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Modify One or More Members

POST /api/v1/workspace/member/batch_modify


Modify one or more members

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
accountUUIDs array Y List of account UUIDs
Example: ['Account UUID1 not in the workspace', 'Account UUID2 not in the workspace']
Can be empty: True
roleUUIDs array Y List of user role UUIDs
Example: None
Can be empty: False
onlyModifyRoles boolean Y Whether to only modify member roles, True does not change team information
Example: True
Can be empty: False
memberGroupUUIDs array List of teams
Example: ['xxx', 'xxx']
Can be empty: True
acntWsNickname string Nickname of the account in this workspace
Example: NicknameAAA
Can be empty: True
$maxCustomLength: 128

Additional Parameter Notes

Data notes.*

When modifying member roles, if roleUUIDs contains roles that require token review (no billing center review required for SaaS Free Plan and PaaS versions), it must include role UUIDs that do not require review.

  • Request parameter description
Parameter Name Type Description
accountUUIDs list Member account UUIDs
roleUUIDs list Role UUIDs
onlyModifyRoles boolean Whether to only change role information (true for batch modification, false for individual modification)
memberGroupUUIDs list Team information is required when modifying a single member
acntWsNickname string Nickname of the account in the workspace

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"accountUUIDs": ["acnt_xxxx32"], "onlyModifyRoles": true, "roleUUIDs": ["general","wsAdmin"]}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "autoLoginUrl": ""
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-F0E7FBC3-3A2B-4843-9B5E-DAD070AB812B"


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