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beforeSend (Data Interception and Data Modification)

The RUM SDK executes the beforeSend method before sending each piece of data. By customizing the implementation of this method, you can achieve the following operations:

  • Modify certain data;
  • Intercept data transmission.

beforeSend provides two parameters:

function beforeSend(event, context)
event is an object generated by the SDK to collect various metrics data. context contains specific related information as follows:

View Location
Action Event
Resource (XHR) XMLHttpRequest, PerformanceResourceTiming
Resource (Fetch) Request, Response, PerformanceResourceTiming
Resource (Other) PerformanceResourceTiming
Error Error
Long Task PerformanceLongTaskTiming

Modify Certain Data

window.DATAFLUX_RUM &&
        beforeSend: (event, context) => {
            if (event.type === 'resource' && event.resource.type === 'fetch') {
                // Add response headers information to the original data
                event.context = {...event.context, responseHeaders: context.response.headers}

Note: beforeSend can only modify data fields that the SDK allows. Modifications outside these fields will be ignored.

The fields that the SDK allows modification are listed in the table below:

Property Type Description
view.url string Page URL
view.referrer string Referrer URL
resource.url string Resource URL
error.message string Error message
error.resource.url string Error resource URL
context string Global custom content, for example: content added via addAction, addError.

Intercept Data Transmission

You can intercept unnecessary data by returning true or false from the beforeSend method.

  • true means this data should be reported;
  • false means this data should be ignored.
window.DATAFLUX_RUM &&
        beforeSend: (event) => {
            if (shouldDiscard(event)) {
                return false
            } else {
                return true


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