
AWS Lambda 扩展

Version-1.4.6 · Experimental

AWS Lambda 采集器是通过 AWS Lambda Extension 的方式采集 AWS Lambda 的指标与日志。


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  • ENV_DATAWAY=https://openway.guance.com?token=<your-token>



  • 标签
Tag Description
aws_account_id AWS Account ID.
aws_lambda_function_memory_size Configured memory size for the Lambda function.
aws_lambda_function_name Lambda function name.
aws_lambda_function_version Lambda function version.
aws_lambda_initialization_type Initialization type of the Lambda function.
aws_region AWS region where the function is executed.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
billed_duration_ms Billed duration in milliseconds. int ms
duration_ms Total duration in milliseconds. int ms
errors Errors count. int count
init_duration_ms Initialization duration in milliseconds. int ms
invocations Invocation count. int count
max_memory_used_mb Maximum memory used in MB. int Mb
memory_size_mb Memory size configured for the Lambda function in MB. int Mb
out_of_memory Out of memory errors count. int count
post_runtime_duration Duration of the post-runtime phase in milliseconds. int ms
produced_bytes Bytes produced. int B
response_duration_ms Response duration in milliseconds. int ms
response_latency Response latency in milliseconds. int ms
runtime_duration_ms Duration of the runtime in milliseconds. int ms
timeouts Timeouts count. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
aws_log_from log sources, currently only function are supported
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
message Log message. string -


  • OpenTelemetry
  • statsd
  • ddtrace # 目前只支持 golang。由于 ddtrace 在 lambda 环境下会有特殊操作,需要添加 tracer.WithLambdaMode(false)


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