


可以使用 DDTrace 可以采集 Tomcat 指标。采集数据流向如下:Tomcat -> DDTrace -> DataKit(StatsD)。

可以看到 DataKit 已经集成了 StatsD 的服务端,DDTrace 采集 Tomcat 的数据后使用 StatsD 的协议报告给了 Datakit。



  • 已测试的 Tomcat 版本:

    • 11.0.0
    • 10.1.10
    • 9.0.76
    • 8.5.90


  • 下载 dd-java-agent.jar 包,参见 这里;

  • Datakit 侧:参见 StatsD 的配置。

  • Tomcat 侧:

/usr/local/tomcat/bin 下创建文件 setenv.sh 并赋予执行权限,再写入以下内容:

export CATALINA_OPTS="-javaagent:dd-java-agent.jar \
                      -Ddd.jmxfetch.enabled=true \
                      -Ddd.jmxfetch.statsd.host=${DATAKIT_HOST} \
                      -Ddd.jmxfetch.statsd.port=${DATAKIT_STATSD_HOST} \


  • javaagent: 这个填写 dd-java-agent.jar 的完整路径;
  • Ddd.jmxfetch.enabled: 填 true, 表示开启 DDTrace 的采集功能;
  • Ddd.jmxfetch.statsd.host: 填写 Datakit 监听的网络地址。不含端口号;
  • Ddd.jmxfetch.statsd.port: 填写 Datakit 监听的端口号。一般为 8125,由 Datakit 侧的配置决定;
  • Ddd.jmxfetch.tomcat.enabled: 填 true, 表示开启 DDTrace 的 Tomcat 采集功能。开启后会多出名为 tomcat 的指标集;

重启 Tomcat 使配置生效。


会产生两个指标集,一个是 JVM 的指标集,另一个是 tomcat 的指标集,以下只展示 tomcat 的指标集。

以下所有数据采集,默认会追加名为 host 的全局 tag(tag 值为 DataKit 所在主机名),也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.statsd.tags] 指定其它标签:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • 标签
Tag Description
host Hostname.
instance Instance.
jmx_domain JMX domain.
metric_type Metric type.
name Name.
runtime-id Runtime ID.
service Service name.
type Type.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
bytes_rcvd Bytes per second received by all request processors. float count
bytes_sent Bytes per second sent by all the request processors. float count
cache_access_count The number of accesses to the cache per second. float count
cache_hits_count The number of cache hits per second. float count
error_count The number of errors per second on all request processors. float count
jsp_count The number of JSPs per second that have been loaded in the web module. float count
jsp_reload_count The number of JSPs per second that have been reloaded in the web module. float count
max_time The longest request processing time (in milliseconds). float count
processing_time The sum of request processing times across all requests handled by the request processors (in milliseconds) per second. float count
request_count The number of requests per second across all request processors. float count
servlet_error_count The number of erroneous requests received by the Servlet per second. float count
servlet_processing_time The sum of request processing times across all requests to the Servlet (in milliseconds) per second. float count
servlet_request_count The number of requests received by the Servlet per second. float count
string_cache_access_count The number of accesses to the string cache per second. float count
string_cache_hit_count The number of string cache hits per second. float count
threads_busy The number of threads that are in use. float count
threads_count The number of threads managed by the thread pool. float count
threads_max The maximum number of allowed worker threads. float count
web_cache_hit_count The number of web resource cache hits per second. float count
web_cache_lookup_count The number of lookups to the web resource cache per second. float count



日志采集仅支持采集已安装 DataKit 主机上的日志

如需采集 Tomcat 的日志,需开启文件采集功能。可在 logging.conf 中写入 Tomcat 日志文件的绝对路径。比如:

  logfiles = [

  source = "tomcat"

修改完成后,重启 Datakit 使配置生效。


  • Access Log


0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - admin [24/Feb/2015:15:57:10 +0530] "GET /manager/images/tomcat.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2066


字段名 字段值 说明
time 1424773630000000000 日志产生的时间
status OK 日志等级
client_ip 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 客户端 ip
http_auth admin 通过 HTTP Basic 认证的授权用户
http_method GET HTTP 方法
http_url /manager/images/tomcat.gif 客户端请求地址
http_version 1.1 HTTP 协议版本
status_code 200 HTTP 状态码
bytes 2066 HTTP 响应 body 的字节数
  • Catalina / Host-manager / Localhost / Manager Log


06-Sep-2021 22:33:30.513 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx256m


字段名 字段值 说明
time 1630938810513000000 日志产生的时间
status INFO 日志等级
thread_name main 线程名
report_source org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log ClassName.MethodName
msg Command line argument: -Xmx256m 消息





  • 已测试的版本:

    • 9
    • 8
  • 下载 Jolokia,重命名为 jolokia.war,并放置于 Tomcat 的 webapps 目录下。也可从 Datakit 的安装目录下的 data 目录下获取 jolokia.war

  • 编辑 Tomcat 的 conf 目录下的 tomcat-users.xml,增加 rolejolokia 的用户。

apache-tomcat-9.0.45 为例:

注意:示例中 Jolokia 的 usernamepassword 请务必修改

cd apache-tomcat-9.0.45/

export tomcat_dir=`pwd`

wget https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/jolokia/jolokia-war/1.6.2/jolokia-war-1.6.2.war -O $tomcat_dir/webapps/jolokia.war


$ vim $tomcat_dir/conf/tomcat-users.xml

  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="<must-be-changed>" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="<must-be-changed>" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="<must-be-changed>" roles="role1"/>
  <role rolename="jolokia"/>
  <user username="jolokia_user" password="secPassWd@123" roles="jolokia"/>



$ tomcat_dir/bin/startup.sh
Tomcat started.

前往 http://localhost:8080/jolokia 查看是否配置成功


进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/tomcat 目录,复制 tomcat.conf.sample 并命名为 tomcat.conf。示例如下:

  ### Tomcat user(rolename="jolokia"). For example:
  # username = "jolokia_user"
  # password = "secPassWd@123"

  # response_timeout = "5s"

  urls = ["http://localhost:8080/jolokia"]

  ### Optional TLS config
  # tls_ca = "/var/private/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/var/private/client.pem"
  # tls_key = "/var/private/client-key.pem"
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ### Monitor Interval
  # interval = "15s"

  ## Set true to enable election
  # election = true

  # [inputs.tomcat.log]
  # files = []
  # #grok pipeline script path
  # pipeline = "tomcat.p"

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...

  ### Tomcat metrics
    name     = "tomcat_global_request_processor"
    mbean    = '''Catalina:name="*",type=GlobalRequestProcessor'''
    paths    = ["requestCount","bytesReceived","bytesSent","processingTime","errorCount"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]

    name     = "tomcat_jsp_monitor"
    mbean    = "Catalina:J2EEApplication=*,J2EEServer=*,WebModule=*,name=jsp,type=JspMonitor"
    paths    = ["jspReloadCount","jspCount","jspUnloadCount"]
    tag_keys = ["J2EEApplication","J2EEServer","WebModule"]

    name     = "tomcat_thread_pool"
    mbean    = "Catalina:name=\"*\",type=ThreadPool"
    paths    = ["maxThreads","currentThreadCount","currentThreadsBusy"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]

    name     = "tomcat_servlet"
    mbean    = "Catalina:J2EEApplication=*,J2EEServer=*,WebModule=*,j2eeType=Servlet,name=*"
    paths    = ["processingTime","errorCount","requestCount"]
    tag_keys = ["name","J2EEApplication","J2EEServer","WebModule"]

    name     = "tomcat_cache"
    mbean    = "Catalina:context=*,host=*,name=Cache,type=WebResourceRoot"
    paths    = ["hitCount","lookupCount"]
    tag_keys = ["context","host"]
    tag_prefix = "tomcat_"

目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加名为 host 的全局 tag(tag 值为 DataKit 所在主机名),也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.tomcat.tags] 指定其它标签:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • 标签
Tag Description
host System hostname.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent url.
name Protocol handler name.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
bytesReceived Amount of data received, in bytes. int count
bytesSent Amount of data sent, in bytes. int count
errorCount Number of errors. int count
processingTime Total time to process the requests. int -
requestCount Number of requests processed. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
J2EEApplication J2EE Application.
J2EEServer J2EE Servers.
WebModule Web Module.
host System hostname.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent url.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
jspCount The number of JSPs that have been loaded into a webapp. int count
jspReloadCount The number of JSPs that have been reloaded. int count
jspUnloadCount The number of JSPs that have been unloaded. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
host System hostname.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent url.
name Protocol handler name.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
currentThreadCount CurrentThreadCount. int count
currentThreadsBusy CurrentThreadsBusy. int count
maxThreads MaxThreads. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
J2EEApplication J2EE Application.
J2EEServer J2EE Server.
WebModule Web Module.
host System hostname.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent url.
name Name
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
errorCount Error count. int count
processingTime Total execution time of the Servlet's service method. int -
requestCount Number of requests processed by this wrapper. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
host System hostname.
jolokia_agent_url Jolokia agent url.
tomcat_context Tomcat context.
tomcat_host Tomcat host.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
hitCount The number of requests for resources that were served from the cache. int count
lookupCount The number of requests for resources. int count



日志采集仅支持采集已安装 DataKit 主机上的日志

如需采集 Tomcat 的日志,可在 tomcat.conf 中 将 files 打开,并写入 Tomcat 日志文件的绝对路径。比如:

    files = ["/path_to_tomcat/logs/*"]

开启日志采集以后,默认会产生日志来源(source)为 tomcat 的日志。


  • Access Log


0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - admin [24/Feb/2015:15:57:10 +0530] "GET /manager/images/tomcat.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2066


字段名 字段值 说明
time 1424773630000000000 日志产生的时间
status OK 日志等级
client_ip 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 客户端 ip
http_auth admin 通过 HTTP Basic 认证的授权用户
http_method GET HTTP 方法
http_url /manager/images/tomcat.gif 客户端请求地址
http_version 1.1 HTTP 协议版本
status_code 200 HTTP 状态码
bytes 2066 HTTP 响应 body 的字节数
  • Catalina / Host-manager / Localhost / Manager Log


06-Sep-2021 22:33:30.513 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Xmx256m


字段名 字段值 说明
time 1630938810513000000 日志产生的时间
status INFO 日志等级
thread_name main 线程名
report_source org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log ClassName.MethodName
msg Command line argument: -Xmx256m 消息


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