Prometheus Exporter 数据采集¶
Prom 采集器可以获取各种 Prometheus Exporters 暴露出来的指标数据,只要配置相应的 Exporter 地址,就可以将指标数据接入。
进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/prom
目录,复制 prom.conf.sample
并命名为 prom.conf
## Exporter URLs.
urls = ["", ""]
## Stream Size.
## The source stream segmentation size, (defaults to 1).
## 0 source stream undivided.
# stream_size = 1
## Unix Domain Socket URL. Using socket to request data when not empty.
uds_path = ""
## Ignore URL request errors.
ignore_req_err = false
## Collector alias.
source = "prom"
## Collect data output.
## Fill this when want to collect the data to local file nor center.
## After filling, could use 'datakit debug --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf' to debug local storage measurement set.
## Using '--prom-conf' when priority debugging data in 'output' path.
# output = "/abs/path/to/file"
## Collect data upper limit as bytes.
## Only available when set output to local file.
## If collect data exceeded the limit, the data would be dropped.
## Default is 32MB.
# max_file_size = 0
## Metrics type whitelist. Optional: counter, gauge, histogram, summary
## Example: metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"], only collect 'counter' and 'gauge'.
## Default collect all.
# metric_types = []
## Metrics name whitelist.
## Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
## Collect all if empty.
# metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]
## Metrics name blacklist.
## If a word both in blacklist and whitelist, blacklist priority.
## Regex supported. Multi supported, conditions met when one matched.
## Collect all if empty.
# metric_name_filter_ignore = ["foo","bar"]
## Measurement prefix.
## Add prefix to measurement set name.
measurement_prefix = ""
## Measurement name.
## If measurement_name is empty, split metric name by '_', the first field after split as measurement set name, the rest as current metric name.
## If measurement_name is not empty, using this as measurement set name.
## Always add 'measurement_prefix' prefix at last.
# measurement_name = "prom"
## Keep Exist Metric Name
## If the keep_exist_metric_name is true, keep the raw value for field names.
keep_exist_metric_name = false
## TLS config
# insecure_skip_verify = true
## Following ca_certs/cert/cert_key are optional, if insecure_skip_verify = true.
# ca_certs = ["/opt/tls/ca.crt"]
# cert = "/opt/tls/client.root.crt"
# cert_key = "/opt/tls/client.root.key"
## we can encode these file content in base64 format:
# ca_certs_base64 = ["LONG_BASE64_STRING......"]
# cert_base64 = "LONG_BASE64_STRING......"
# cert_key_base64 = "LONG_BASE64_STRING......"
# server_name = "your-SNI-name"
## Set to 'true' to enable election.
election = true
## disable setting host tag for this input
disable_host_tag = false
## disable setting instance tag for this input
disable_instance_tag = false
## disable info tag for this input
disable_info_tag = false
## Ignore tags. Multi supported.
## The matched tags would be dropped, but the item would still be sent.
# tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]
## Customize authentification. For now support Bearer Token only.
## Filling in 'token' or 'token_file' is acceptable.
# [inputs.prom.auth]
# type = "bearer_token"
# token = "xxxxxxxx"
# token_file = "/tmp/token"
## Customize measurement set name.
## Treat those metrics with prefix as one set.
## Prioritier over 'measurement_name' configuration.
prefix = "etcd_network_"
name = "etcd_network"
prefix = "etcd_server_"
name = "etcd_server"
## Not collecting those data when tag matched.
# [inputs.prom.ignore_tag_kv_match]
# key1 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
# key2 = [ "val1.*", "val2.*"]
## Add HTTP headers to data pulling (Example basic authentication).
# [inputs.prom.http_headers]
# Authorization = “Basic bXl0b21jYXQ="
## Rename tag key in prom data.
overwrite_exist_tags = false
# [inputs.prom.tags_rename.mapping]
# tag1 = "new-name-1"
# tag2 = "new-name-2"
# tag3 = "new-name-3"
## Send collected metrics to center as log.
## When 'service' field is empty, using 'service tag' as measurement set name.
enable = false
service = "service_name"
## Customize tags.
# [inputs.prom.tags]
# some_tag = "some_value"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"
## (Optional) Collect interval: (defaults to "30s").
# interval = "30s"
## (Optional) Timeout: (defaults to "30s").
# timeout = "30s"
配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。
目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。
interval 的配置
Prometheus 的指标采集会对目标服务造成一定的开销(HTTP 请求),为防止意外的配置,采集间隔目前默认为 30s,且配置项没有在 conf 中明显放出来。如果一定要配置采集间隔,可在 conf 中增加该配置:
配置额外的 header¶
Prom 采集器支持在数据拉取的 HTTP 请求中配置额外的请求头,(例如 Basic 认证):
Tag 重命名¶
注意:对于 DataKit 全局 tag key,此处不支持将它们重命名。
可以实现对采集到的 Prometheus Exporter 数据做 tag 名称的替换,里面的 overwrite_exist_tags
用于开启覆盖已有 tag 的选项。举个例子,对于已有 Prometheus Exporter 数据:
假定这里的 tags_rename
overwrite_exist_tags = true
status_code = "StatusCode",
method = "tag_exists", // 将 `method` 这个 tag 重命名为一个已存在的 tag
# 注意,这里的 tag_exists 被殃及,其值为原 method 的值
http,StatusCode=404,le=0.003,tag_exists=GET request_duration_seconds_bucket=1
如果 overwrite_exist_tags
# tag_exists 和 method 这两个 tag 均未发生变化
http,StatusCode=404,le=0.003,method=GET,tag_exists=yes request_duration_seconds_bucket=1
注意,这里的 tag 名称是大小写敏感的,可以用下面的调试工具测试一下数据情况,以决定 tag 名称如何替换。
Prometheus Exporter 暴露的指标多种多样,以实际采集到的指标为准。
由于 Prometheus 的数据格式跟 Influxdb 的行协议格式存在一定的差别。 对 Prometheus 而言,以下为一个 K8s 集群中一段分暴露出来的数据:
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk1s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/"} 1.21585664e+08
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk1s4",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/private/var/vm"} 1.2623872e+08
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk3s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/PostgreSQL 13.2-2"} 3.7269504e+07
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="/dev/disk5s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal"} 1.2808192e+07
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="map -hosts",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/net"} 0
node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="map auto_home",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/home"} 0
# HELP node_filesystem_device_error Whether an error occurred while getting statistics for the given device.
# TYPE node_filesystem_device_error gauge
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk1s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk1s4",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/private/var/vm"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk3s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/PostgreSQL 13.2-2"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="/dev/disk5s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="map -hosts",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/net"} 0
node_filesystem_device_error{device="map auto_home",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/home"} 0
# HELP node_filesystem_files Filesystem total file nodes.
# TYPE node_filesystem_files gauge
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk1s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk1s4",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/private/var/vm"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk3s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/PostgreSQL 13.2-2"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="/dev/disk5s1",fstype="apfs",mountpoint="/Volumes/Git 2.15.0 Mavericks Intel Universal"} 9.223372036854776e+18
node_filesystem_files{device="map -hosts",fstype="autofs",mountpoint="/net"} 0
node_filesystem_files{device="map auto_home",fstype="autof}
对 Influxdb 而言,上面数据的一种组织方式为
node_filesystem,tag-list available_bytes=1.21585664e+08,device_error=0,files=9.223372036854776e+18 time
- 在 Prometheus 暴露出来的指标中,如果名称前缀都是
上 - 将切割掉前缀的原 Prometheus 指标,都放到指标集
的指标中 - 默认情况下,Prometheus 中的所有 tags(即
中的部分)在 Influxdb 的行协议中,都保留下来
要达到这样的切割目的,可以这样配置 prom.conf
由于 Prometheus 暴露出来的指标非常多,大家不一定需要所有的指标,故 DataKit 提供一个简单的调试 prom.conf
的工具,如果不断调整 prom.conf
- 只采集符合一定名称规则的 Prometheus 指标
- 只采集部分计量数据(
Datakit 支持命令行直接调试 prom 采集器的配置文件,从 conf.d/prom 拷贝出一份 prom.conf 模板,填写对应 Exporter 地址,即可通过 DataKit 调试这个 prom.conf
执行如下命令,即可调试 prom.conf
: 指定配置文件,默认在当前目录下寻找prom.conf
文件,如果未找到,会去 <datakit-install-dir>/conf.d/prom 目录下查找相应文件。
================= Line Protocol Points ==================
prom_node,device=disk0 disk_written_sectors_total=146531.087890625 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=disk2 disk_written_sectors_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=disk4 disk_written_sectors_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node memory_total_bytes=8589934592 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=XHC20 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=awdl0 network_transmit_bytes_total=1527808 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=bridge0 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=en0 network_transmit_bytes_total=2847181824 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=en1 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=en2 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=gif0 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=lo0 network_transmit_bytes_total=6818923520 1623379432917573000
prom_node,device=p2p0 network_transmit_bytes_total=0 1623379432917573000
================= Summary ==================
Total time series: 58
Total line protocol points: 261
Total measurements: 3 (prom_node, prom_go, prom_promhttp)
- Line Protocol Points: 产生的行协议点
- Summary: 汇总结果
- Total time series: 时间线数量
- Total line protocol points: 行协议点数
- Total measurements: 指标集个数及其名称。