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Purchase Guance Commercial Plan from Alibaba Cloud International Marketplace

To meet the product needs of users both inside and outside China, you can now purchase the Guance Commercial Plan from the Alibaba Cloud International Marketplace.

Step 1: Purchase Guance

Go to the Alibaba Cloud International Marketplace and click Activate Now.

A free activation window will pop up; click Confirm:

You will then be redirected to the marketplace page to view the purchased Guance services.

Step 2: Start Using Guance

After purchasing Guance services from the Alibaba Cloud International Marketplace, on the Purchased Services page, you can use Single Sign-On (SSO) to directly access Guance.

If your current Alibaba Cloud account ID is not linked to a Guance Billing Center account, after logging in successfully, you will be redirected to the following page where you can choose:

Register for Guance Commercial Plan;

Already have a billing center account, go to bind.


After you start using Guance services, you can use the International Billing Center to settle payments with your Alibaba Cloud account in US dollars.

Note: Currently, all Hong Kong and overseas regions of Guance support binding Alibaba Cloud International Marketplace products and settling in US dollars. Purchases of Guance products from the Alibaba Cloud International Marketplace can also select any Hong Kong or overseas region for activation and binding.

For frequently asked questions related to regions and billing, refer to the FAQ.

How to Obtain Account ID?

Click on your profile icon and go to Account Management:

On this page, you can view your Account ID:

How to Obtain Instance ID?

After purchasing Guance services, go to Marketplace > Purchased Services. On the right side, you can view all purchased items. Each item has its own Instance ID.


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