
Ingress Nginx (Prometheus)

Ingress 性能指标展示,包括 Ingress Controller 的平均 CPU 使用率、平均内存使用、网络请求/响应合计、Ingress Config 的加载次数、Ingress Config 上次加载结果、Ingress 的转发成功率等。




说明:示例 Ingress 版本为 willdockerhub/ingress-nginx-controller:v1.0.0(CentOS 环境下 kubeadmin 部署),各个不同版本指标可能存在差异。


  • 获取部署 Ingress 的 yaml 文件
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.1.1/deploy/static/provider/baremetal/deploy.yaml
  • 编辑 deploy.yaml 把 service 的 type 设置成 NodePort,并对外暴露 10254 端口
  type: NodePort
    - name: prometheus
      port: 10254
      targetPort: prometheus

找到 kind: Deployment 部分,修改如下内容:

kind: DaemonSet #修改

hostNetwork: true #新增
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet #修改

-开启 Input 观测云接入 Ingress 指标数据,需要 DataKit 开启 prom 插件,在 prom 插件配置中指定 exporter 的 url,在 Kubernetes 集群中采集 Ingress Controller 指标,推荐使用 annotations 增加注解的方式。打开部署 Ingress 的 deploy.yaml 文件,找到上步中修改的 DaemonSet 部分 ,增加 annotations。

  datakit/prom.instances: |
      url = "http://$IP:10254/metrics"
      source = "prom-ingress"
      metric_types = ["counter", "gauge", "histogram"]
      # metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]
      # measurement_prefix = ""
      measurement_name = "prom_ingress"
      interval = "60s"
      tags_ignore = ["build","le","path","method","release","repository"]
      metric_name_filter = ["nginx_process_cpu_seconds_total","nginx_process_resident_memory_bytes","request_size","response_size","requests","success","config_last_reload_successful"]
        prefix = "nginx_ingress_controller_"
        name = "prom_ingress"
      namespace = "$NAMESPACE"
  • 参数说明:

  • url: Exporter urls,多个 url 用逗号分割

  • source: 采集器别名
  • metric_types: 指标类型,可选值是 counter、 gauge、 histogram、 summary
  • measurement_name: 指标集名称
  • interval: 采集频率
  • inputs.prom.measurements: 指标集为 prefix 的前缀归为 name 的指标集
  • tags_ignore: 忽略的 tag
  • metric_name_filter: 保留的指标名

  • 部署 Ingress

kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml


如果配置了 inputs.prom.measurements ,观测云采集到的指标需要加上前缀才能与表格匹配。
举例,如下配置了前缀 nginx*ingress_controller ,指标集是 prom_ingress

              prefix = "nginx_ingress_controller_"
              name = "prom_ingress"

nginx_ingress_controller_requests 指标在观测云上的指标就是 prom_ingress 指标集下的 requests 指标。

指标 描述 数据类型 单位
nginx_ingress_controller_requests The total number of client requests int count
nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections current number of client connections with state int count
nginx_ingress_controller_success Cumulative number of Ingress controller reload operations int count
nginx_ingress_controller_config_last_reload_successful Whether the last configuration reload attempt was successful int count
nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_resident_memory_bytes number of bytes of memory in use float B
nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_cpu_seconds_total Cpu usage in seconds float B
nginx_process_resident_memory_bytes number of bytes of memory in use int B
nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket The request processing time in milliseconds int count
nginx_ingress_controller_request_size_sum The request length (including request line, header, and request body) int count
nginx_ingress_controller_response_size_sum The response length (including request line, header, and request body) int count
nginx_ingress_controller_ssl_expire_time_seconds Number of seconds since 1970 to the SSL Certificate expire int count


<Nginx Ingress 可观测最佳实践>


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