


PostgreSQL 采集器可以从 PostgreSQL 实例中采集实例运行状态指标,并将指标采集到观测云,帮助监控分析 PostgreSQL 各种异常情况。



  • PostgreSQL 版本 >= 9.0
  • 创建监控帐号
-- PostgreSQL >= 10
create user datakit with password '<PASSWORD>';
grant pg_monitor to datakit;
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to datakit;

-- PostgreSQL < 10
create user datakit with password '<PASSWORD>';
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to datakit;


进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/db 目录,复制 postgresql.conf.sample 并命名为 postgresql.conf。示例如下:

  ## Server address
  # URI format
  # postgres://[datakit[:PASSWORD]]@localhost[/dbname]?sslmode=[disable|verify-ca|verify-full]
  # or simple string
  # host=localhost user=pqgotest password=... sslmode=... dbname=app_production

  address = "postgres://datakit:PASSWORD@localhost?sslmode=disable"

  ## Ignore databases which are gathered. Do not use with 'databases' option.
  # ignored_databases = ["db1"]

  ## Specify the list of the databases to be gathered. Do not use with the 'ignored_databases' option.
  # databases = ["db1"]

  ## Specify the name used as the "server" tag.
  # outputaddress = "db01"

  ## Collect interval
  # Time unit: "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
  interval = "10s"

  ## Relations config
  # The list of relations/tables can be specified to track per-relation metrics. To collect relation
  # relation_name refer to the name of a relation, either relation_name or relation_regex must be set.
  # relation_regex is a regex rule, only takes effect when relation_name is not set.
  # schemas used for filtering, ignore this field when it is empty
  # relkind can be a list of the following options:
  #   r(ordinary table), i(index), S(sequence), t(TOAST table), p(partitioned table),
  #   m(materialized view), c(composite type), f(foreign table)
  # [[inputs.postgresql.relations]]
  # relation_name = "<TABLE_NAME>"
  # relation_regex = "<TABLE_PATTERN>"
  # schemas = ["public"]
  # relkind = ["r", "p"]

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

  ## Run a custom SQL query and collect corresponding metrics.
  # [[inputs.postgresql.custom_queries]]
  #   sql = '''
  #     select datname,numbackends,blks_read
  #     from pg_stat_database
  #     limit 10
  #   '''
  #   metric = "postgresql_custom_stat"
  #   tags = ["datname" ]
  #   fields = ["numbackends", "blks_read"]

  ## Log collection
  # [inputs.postgresql.log]
  # files = []
  # pipeline = "postgresql.p"

  ## Custom tags
  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...

配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。

目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加名为 host 的全局 tag(tag 值为 DataKit 所在主机名),也可以在配置中通过 [[inputs.postgresql.tags]] 另择 host 来命名。


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
active_time Time spent executing SQL statements in this database, in milliseconds. float count
blks_hit The number of times disk blocks were found in the buffer cache, preventing the need to read from the database. int count
blks_read The number of disk blocks read in this database. int count
database_size The disk space used by this database. int count
deadlocks The number of deadlocks detected in this database. int count
idle_in_transaction_time Time spent idling while in a transaction in this database, in milliseconds. float count
numbackends The number of active connections to this database. int count
session_time Time spent by database sessions in this database, in milliseconds. float count
sessions Total number of sessions established to this database. int count
sessions_abandoned Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated because connection to the client was lost. int count
sessions_fatal Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by fatal errors. int count
sessions_killed Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by operator intervention. int count
temp_bytes The amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. int count
temp_files The number of temporary files created by queries in this database. int count
tup_deleted The number of rows deleted by queries in this database. int count
tup_fetched The number of rows fetched by queries in this database. int count
tup_inserted The number of rows inserted by queries in this database. int count
tup_returned The number of rows returned by queries in this database. int count
tup_updated The number of rows updated by queries in this database. int count
wraparound The number of transactions that can occur until a transaction wraparound. float count
xact_commit The number of transactions that have been committed in this database. int count
xact_rollback The number of transactions that have been rolled back in this database. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
locktype The lock type
mode The lock mode
schema The schema name
server The server address
table The table name
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
lock_count The number of locks active for this database. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
index The index name
schema The schema name
server The server address
table The table name
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
idx_scan The number of index scans initiated on this table, tagged by index. int count
idx_tup_fetch The number of live rows fetched by index scans. int count
idx_tup_read The number of index entries returned by scans on this index. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
replication_delay The current replication delay in seconds. Only available with postgresql 9.1 and newer. int s
replication_delay_bytes The current replication delay in bytes. Only available with postgresql 9.2 and newer. int B


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
schema The schema name
server The server address
table The table name
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
index_size The total disk space used by indexes attached to the specified table. int B
table_size The total disk space used by the specified table. Includes TOAST, free space map, and visibility map. Excludes indexes. int B
total_size The total disk space used by the table, including indexes and TOAST data. int B


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
schema The schema name
server The server address
table The table name
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
heap_blks_hit The number of buffer hits in this table. int count
heap_blks_read The number of disk blocks read from this table. int count
idx_blks_hit The number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table. int count
idx_blks_read The number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table. int count
tidx_blks_hit The number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table index. int count
tidx_blks_read The number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table index. int count
toast_blks_hit The number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table. int count
toast_blks_read The number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
schema The schema name
server The server address
table The table name
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
analyze_count The number of times this table has been manually analyzed. int count
autoanalyze_count The number of times this table has been analyzed by the autovacuum daemon. int count
autovacuum_count The number of times this table has been vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon. int count
idx_scan The number of index scans initiated on this table, tagged by index. int count
idx_tup_fetch The number of live rows fetched by index scans. int count
n_dead_tup The estimated number of dead rows. int count
n_live_tup The estimated number of live rows. int count
n_tup_del The number of rows deleted by queries in this database. int count
n_tup_hot_upd The number of rows HOT updated, meaning no separate index update was needed. int count
n_tup_ins The number of rows inserted by queries in this database. int count
n_tup_upd The number of rows updated by queries in this database. int count
seq_scan The number of sequential scans initiated on this table. int count
seq_tup_read The number of live rows fetched by sequential scans. int count
vacuum_count The number of times this table has been manually vacuumed. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
name The name of the SLRU
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
blks_exists Number of blocks checked for existence for this SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. int count
blks_hit Number of times disk blocks were found already in the SLRU (simple least-recently-used.) int count
blks_read Number of disk blocks read for this SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. SLRU caches are created with a fixed number of pages. int count
blks_written Number of disk blocks written for this SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. int count
blks_zeroed Number of blocks zeroed during initializations of SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. int count
flushes Number of flush of dirty data for this SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. int count
truncates Number of truncates for this SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
buffers_alloc The number of buffers allocated int count
buffers_backend The number of buffers written directly by a backend. int count
buffers_backend_fsync The of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call instead of the background writer. int count
buffers_checkpoint The number of buffers written during checkpoints. int count
buffers_clean The number of buffers written by the background writer. int count
checkpoint_sync_time The total amount of checkpoint processing time spent synchronizing files to disk. float ms
checkpoint_write_time The total amount of checkpoint processing time spent writing files to disk. float ms
checkpoints_req The number of requested checkpoints that were performed. int count
checkpoints_timed The number of scheduled checkpoints that were performed. int count
maxwritten_clean The number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan due to writing too many buffers. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
max_connections The maximum number of client connections allowed to this database. float count
percent_usage_connections The number of connections to this database as a fraction of the maximum number of allowed connections. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
confl_bufferpin Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to pinned buffers. int count
confl_deadlock Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to deadlocks. int count
confl_lock Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to dropped tablespaces. This will occur when a temp_tablespace is dropped while being used on a standby. int count
confl_snapshot Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to old snapshots. int count
confl_tablespace Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to dropped tablespaces. This will occur when a temp_tablespace is dropped while being used on a standby. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
db The database name
server The server address
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
archived_count Number of WAL files that have been successfully archived. int count
archived_failed_count Number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files. int count


  • PostgreSQL 日志默认是输出至 stderr,如需开启文件日志,可在 PostgreSQL 的配置文件 /etc/postgresql/<VERSION>/main/postgresql.conf , 进行如下配置:
logging_collector = on    # 开启日志写入文件功能

log_directory = 'pg_log'  # 设置文件存放目录,绝对路径或相对路径(相对 PGDATA)

log_filename = 'pg.log'   # 日志文件名称
log_statement = 'all'     # 记录所有查询

#log_duration = on
log_line_prefix= '%m [%p] %d [%a] %u [%h] %c ' # 日志行前缀
log_file_mode = 0644

# For Windows
#log_destination = 'eventlog'


  • PostgreSQL 采集器默认是未开启日志采集功能,可在 conf.d/db/postgresql.conf 中 将 files 打开,并写入 PostgreSQL 日志文件的绝对路径。比如:


  files = ["/tmp/pgsql/postgresql.log"]

开启日志采集后,默认会产生日志来源(source)为 PostgreSQL 的日志。

注意:日志采集仅支持已安装 DataKit 主机上的日志。

日志 Pipeline 切割


2021-05-31 15:23:45.110 CST [74305] test [pgAdmin 4 - DB:postgres] postgres [] 60b48f01.12241 LOG:  statement:
        SELECT psd.*, 2^31 - age(datfrozenxid) as wraparound, pg_database_size(psd.datname) as pg_database_size
        FROM pg_stat_database psd
        JOIN pg_database pd ON psd.datname = pd.datname
        WHERE psd.datname not ilike 'template%'   AND psd.datname not ilike 'rdsadmin'
        AND psd.datname not ilike 'azure_maintenance'   AND psd.datname not ilike 'postgres'


字段名 字段值 说明
application_name pgAdmin 4 - DB:postgres 连接当前数据库的应用的名称
db_name test 访问的数据库
process_id 74305 当前连接的客户端进程 ID
remote_host 客户端的地址
session_id 60b48f01.12241 当前会话的 ID
user postgres 当前访问用户名
time 1622445825110000000 日志产生时间


缺失指标 postgresql_lock, postgresql_stat, postgresql_index, postgresql_size, postgresql_statio

这些指标上报,需要开启配置文件中的 relations 字段。如果这些指标存在部分缺失,可能是因为相关指标不存在数据导致的。


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