


支持通过系统租户采集 OceanBase 监控指标。


  • OceanBase 3.2.4 企业版



  • 创建监控账号

使用 OceanBase 系统租户账号创建监控账号,并授予以下权限:


-- MySQL 8.0+ create the datakit user with the caching_sha2_password method
CREATE USER 'datakit'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password by '<UNIQUEPASSWORD>';

-- 授权
GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'datakit'@'localhost';
  • 如用 localhost 时发现采集器有如下报错,需要将上述步骤的 localhost 换成 ::1
    Error 1045: Access denied for user 'datakit'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

  • 以上创建、授权操作,均限定了 datakit 这个用户,只能在 OceanBase 主机上(localhost)访问。如果需要远程采集,建议将 localhost 替换成 %(表示 DataKit 可以在任意机器上访问),也可用特定的 DataKit 安装机器地址。


进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/db 目录,复制 oceanbase.conf.sample 并命名为 oceanbase.conf。示例如下:

  # host name
  host = "localhost"

  ## port
  port = 2883

  ## tenant name
  tenant = "sys"

  ## cluster name
  cluster = "obcluster"

  ## user name
  user = "datakit"

  ## password
  password = "<PASS>"

  ## database name
  database = "oceanbase"

  ## mode. mysql only.
  mode = "mysql"

  ## @param connect_timeout - number - optional - default: 10s
  # connect_timeout = "10s"

  interval = "10s"

  ## OceanBase slow query time threshold defined. If larger than this, the executed sql will be reported.
  slow_query_time = "0s"

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

  ## Run a custom SQL query and collect corresponding metrics.
  # [[inputs.oceanbase.custom_queries]]
    # sql = '''
    #   select
    #     CON_ID tenant_id,
    #     STAT_ID,
    #     replace(name, " ", "_") metric_name,
    #     VALUE
    #   from
    #     v$sysstat;
    # '''
    # metric = "oceanbase_custom"
    # tags = ["metric_name", "tenant_id"]
    # fields = ["VALUE"]

    # some_tag = "some_value"
    # more_tag = "some_other_value"

配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。

目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。


Datakit 可以将执行超过用户自定义时间的 SQL 语句报告给观测云,在日志中显示,来源名是 oceanbase_log

该功能默认情况下是关闭的,用户可以在 OceanBase 的配置文件中将其打开,方法如下:

--slow-query-time 后面的值从 0s 改成用户心中的阈值,最小值 1 毫秒。一般推荐 10 秒。

  args = [
    '--slow-query-time' , '10s'                        ,
  • failed_obfuscate:SQL 脱敏失败的原因。只有在 SQL 脱敏失败才会出现。SQL 脱敏失败后原 SQL 会被上报。 更多字段解释可以查看这里
  • 如果值是 0s 或空或小于 1 毫秒,则不会开启 OceanBase 采集器的慢查询功能,即默认状态。
  • 没有执行完成的 SQL 语句不会被查询到。


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加全局选举 tag,也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.oceanbase.tags] 指定其它标签:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster Name
host The server address or the host Name
metric_name The name of the statistical event.
stat_id The ID of the statistical event.
svr_ip The IP address of the server where the information is located.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
metric_value The value of the statistical item. int -


  • 标签
Tag Description
cache_name The cache name.
cluster Cluster Name
host The server address or the host Name
svr_ip The IP address of the server where the information is located.
svr_port The port of the server where the information is located.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
cache_size The block cache size in the specified statistical range. int MB


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster Name
host The server address or the host Name
svr_ip The IP address of the server where the information is located.
svr_port The port of the server where the information is located.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
access_count The number of times that the query accesses the plan cache. int count
hit_count The number of plan cache hits. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster Name
event_group The group of the event.
host The server address or the host Name
svr_ip The IP address of the server where the information is located.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
time_waited The total wait time for the event in seconds. int s
total_waits The total number of waits for the event. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster Name
host The server address or the host Name
svr_ip The IP address of the server where the information is located.
svr_port The port of the server where the information is located.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
active_cnt The number of active sessions within a tenant. int count
all_cnt The total number of sessions within a tenant. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster Name
host The server address or the host Name
replica_type The type of the replica
svr_ip The IP address of the server where the information is located.
svr_port The port of the server where the information is located.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
max_clog_sync_delay_seconds The max clog synchronization delay of an tenant. int s



  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster Name
host Hostname.
oceanbase_server The address of the database instance (including port).
oceanbase_service OceanBase service name.
tenant_id Tenant id
tenant_name Tenant Name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
message The text of the logging. string -
status The status of the logging, only supported info/emerg/alert/critical/error/warning/debug/OK/unknown. string -


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