
                "source": "",
                "table": {
                    "columns": []
            "iconSet": {},
            "id": 711,
            "isFavorite": false,
            "isPublic": 1,
            "mapping": [],
            "name": "11",
            "ownerType": "viewer",
            "status": 0,
            "tag_info": {
                "tagInfo": []
            "type": "CUSTOM",
            "updateAt": 1677662452,
            "updator": "acnt_xxxx32",
            "updatorInfo": {
                "email": "",
                "iconUrl": "",
                "name": "88 test",
                "username": "test"
            "uuid": "dsbd_xxxx32",
            "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"


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