

本文主要介绍 SNMP 数据采集。


  • SNMP (Simple network management protocol): 用于收集有关裸机网络设备信息的网络协议。
  • OID (Object identifier): 设备上的唯一 ID 或地址,轮询时返回该值的响应代码。例如,OID 是 CPU 或设备风扇速度。
  • sysOID (System object identifier): 定义设备类型的特定地址。所有设备都有一个定义它的唯一 ID。例如,Meraki 基础 sysOID 是“”。
  • MIB (Managed information base): 与 MIB 相关的所有可能的 OID 及其定义的数据库或列表。例如,“IF-MIB”(接口 MIB)包含有关设备接口的描述性信息的所有 OID。

关于 SNMP 协议

SNMP 协议分为 3 个版本:v1/v2c/v3,其中:

  • v1 和 v2c 是兼容的。很多 SNMP 设备只提供 v2c 和 v3 两种版本的选择。v2c 版本,兼容性最好,很多旧设备只支持这个版本;
  • 如果对安全性要求高,选用 v3。安全性也是 v3 版本与之前版本的主要区别;

Datakit 支持以上所有版本。

选择 v1/v2c 版本

如果选择 v1/v2c 版本,需要提供 community string,中文翻译为「团体名/团体字符串/未加密的口令」,即密码,与 SNMP 设备进行交互需要提供这个进行鉴权。另外,有的设备会进一步进行细分,分为「只读团体名」和「读写团体名」。顾名思义:

  • 只读团体名:设备只会向该方提供内部指标数据,不能修改内部的一些配置(Datakit 用这个就够了)
  • 读写团体名:提供方拥有设备内部指标数据查询与部分配置修改权限

选择 v3 版本

如果选择 v3 版本,需要提供 「用户名」、「认证算法/密码」、「加密算法/密码」、「上下文」 等,各个设备要求不同,根据设备侧的配置进行填写。



进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/snmp 目录,复制 snmp.conf.sample 并命名为 snmp.conf。示例如下:

  ## Filling in specific device IP address, example ["", ""].
  ## And you can use auto_discovery and specific_devices at the same time.
  ## If you don't want to specific device, you don't need provide this.
  # specific_devices = ["***"] # SNMP Device IP.

  ## Filling in autodiscovery CIDR subnet, example ["", ""].
  ## If you don't want to enable autodiscovery feature, you don't need provide this.
  # auto_discovery = ["***"] # Used in autodiscovery mode only, ignore this in other cases.

  ## Consul server url for consul discovery
  ## We can discovery snmp instance from consul services
  # consul_discovery_url = ""

  ## Consul token, optional.
  # consul_token = "<consul token>"

  ## Instance ip key name. ("IP" case sensitive)
  # instance_ip_key = "IP"

  ## Witch task will collect, according to consul service filed "Address"
  ## [] mean collect all, optional, default to []
  # exporter_ips = ["<ip1>", "<ip2>"...]

  ## Consul TLS connection config, optional.
  # ca_certs = ["/opt/tls/ca.crt"]
  # cert = "/opt/tls/client.crt"
  # cert_key = "/opt/tls/client.key"
  # insecure_skip_verify = true

  ## SNMP protocol version the devices using, fill in 2 or 3.
  ## If you using the version 1, just fill in 2. Version 2 supported version 1.
  ## This is must be provided.
  snmp_version = 2

  ## SNMP port in the devices. Default is 161. In most cases, you don't need change this.
  ## This is optional.
  # port = 161

  ## Password in SNMP v2, enclose with single quote. Only worked in SNMP v2.
  ## If you are using SNMP v2, this is must be provided.
  ## If you are using SNMP v3, you don't need provide this.
  # v2_community_string = "***"

  ## Authentication stuff in SNMP v3.
  ## If you are using SNMP v2, you don't need provide this.
  ## If you are using SNMP v3, this is must be provided.
  # v3_user = "***"
  # v3_auth_protocol = "***"
  # v3_auth_key = "***"
  # v3_priv_protocol = "***"
  # v3_priv_key = "***"
  # v3_context_engine_id = "***"
  # v3_context_name = "***"

  ## Number of workers used to collect and discovery devices concurrently. Default is 100.
  ## Modifying it based on device's number and network scale.
  ## This is optional.
  # workers = 100

  ## Interval between each auto discovery in seconds. Default is "1h".
  ## Only worked in auto discovery feature.
  ## This is optional.
  # discovery_interval = "1h"

  ## Collect metric interval, default is 10s. (optional)
  # metric_interval = "10s"

  ## Collect object interval, default is 5m. (optional)
  # object_interval = "5m"

  ## Filling in excluded device IP address, example ["", ""].
  ## Only worked in auto discovery feature.
  ## This is optional.
  # discovery_ignored_ip = []

  ## Set true to enable election
  # election = true

  ## Device Namespace. Default is "default".
  # device_namespace = "default"

  ## Picking the metric data only contains the field's names below.
  # enable_picking_data = true # Default is "false", which means collecting all data.
  # status = ["sysUpTimeInstance", "tcpCurrEstab", "ifAdminStatus", "ifOperStatus", "cswSwitchState"]
  # speed = ["ifHCInOctets", "ifHCInOctetsRate", "ifHCOutOctets", "ifHCOutOctetsRate", "ifHighSpeed", "ifSpeed", "ifBandwidthInUsageRate", "ifBandwidthOutUsageRate"]
  # cpu = ["cpuUsage"]
  # mem = ["memoryUsed", "memoryUsage", "memoryFree"]
  # extra = []

  ## The matched tags would be dropped.
  # tags_ignore = ["Key1","key2"]

  ## The regexp matched tags would be dropped.
  # tags_ignore_regexp = ["^key1$","^(a|bc|de)$"]

  ## Zabbix profiles
  # [[inputs.snmp.zabbix_profiles]]
    ## Can be full path file name or only file name.
    ## If only file name, the path is "./conf.d/snmp/userprofiles/
    ## Suffix can be .yaml .yml .xml
    # profile_name = "xxx.yaml"
    ## ip_list is optional
    # ip_list = ["ip1", "ip2"]
    ## Device class, Best to use the following words:
    ## access_point, firewall, load_balancer, pdu, printer, router, sd_wan, sensor, server, storage, switch, ups, wlc, net_device
    # class = "server"

  # [[inputs.snmp.zabbix_profiles]]
    # profile_name = "yyy.xml"
    # ip_list = ["ip3", "ip4"]
    # class = "switch"

  # ...

  ## Prometheus snmp_exporter profiles, 
  ## If module mapping different class, can disassemble yml file.
  # [[inputs.snmp.prom_profiles]]
    # profile_name = "xxx.yml"
    ## ip_list useful when xxx.yml have 1 module 
    # ip_list = ["ip1", "ip2"]
    # class = "net_device"

  # ...

  ## Prometheus consul discovery module mapping.  ("type"/"isp" case sensitive)
  # [[inputs.snmp.module_regexps]]
    # module = "vpn5"
    ## There is an and relationship between step regularization
    # step_regexps = [["type", "vpn"],["isp", "CT"]]

  # [[inputs.snmp.module_regexps]]
    # module = "switch"
    # step_regexps = [["type", "switch"]]

  # ...

  ## Field key or tag key mapping. Do NOT edit.
    CNTLR_NAME = "unit_name"
    DISK_NAME = "unit_name"
    ENT_CLASS = "unit_class"
    ENT_NAME = "unit_name"
    FAN_DESCR = "unit_desc"
    IF_OPERS_TATUS = "unit_status"
    IFADMINSTATUS = "unit_status"
    IFALIAS = "unit_alias"
    IFDESCR = "unit_desc"
    IFNAME = "unit_name"
    IFOPERSTATUS = "unit_status"
    IFTYPE = "unit_type"
    PSU_DESCR = "unit_desc"
    SENSOR_LOCALE = "unit_locale"
    SNMPINDEX = "snmp_index"
    SNMPVALUE = "snmp_value"
    TYPE = "unit_type"
    SENSOR_INFO = "unit_desc"
    ## We can add more mapping below
    # dev_fan_speed = "fanSpeed"
    # dev_disk_size = "diskTotal

  ## Reserved oid-key mappings. Do NOT edit.
    "" = "netUptime"
    "" = "uptime"
    "" = "ifInDiscards"
    "" = "ifInErrors"
    "" = "ifHCInOctets"
    "" = "ifOutDiscards"
    "" = "ifOutErrors"
    "" = "ifHCOutOctets"
    "" = "ifHighSpeed"
    "" = "ifNetStatus"
    ## We can add more oid-key mapping below

  # [inputs.snmp.tags]
    # tag1 = "val1"
    # tag2 = "val2"

    enable = true
    bind_host = ""
    port = 9162
    stop_timeout = 3    # stop timeout in seconds.

配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。


Zabbix 格式

  • 配置

        profile_name = "xxx.yaml"
        ip_list = ["ip1", "ip2"]
        class = "server"
        profile_name = "yyy.xml"
        ip_list = ["ip3", "ip4"]
        class = "firewall"
      # ...

    profile_name 可以是全路径或只包含文件名,只包含文件名的话,文件要放到 ./conf.d/snmp/userprofiles/ 子目录下。

    您可以去 Zabbix 官方下载对应的的配置,也可以去 社区 下载。

    如果您对下载到的 yaml 或 xml 文件不满意,也可以自行修改。

  • 自动发现

    • 自动发现在引入的多个 yaml 配置里面匹配采集规则,进行采集。
    • 自动发现请尽量按 C 段配置,配置 B 段可能会慢一些。
    • 万一自动发现匹配不到 yaml ,是因为已有的 yaml 里面没有被采集设备的生产商特征码。

      • 可以在 yaml 的 items 里面人为加入一条 oid 信息,引导自动匹配过程。
        - items:
          - snmp_oid:
      • 拟加入的 oid 通过执行以下命令获得,后面加上 . 是为了防止产生无用的指标。
      $ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public <ip>
      iso. = OID: iso.
      $ snmpgetnext -v 2c -c public <ip>
      iso. = STRING: "radius"

Prometheus 格式

  • 配置

        profile_name = "xxx.yml"
        ip_list = ["ip1", "ip2"]
        class = "server"
        profile_name = "yyy.yml"
        ip_list = ["ip3", "ip4"]
        class = "firewall"
      # ...

    profile 参考 Prometheus snmp_exporter 的 snmp.yml 文件, 建议把不同 class 的 module 拆分成 不同 .yml 配置。

    Prometheus 的 profile 允许为 module 单独配置团体名 community,这个团体名优先于采集器配置的团体名。

        community: xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • 自动发现

    SNMP 采集器支持通过 Consul 服务发现来发现被采集对象,服务注入格式参考 prom 官网


上述配置完成后,可以使用 datakit debug --input-conf 命令来测试配置是否正确,示例如下:

sudo datakit debug --input-conf /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/snmp/snmp.conf


  1. 上面配置的 inputs.snmp.tags 中如果与原始 fields 中的 key 同名重复,则会被原始数据覆盖
  2. 设备的 IP 地址(指定设备模式)/网段(自动发现模式)、SNMP 协议的版本号及相对应的鉴权字段是必填字段
  3. 「指定设备」模式和「自动发现」模式,两种模式可以共存,但设备间的 SNMP 协议的版本号及相对应的鉴权字段必须保持一致

配置被采集 SNMP 设备

SNMP 设备在默认情况下,一般 SNMP 协议处于关闭状态,需要进入管理界面手动打开。同时,需要根据实际情况选择协议版本和填写相应信息。


有些设备为了安全需要额外配置放行 SNMP,具体因设备而异。比如华为系防火墙,需要在 "启用访问管理" 中勾选 SNMP 以放行。 可以使用 snmpwalk 命令来测试采集侧与设备侧是否配置连通成功(在 Datakit 运行的主机上运行以下命令):

# 适用 v2c 版本
snmpwalk -O bentU -v 2c -c [community string] [SNMP_DEVICE_IP] 1.3.6
# 适用 v3 版本
snmpwalk -v 3 -u user -l authPriv -a sha -A [认证密码] -x aes -X [加密密码] [SNMP_DEVICE_IP] 1.3.6

如果配置没有问题的话,该命令会输出大量数据。snmpwalk 是运行在采集侧的一个测试工具,MacOS 下自带,Linux 安装方法:

sudo yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils # CentOS
sudo apt–get install snmp                # Ubuntu


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加全局选举 tag,也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.snmp.tags] 指定其它标签:

 # some_tag = "some_value"
 # more_tag = "some_other_value"
 # ...



SNMP device metric data.

  • 标签
Tag Description
cpu CPU index. Optional.
device_type Device vendor.
device_vendor Device vendor.
entity_name Device entity name. Optional.
host Device host, replace with IP.
interface Device interface. Optional.
interface_alias Device interface alias. Optional.
ip Device IP.
mac_addr Device MAC address. Optional.
mem Memory index. Optional.
mem_pool_name Memory pool name. Optional.
name Device name and IP.
oid OID.
power_source Power source. Optional.
power_status_descr Power status description. Optional.
sensor_id Sensor ID. Optional.
sensor_type Sensor type. Optional.
snmp_host Device host.
snmp_index Macro value. Optional.
snmp_profile Device SNMP profile file.
snmp_value Macro value. Optional.
sys_name System name.
sys_object_id System object id.
temp_index Temperature index. Optional.
temp_state Temperature state. Optional.
unit_alias Macro value. Optional.
unit_class Macro value. Optional.
unit_desc Macro value. Optional.
unit_locale Macro value. Optional.
unit_name Macro value. Optional.
unit_status Macro value. Optional.
unit_type Macro value. Optional.
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
cieIfInputQueueDrops [Cisco only] (Shown as packet) The number of input packets dropped. float count
cieIfLastInTime [Cisco only] (Shown as millisecond) The elapsed time in milliseconds since the last protocol input packet was received. float ms
cieIfLastOutTime [Cisco only] (Shown as millisecond) The elapsed time in milliseconds since the last protocol output packet was transmitted. float ms
cieIfOutputQueueDrops [Cisco only] (Shown as packet) The number of output packets dropped by the interface even though no error was detected to prevent them being transmitted. float count
cieIfResetCount [Cisco only] The number of times the interface was internally reset and brought up. float count
ciscoEnvMonFanState [Cisco only] The current state of the fan being instrumented. float count
ciscoEnvMonSupplyState [Cisco only] The current state of the power supply being instrumented. float count
ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue [Cisco only] The current value of the test point being instrumented. float count
ciscoMemoryPoolFree [Cisco only] Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. float count
ciscoMemoryPoolLargestFree [Cisco only] Indicates the largest number of contiguous bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. float count
ciscoMemoryPoolUsed [Cisco only] Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device. float count
cpmCPUTotal1minRev [Cisco only] [Shown as percent] The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 1 minute period. float percent
cpmCPUTotalMonIntervalValue [Cisco only] (Shown as percent) The overall CPU busy percentage in the last cpmCPUMonInterval period. float percent
cpuStatus CPU status. float bool
cpuTemperature The Temperature of cpu. float C
cpuUsage (Shown as percent) Percentage of CPU currently being used. float percent
cswStackPortOperStatus [Cisco only] The state of the stack port. float count
cswSwitchState [Cisco only] The current state of a switch. float count
current The current of item. float unknown
diskAvailable Number of disk available. float B
diskFree (Shown as percent) The percentage of disk not being used. float percent
diskTotal Total of disk size. float B
diskUsage (Shown as percent) The percentage of disk currently being used. float percent
diskUsed Number of disk currently being used. float B
entSensorValue [Cisco only] The most recent measurement seen by the sensor. float count
fanSpeed The fan speed. float unknown
fanStatus The fan status. float bool
ifAdminStatus The desired state of the interface. float -
ifBandwidthInUsageRate (Shown as percent) The percent rate of used received bandwidth. float percent
ifBandwidthOutUsageRate (Shown as percent) The percent rate of used sent bandwidth. float percent
ifHCInBroadcastPkts (Shown as packet) The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer. float count
ifHCInMulticastPkts (Shown as packet) The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. float count
ifHCInOctets (Shown as byte) The total number of octets received on the interface including framing characters. float count
ifHCInOctetsRate (Shown as byte) The total number of octets received on the interface including framing characters. float -
ifHCInPkts (Shown as packet) The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. float count
ifHCInUcastPkts (Shown as packet) The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. float count
ifHCOutBroadcastPkts (Shown as packet) The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. float count
ifHCOutMulticastPkts (Shown as packet) The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer including those that were discarded or not sent. float count
ifHCOutOctets (Shown as byte) The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface including framing characters. float count
ifHCOutOctetsRate (Shown as byte) The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface including framing characters. float count
ifHCOutPkts (Shown as packet) The total number of packets higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer including those that were discarded or not sent. float count
ifHCOutUcastPkts (Shown as packet) The total number of packets higher-level protocols requested be transmitted that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer including those that were discarded or not sent. float count
ifHighSpeed An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second, or the nominal bandwidth. float count
ifInDiscards (Shown as packet) The number of inbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. float count
ifInDiscardsRate (Shown as packet) The number of inbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. float count
ifInErrors (Shown as packet) The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. float count
ifInErrorsRate (Shown as packet) The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. float count
ifNetConnStatus The net connection status. float bool
ifNetStatus The net status. float bool
ifNumber Number of interface. float -
ifOperStatus (Shown as packet) The current operational state of the interface. float count
ifOutDiscards (Shown as packet) The number of outbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being transmitted. float count
ifOutDiscardsRate (Shown as packet) The number of outbound packets chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent them being transmitted. float count
ifOutErrors (Shown as packet) The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. float count
ifOutErrorsRate (Shown as packet) The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. float count
ifSpeed An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits per second, or the nominal bandwidth. float count
ifStatus The interface status. float bool
itemAvailable Item available. float unknown
itemFree (Shown as percent) Item not being used. float percent
itemTotal Item total. float unknown
itemUsage (Shown as percent) Item being used. float percent
itemUsed Item being used. float unknown
memoryAvailable (Shown as byte) Number of memory available. float B
memoryFree (Shown as percent) The percentage of memory not being used. float percent
memoryTotal (Shown as byte) Number of bytes of memory. float B
memoryUsage (Shown as percent) The percentage of memory currently being used. float percent
memoryUsed (Shown as byte) Number of bytes of memory currently being used. float B
netUptime (in second) net uptime. float s
power The power of item. float unknown
powerStatus The power of item. float unknown
sysUpTimeInstance The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. float count
tcpActiveOpens The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state. float count
tcpAttemptFails The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, or to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state. float count
tcpCurrEstab The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT. float -
tcpEstabResets The number of times that TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state. float count
tcpInErrs (Shown as segment) The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad TCP checksums). float count
tcpOutRsts (Shown as segment) The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag. float count
tcpPassiveOpens (Shown as connection) The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state. float count
tcpRetransSegs (Shown as segment) The total number of segments retransmitted; that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets. float count
temperature The Temperature of item. float C
udpInErrors (Shown as datagram) The number of received UDP datagram that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port. float count
udpNoPorts (Shown as datagram) The total number of received UDP datagram for which there was no application at the destination port. float count
uptime (in second) uptime. float s
uptimeTimestamp uptime timestamp. float sec
voltage The Volt of item. float volt
voltageStatus The voltage status of item. float bool



SNMP device object data.

  • 标签
Tag Description
device_vendor Device vendor.
host Device host, replace with IP.
ip Device IP.
name Device name, replace with IP.
snmp_host Device host.
snmp_profile Device SNMP profile file.
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
all Device all data (JSON format). string -
cpus Device CPUs (JSON format). string -
device_meta Device meta data (JSON format). string -
interfaces Device network interfaces (JSON format). string -
mem_pool_names Device memory pool names (JSON format). string -
mems Device memories (JSON format). string -
sensors Device sensors (JSON format). string -


Datakit 是如何发现设备的?

Datakit 支持 "指定设备" 和 "自动发现" 两种模式。两种模式可以同时开启。

指定设备模式下,Datakit 与指定 IP 的设备使用 SNMP 协议进行通信,可以获知其目前在线状态。

自动发现模式下,Datakit 向指定 IP 网段内的所有地址逐一发送 SNMP 协议数据包,如果其响应可以匹配到相应的 Profile,那么 Datakit 认为该 IP 上有一个 SNMP 设备。


Datakit 可以从所有 SNMP 设备中收集通用的基线指标。如果你发现被采集的设备上报的数据中没有你想要的指标,那么,你可以需要为该设备自定义一份 Profile

为了完成上述工作,你很可能需要从设备厂商的官网下载该设备型号的 OID 手册。

为什么开启 SNMP 设备采集但看不到指标?

尝试为你的设备放开 ACLs/防火墙 规则。

可以在运行 Datakit 的主机上运行命令 snmpwalk -O bentU -v 2c -c <COMMUNITY_STRING> <IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT> 1.3.6。如果得到一个没有任何响应的超时,很可能是有什么东西阻止了 Datakit 从你的设备上收集指标。


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