


Couchbase 采集器用于采集 Couchbase 服务器相关的指标数据。

Couchbase 采集器支持远程采集,可以运行在多种操作系统中。


  • Couchbase enterprise-7.2.0
  • Couchbase community-7.2.0



  • 安装 Couchbase 服务

官方文档 - CentOS/RHEL 安装

官方文档 - Debian/Ubuntu 安装

官方文档 - Windows 安装

  • 验证是否正确安装

在浏览器访问网址 <ip>:8091 可以进入 Couchbase 管理界面。

  • 采集数据需要用到 8091 9102 18091 19102 几个端口,远程采集的时候,被采集服务器这些端口需要打开。


进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/couchbase 目录,复制 couchbase.conf.sample 并命名为 couchbase.conf。示例如下:

  ## Collect interval, default is 30 seconds. (optional)
  # interval = "30s"

  ## Timeout: (defaults to "5s"). (optional)
  # timeout = "5s"

  ## Scheme, "http" or "https".
  scheme = "http"

  ## Host url or ip.
  host = ""

  ## Host port. If "https" will be 18091.
  port = 8091

  ## Additional host port for index metric. If "https" will be 19102.
  additional_port = 9102

  ## Host user name.
  user = "Administrator"

  ## Host password.
  password = "123456"

  ## TLS configuration.
  tls_open = false
  # tls_ca = ""
  # tls_cert = "/var/cb/clientcertfiles/travel-sample.pem"
  # tls_key = "/var/cb/clientcertfiles/travel-sample.key"

  ## Disable setting host tag for this input
  disable_host_tag = false

  ## Disable setting instance tag for this input
  disable_instance_tag = false

  ## Set to 'true' to enable election.
  election = true

# [inputs.couchbase.tags]
  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。

可通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置配置 ENV_DATAKIT_INPUTS 开启采集器。

也支持以环境变量的方式修改配置参数(需要在 ENV_DEFAULT_ENABLED_INPUTS 中加为默认采集器):



    字段类型: TimeDuration

    采集器配置字段: interval

    默认值: 30s



    字段类型: TimeDuration

    采集器配置字段: timeout

    默认值: 5s



    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: scheme

    示例: http or https



    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: host



    端口号,https 用 18091

    字段类型: Int

    采集器配置字段: port

    示例: 8091 or 18091


    附加的端口号,https 用 19102

    字段类型: Int

    采集器配置字段: additional_port

    示例: 9102 or 19102



    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: user

    示例: Administrator



    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: password

    示例: 123456


    TLS open

    字段类型: Boolean

    采集器配置字段: tls_open

    默认值: false


    TLS configuration

    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: tls_ca

    示例: /opt/ca.crt


    TLS configuration

    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: tls_cert

    示例: /opt/peer.crt


    TLS configuration

    字段类型: String

    采集器配置字段: tls_key

    示例: /opt/peer.key



    字段类型: Boolean

    采集器配置字段: election

    默认值: true



    字段类型: Map

    采集器配置字段: tags

    示例: tag1=value1,tag2=value2

TLS 配置

TLS 需要 Couchbase enterprise 版支持

官方文档 - 配置服务器证书

官方文档 - 配置客户端证书



  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
node Node ip.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
cluster_membership Whether or not node is part of the CB cluster. float count
failover Failover. float count
failover_complete Failover complete. float count
failover_incomplete Failover incomplete. float count
failover_node Failover node. float count
graceful_failover_fail Graceful failover fail. float count
graceful_failover_start Graceful failover start. float count
graceful_failover_success Graceful failover success. float count
healthy Is this node healthy. float bool
interestingstats_cmd_get Number of reads (get operations) per second from this bucket. (measured from cmd_get). float req/s
interestingstats_couch_docs_actual_disk_size The size of all data service files on disk for this bucket, including the data itself, metadata, and temporary files. (measured from couch_docs_actual_disk_size). float B
interestingstats_couch_docs_data_size Bytes of active data in this bucket. (measured from couch_docs_data_size). float B
interestingstats_couch_spatial_data_size Interestingstats couch spatial data size. float B
interestingstats_couch_spatial_disk_size Interestingstats couch spatial disk size. float B
interestingstats_couch_views_actual_disk_size Bytes of active items in all the views for this bucket on disk (measured from couch_views_actual_disk_size). float B
interestingstats_couch_views_data_size Bytes of active data for all the views in this bucket. (measured from couch_views_data_size). float B
interestingstats_curr_items Current number of unique items in Couchbase. float count
interestingstats_curr_items_tot Current number of items in Couchbase including replicas. float count
interestingstats_ep_bg_fetched Number of reads per second from disk for this bucket. (measured from ep_bg_fetched). float req/s
interestingstats_get_hits Number of get operations per second for data that this bucket contains. (measured from get_hits). float req/s
interestingstats_mem_used Total memory used in bytes. (as measured from mem_used). float B
interestingstats_ops Total operations per second (including XDCR) to this bucket. (measured from cmd_get + cmd_set + incr_misses + incr_hits + decr_misses + decr_hits + delete_misses + delete_hits + ep_num_ops_del_meta + ep_num_ops_get_meta + ep_num_ops_set_meta). float req/s
interestingstats_vb_active_number_non_resident Interestingstats vb active number non resident. float count
interestingstats_vb_replica_curr_items Number of items in replica vBuckets in this bucket. (measured from vb_replica_curr_items). float count
memcached_memory_allocated Memcached memory allocated. float B
memcached_memory_reserved Memcached memory reserved. float B
memory_free Memory free. float B
memory_total Memory total. float B
rebalance_failure Rebalance failure. float count
rebalance_start Rebalance start. float count
rebalance_stop Rebalance stop. float count
rebalance_success Rebalance success. float count
systemstats_cpu_utilization_rate Percentage of CPU in use across all available cores on this server. float percent
systemstats_mem_free Bytes of memory not in use on this server. float B
systemstats_mem_total Bytes of total memory available on this server. float B
systemstats_swap_total Bytes of total swap space available on this server. float B
systemstats_swap_used Bytes of swap space in use on this server. float B
uptime Uptime. float s


  • 标签
Tag Description
bucket Bucket name.
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
basic_dataused_bytes Basic data used. float B
basic_diskfetches Basic disk fetches. float bool
basic_diskused_bytes Basic disk used. float B
basic_itemcount BucketItemCount first tries to retrieve an accurate bucket count via N1QL, but falls back to the REST API if that cannot be done (when there's no index to count all items in a bucket. float count
basic_memused_bytes Basic memory used. float B
basic_opspersec Basic ops per second. float s
basic_quota_user_percent Basic quota percent used. float percent


  • 标签
Tag Description
bucket Bucket name.
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
node Node ip.
source Source id.
target Target id.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
active_vbuckets_left Number of Active VBuckets remaining. float count
cluster_logs_collection_progress Progress of a cluster logs collection task. float count
compacting_progress Progress of a bucket compaction task. int count
docs_total Docs total. float count
docs_transferred Docs transferred. float count
node_rebalance_progress Progress of a rebalance task per node. float count
rebalance_progress Progress of a rebalance task. float count
replica_vbuckets_left Number of Replica VBuckets remaining. float count
xdcr_changes_left Number of updates still pending replication. float count
xdcr_docs_checked Number of documents checked for changes. float count
xdcr_docs_written Number of documents written to the destination cluster. float count
xdcr_errors Number of errors. float count
xdcr_paused Is this replication paused. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
active_requests Active number of requests. float count
avg_req_time Average request time. float ms
avg_response_size Average response size. float B
avg_result_count Average result count. float count
avg_svc_time Average service time. float ms
errors Number of query errors. float count
invalid_requests Number of invalid requests. float count
queued_requests Number of queued requests. float count
request_time Query request time. float ms
requests Number of query requests. float count
requests_1000ms Number of requests that take longer than 1000 ms per second. float req/s
requests_250ms Number of requests that take longer than 250 ms per second. float req/s
requests_5000ms Number of requests that take longer than 5000 ms per second. float req/s
requests_500ms Number of requests that take longer than 500 ms per second. float req/s
result_count Query result count. float count
result_size Query result size. float B
selects Number of queries involving SELECT. float count
service_time Query service time. float ms
warnings Number of query warnings. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
keyspace Key space name.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
avg_scan_latency Average time to serve a scan request (nanoseconds). float ns
cache_hit_percent Percentage of memory accesses that were served from the managed cache. float percent
cache_hits Accesses to this index data from RAM. float count
cache_misses Accesses to this index data from disk. float count
frag_percent Percentage fragmentation of the index. float percent
items_count The number of items currently indexed. float count
memory_quota Index Service memory quota. float B
memory_used Index Service memory used. float B
num_docs_indexed Number of documents indexed by the indexer since last startup. float count
num_docs_pending_queued Number of documents pending to be indexed. float count
num_requests Number of requests served by the indexer since last startup. float count
num_rows_returned Total number of rows returned so far by the indexer. float count
ram_percent Percentage of Index RAM quota in use across all indexes on this server. float percent
remaining_ram Bytes of Index RAM quota still available on this server. float B
resident_percent Percentage of the data held in memory. float percent


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
curr_batches_blocked_by_herder Number of DCP batches blocked by the FTS throttler due to high memory consumption. float count
num_bytes_used_ram Amount of RAM used by FTS on this server. float B
total_queries_rejected_by_herder Number of fts queries rejected by the FTS throttler due to high memory consumption. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
disk_used The total disk size used by Analytics. float B
gc_count Number of JVM garbage collections for Analytics node. float count
gc_time The amount of time in milliseconds spent performing JVM garbage collections for Analytics node. float ms
heap_used Amount of JVM heap used by Analytics on this server. float count
io_reads Number of disk bytes read on Analytics node per second. float B/S
io_writes Number of disk bytes written on Analytics node per second. float B/S
system_load_avg System load for Analytics node. float count
thread_count Number of threads for Analytics node. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
bucket_op_exception_count Eventing bucket op exception count. float count
checkpoint_failure_count Checkpoint failure count. float count
dcp_backlog Mutations yet to be processed by the function. float count
failed_count Mutations for which the function execution failed. float count
n1ql_op_exception_count Number of disk bytes read on Analytics node per second. float B
on_delete_failure Number of disk bytes written on Analytics node per second. float B/S
on_delete_success System load for Analytics node. float count
on_update_failure On update failure. float count
on_update_success On update success. float count
processed_count Mutations for which the function has finished processing. float count
test_bucket_op_exception_count Test bucket op exception count. float count
test_checkpoint_failure_count Test eventing bucket op exception count. float count
test_dcp_backlog Test dcp backlog. float count
test_failed_count Test failed count. float count
test_n1ql_op_exception_count Test n1ql op exception count. float count
test_on_delete_failure Test on delete failure. float count
test_on_delete_success Test on delete success. float count
test_on_update_failure Test on update failure. float count
test_on_update_success Test on update success. float count
test_processed_count Test processed count. float count
test_timeout_count Test timeout count. float count
timeout_count Function execution timed-out while processing. float count


  • 标签
Tag Description
bucket Bucket name.
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
node Node ip.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
avg_active_timestamp_drift Average drift (in seconds) between mutation timestamps and the local time for active vBuckets. (measured from ep_active_hlc_drift and ep_active_hlc_drift_count). float s
avg_bg_wait_seconds avg_bg_wait_seconds. float s
avg_disk_commit_time Average disk commit time in seconds as from disk_update histogram of timings. float s
avg_disk_update_time Average disk update time in microseconds as from disk_update histogram of timings. float ms
avg_replica_timestamp_drift Average drift (in seconds) between mutation timestamps and the local time for replica vBuckets. (measured from ep_replica_hlc_drift and ep_replica_hlc_drift_count). float s
bg_wait_count Bg wait count. float count
bg_wait_total Bg wait total. float count
bytes_read Bytes Read. float B
bytes_written Bytes written. float B
cas_bad_val Compare and Swap bad values. float count
cas_hits Number of operations with a CAS id per second for this bucket. float req/s
cas_misses Compare and Swap misses. float count
cmd_get Number of reads (get operations) per second from this bucket. float req/s
cmd_set Number of writes (set operations) per second to this bucket. float req/s
couch_docs_actual_disk_size The size of all data files for this bucket, including the data itself, meta data and temporary files. float B
couch_docs_data_size The size of active data in this bucket. float B
couch_docs_disk_size The size of all data files for this bucket, including the data itself, meta data and temporary files. float B
couch_docs_fragmentation How much fragmented data there is to be compacted compared to real data for the data files in this bucket. float count
couch_spatial_data_size Couch spatial data size. float B
couch_spatial_disk_size Couch spatial disk size. float B
couch_spatial_ops Couch spatial ops. float count
couch_total_disk_size The total size on disk of all data and view files for this bucket. float B
couch_views_actual_disk_size The size of all active items in all the indexes for this bucket on disk. float B
couch_views_data_size The size of active data on for all the indexes in this bucket. float B
couch_views_disk_size Couch views disk size. float B
couch_views_fragmentation How much fragmented data there is to be compacted compared to real data for the view index files in this bucket. float count
couch_views_ops All the view reads for all design documents including scatter gather. float count
cpu_idle_ms CPU idle milliseconds. float ms
cpu_local_ms CPU local ms. float ms
cpu_utilization_rate Percentage of CPU in use across all available cores on this server. float percent
curr_connections Number of connections to this server including connections from external client SDKs, proxies, DCP requests and internal statistic gathering. float count
curr_items Number of items in active vBuckets in this bucket. float count
curr_items_tot Total number of items in this bucket. float count
decr_hits Decrement hits. float count
decr_misses Decrement misses. float count
delete_hits Number of delete operations per second for this bucket. float req/s
delete_misses Number of delete operations per second for data that this bucket does not contain. (measured from delete_misses). float req/s
disk_commit_count Disk commit count. float count
disk_commit_total Disk commit total. float count
disk_update_count Disk update count. float count
disk_update_total Disk update total. float B
disk_write_queue Number of items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. (measured from ep_queue_size+ep_flusher_todo). float count
ep_active_ahead_exceptions Total number of ahead exceptions (when timestamp drift between mutations and local time has exceeded 5000000 μs) per second for all active vBuckets. float req/s
ep_active_hlc_drift Ep active hlc drift. float s
ep_active_hlc_drift_count Ep active hlc drift count. float s
ep_bg_fetched Number of reads per second from disk for this bucket. float req/s
ep_cache_miss_rate Percentage of reads per second to this bucket from disk as opposed to RAM. float req/s
ep_clock_cas_drift_threshold_exceeded Ep clock cas drift threshold exceeded. float s
ep_data_read_failed Number of disk read failures. (measured from ep_data_read_failed). float count
ep_data_write_failed Number of disk write failures. (measured from ep_data_write_failed). float count
ep_dcp_2i_backoff Number of backoffs for indexes DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_2i_count Number of indexes DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_2i_items_remaining Number of indexes items remaining to be sent. float count
ep_dcp_2i_items_sent Number of indexes items sent. float count
ep_dcp_2i_producers Number of indexes producers. float count
ep_dcp_2i_total_backlog_size Ep dcp 2i total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_2i_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for indexes DCP connections. float B/S
ep_dcp_cbas_backoff Number of backoffs per second for analytics DCP connections (measured from ep_dcp_cbas_backoff). float req/s
ep_dcp_cbas_count Number of internal analytics DCP connections in this bucket (measured from ep_dcp_cbas_count). float count
ep_dcp_cbas_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_cbas_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket. float req/s
ep_dcp_cbas_producer_count Number of analytics senders for this bucket (measured from ep_dcp_cbas_producer_count). float count
ep_dcp_cbas_total_backlog_size Ep dcp cbas total backlog size. float count
ep_dcp_fts_backlog_size Ep dcp fts backlog size. float count
ep_dcp_fts_backoff Ep dcp fts backoff. float count
ep_dcp_fts_count Ep dcp fts count. float count
ep_dcp_fts_items_remaining Ep dcp fts items remaining. float count
ep_dcp_fts_items_sent Ep dcp fts items sent. float count
ep_dcp_fts_producer_count Ep dcp fts producer count. float count
ep_dcp_fts_total_bytes Ep dcp fts total bytes. float B
ep_dcp_other_backoff Number of backoffs for other DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_other_count Number of other DCP connections in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_other_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket (measured from ep_dcp_other_items_remaining). float count
ep_dcp_other_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket (measured from ep_dcp_other_items_sent). float req/s
ep_dcp_other_producer_count Number of other senders for this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_other_total_backlog_size Ep dcp other total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_other_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for other DCP connections for this bucket. float B/S
ep_dcp_replica_backoff Number of backoffs for replication DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_replica_count Number of internal replication DCP connections in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_replica_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_replica_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket. float req/s
ep_dcp_replica_producer_count Number of replication senders for this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_replica_total_backlog_size Ep dcp replica total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_replica_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for replication DCP connections for this bucket. float B
ep_dcp_total_bytes Ep dcp total bytes. float B
ep_dcp_views_backoff Number of backoffs for views DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_views_count Number of views DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_views_indexes_backoff Ep dcp views indexes backoff. float count
ep_dcp_views_indexes_count Ep dcp views indexes count. float count
ep_dcp_views_indexes_items_remaining Ep dcp views indexes items remaining. float count
ep_dcp_views_indexes_items_sent Ep dcp views indexes items sent. float count
ep_dcp_views_indexes_producer_count Ep dcp views indexes producer count. float count
ep_dcp_views_indexes_total_backlog_size Ep dcp views indexes total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_views_indexes_total_bytes Ep dcp views indexes total bytes. float B
ep_dcp_views_items_remaining Number of views items remaining to be sent. float count
ep_dcp_views_items_sent Number of views items sent. float count
ep_dcp_views_producer_count Number of views producers. float count
ep_dcp_views_total_backlog_size Ep dcp views total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_views_total_bytes Number bytes per second being sent for views DCP connections. float B/S
ep_dcp_xdcr_backoff Number of backoffs for XDCR DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_count Number of internal XDCR DCP connections in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket. float req/s
ep_dcp_xdcr_producer_count Number of XDCR senders for this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_total_backlog_size Ep dcp XDCR total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_xdcr_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for XDCR DCP connections for this bucket. float B/S
ep_diskqueue_drain Total number of items per second being written to disk in this bucket. float req/s
ep_diskqueue_fill Total number of items per second being put on the disk queue in this bucket. float req/s
ep_diskqueue_items Total number of items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
ep_flusher_todo Number of items currently being written. float count
ep_item_commit_failed Number of times a transaction failed to commit due to storage errors. float count
ep_kv_size Total amount of user data cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
ep_max_size The maximum amount of memory this bucket can use. float B
ep_mem_high_wat High water mark for auto-evictions. float count
ep_mem_low_wat Low water mark for auto-evictions. float count
ep_meta_data_memory Total amount of item metadata consuming RAM in this bucket. float B
ep_num_non_resident Number of non-resident items. float count
ep_num_ops_del_meta Number of delete operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_del_ret_meta Number of delRetMeta operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_get_meta Number of metadata read operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_set_meta Number of set operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_set_ret_meta Number of setRetMeta operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_value_ejects Total number of items per second being ejected to disk in this bucket. float req/s
ep_oom_errors Number of times unrecoverable OOMs happened while processing operations. float count
ep_ops_create Total number of new items being inserted into this bucket. float count
ep_ops_update Number of items updated on disk per second for this bucket. float req/s
ep_overhead Extra memory used by transient data like persistence queues or checkpoints. float B
ep_queue_size Number of items queued for storage. float count
ep_replica_ahead_exceptions Percentage of all items cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
ep_replica_hlc_drift The sum of the total Absolute Drift, which is the accumulated drift observed by the vBucket. Drift is always accumulated as an absolute value. float s
ep_replica_hlc_drift_count Ep replica hlc drift count. float s
ep_resident_items_rate Percentage of all items cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
ep_tmp_oom_errors Number of back-offs sent per second to client SDKs due to OOM situations from this bucket. float req/s
ep_vb_total Total number of vBuckets for this bucket. float count
evictions Number of evictions. float count
get_hits Number of get hits. float count
get_misses Number of get misses. float count
hibernated_requests Number of streaming requests on port 8091 now idle. float count
hibernated_waked Rate of streaming request wakeups on port 8091. float req/s
hit_ratio Hit ratio. float rate
incr_hits Number of increment hits. float count
incr_misses Number of increment misses. float count
mem_actual_free Amount of RAM available on this server. float B
mem_actual_used Memory actual used. float B
mem_free Amount of Memory free. float B
mem_total Memory total. float B
mem_used Amount of memory used. float B
mem_used_sys Memory used sys. float B
misses Number of misses. float count
ops Total amount of operations per second to this bucket. float req/s
rest_requests Rate of http requests on port 8091. float req/s
swap_total Total amount of swap available. float count
swap_used Amount of swap space in use on this server. float count
vb_active_eject Number of items per second being ejected to disk from active vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vb_active_itm_memory Amount of active user data cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
vb_active_meta_data_memory Amount of active item metadata consuming RAM in this bucket. float count
vb_active_num Number of vBuckets in the active state for this bucket. float count
vb_active_num_non_resident Number of non resident vBuckets in the active state for this bucket. float count
vb_active_ops_create New items per second being inserted into active vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vb_active_ops_update Number of items updated on active vBucket per second for this bucket. float req/s
vb_active_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vb_active_queue_drain Number of active items per second being written to disk in this bucket. float req/s
vb_active_queue_fill Number of active items per second being put on the active item disk queue in this bucket. float req/s
vb_active_queue_items Vb active queue items. float count
vb_active_queue_size Number of active items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
vb_active_resident_items_ratio Percentage of active items cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
vb_avg_active_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vb_avg_pending_queue_age Average age in seconds of pending items in the pending item queue for this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float s
vb_avg_replica_queue_age Average age in seconds of replica items in the replica item queue for this bucket. float s
vb_avg_total_queue_age Average age in seconds of all items in the disk write queue for this bucket. float s
vb_pending_curr_items Number of items in pending vBuckets in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vb_pending_eject Number of items per second being ejected to disk from pending vBuckets in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vb_pending_itm_memory Amount of pending user data cached in RAM in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vb_pending_meta_data_memory Amount of pending item metadata consuming RAM in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vb_pending_num Number of vBuckets in the pending state for this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vb_pending_num_non_resident Number of non resident vBuckets in the pending state for this bucket. float count
vb_pending_ops_create New items per second being instead into pending vBuckets in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vb_pending_ops_update Number of items updated on pending vBucket per second for this bucket. float req/s
vb_pending_queue_age Sum of disk pending queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vb_pending_queue_drain Number of pending items per second being written to disk in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vb_pending_queue_fill Number of pending items per second being put on the pending item disk queue in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vb_pending_queue_size Number of pending items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vb_pending_resident_items_ratio Percentage of items in pending state buckets cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
vb_replica_curr_items Number of items in replica vBuckets in this bucket. float count
vb_replica_eject Number of items per second being ejected to disk from replica vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vb_replica_itm_memory Amount of replica user data cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
vb_replica_meta_data_memory Amount of replica item metadata consuming in RAM in this bucket. float count
vb_replica_num Number of vBuckets in the replica state for this bucket. float count
vb_replica_num_non_resident Vb replica num non resident. float count
vb_replica_ops_create New items per second being inserted into replica vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vb_replica_ops_update Number of items updated on replica vBucket per second for this bucket. float req/s
vb_replica_queue_age Sum of disk replica queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vb_replica_queue_drain Number of replica items per second being written to disk in this bucket. float req/s
vb_replica_queue_fill Number of replica items per second being put on the replica item disk queue in this bucket. float req/s
vb_replica_queue_size Number of replica items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
vb_replica_resident_items_ratio Percentage of active items cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
vb_total_queue_age Vb total queue age. float ms
xdc_ops Total XDCR operations per second for this bucket. float req/s


  • 标签
Tag Description
bucket Bucket name.
cluster Cluster name.
host Host name.
instance Instance endpoint.
  • 指标列表
Metric Description Type Unit
avg_active_timestamp_drift Average drift (in seconds) per mutation on active vBuckets. float s
avg_bg_wait_seconds Average background fetch time in seconds. float s
avg_disk_commit_time Average disk commit time in seconds as from disk_update histogram of timings. float s
avg_disk_update_time Average disk update time in microseconds as from disk_update histogram of timings. float μs
avg_replica_timestamp_drift Average drift (in seconds) per mutation on replica vBuckets. float s
cas_badval Compare and Swap bad values. float count
cas_hits Number of operations with a CAS id per second for this bucket. float req/s
cas_misses Compare and Swap misses. float count
cmd_get Number of reads (get operations) per second from this bucket. float req/s
cmd_set Number of writes (set operations) per second to this bucket. float req/s
couch_docs_actual_disk_size The size of all data files for this bucket, including the data itself, meta data and temporary files. float B
couch_docs_data_size The size of active data in this bucket. float B
couch_docs_disk_size The size of all data files for this bucket, including the data itself, meta data and temporary files. float B
couch_docs_fragmentation How much fragmented data there is to be compacted compared to real data for the data files in this bucket. float B
couch_total_disk_size The total size on disk of all data and view files for this bucket. float B
couch_views_actual_disk_size The size of all active items in all the indexes for this bucket on disk. float B
couch_views_data_size The size of active data on for all the indexes in this bucket. float B
couch_views_fragmentation How much fragmented data there is to be compacted compared to real data for the view index files in this bucket. float B
couch_views_ops All the view reads for all design documents including scatter gather. float count
cpu_idle_ms CPU idle milliseconds. float ms
cpu_local_ms CPU local ms. float ms
cpu_utilization_rate Percentage of CPU in use across all available cores on this server. float percent
curr_connections Number of connections to this server including connections from external client SDKs, proxies, DCP requests and internal statistic gathering. float count
curr_items Number of items in active vBuckets in this bucket. float count
curr_items_tot Total number of items in this bucket. float count
decr_hits Decrement hits. float count
decr_misses Decrement misses. float count
delete_hits Number of delete operations per second for this bucket. float req/s
delete_misses Delete misses. float count
disk_commits Disk commits. float count
disk_updates Disk updates. float count
disk_write_queue Number of items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
ep_active_ahead_exceptions Total number of ahead exceptions for all active vBuckets. float count
ep_active_hlc_drift Ep active hlc drift. float s
ep_bg_fetched Number of reads per second from disk for this bucket. float req/s
ep_cache_miss_rate Percentage of reads per second to this bucket from disk as opposed to RAM. float percent
ep_clock_cas_drift_threshold_exceeded Ep clock cas drift threshold exceeded. float s
ep_dcp_2i_backoff Number of backoffs for indexes DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_2i_connections Number of indexes DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_2i_items_remaining Number of indexes items remaining to be sent. float count
ep_dcp_2i_items_sent Number of indexes items sent. float count
ep_dcp_2i_producers Number of indexes producers. float count
ep_dcp_2i_total_backlog_size Ep dcp 2i total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_2i_total_bytes Number bytes per second being sent for indexes DCP connections. float B/S
ep_dcp_other_backoff Number of backoffs for other DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_other_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_other_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket. float req/s
ep_dcp_other_producers Number of other senders for this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_other_total_backlog_size Ep dcp other total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_other_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for other DCP connections for this bucket. float B/S
ep_dcp_others Number of other DCP connections in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_replica_backoff Number of backoffs for replication DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_replica_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_replica_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket. float req/s
ep_dcp_replica_producers Number of replication senders for this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_replica_total_backlog_size Ep dcp replica total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_replica_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for replication DCP connections for this bucket. float B/S
ep_dcp_replicas Number of internal replication DCP connections in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_views_backoffs Number of backoffs for views DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_views_connections Number of views DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_views_items_remaining Number of views items remaining to be sent. float count
ep_dcp_views_items_sent Number of views items sent. float count
ep_dcp_views_producers Number of views producers. float count
ep_dcp_views_total_backlog_size Ep dcp views total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_views_total_bytes Number bytes per second being sent for views DCP connections. float B/S
ep_dcp_xdcr_backoff Number of backoffs for XDCR DCP connections. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_connections Number of internal XDCR DCP connections in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_items_remaining Number of items remaining to be sent to consumer in this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_items_sent Number of items per second being sent for a producer for this bucket. float req/s
ep_dcp_xdcr_producers Number of XDCR senders for this bucket. float count
ep_dcp_xdcr_total_backlog_size Ep dcp XDCR total backlog size. float B
ep_dcp_xdcr_total_bytes Number of bytes per second being sent for XDCR DCP connections for this bucket. float B/S
ep_diskqueue_drain Total number of items per second being written to disk in this bucket. float req/s
ep_diskqueue_fill Total number of items per second being put on the disk queue in this bucket. float req/s
ep_diskqueue_items Total number of items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
ep_flusher_todo Number of items currently being written. float count
ep_item_commit_failed Number of times a transaction failed to commit due to storage errors. float count
ep_kv_size Total amount of user data cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
ep_max_size_bytes The maximum amount of memory this bucket can use. float B
ep_mem_high_wat_bytes High water mark for auto-evictions. float B
ep_mem_low_wat_bytes Low water mark for auto-evictions. float B
ep_meta_data_memory Total amount of item metadata consuming RAM in this bucket. float B
ep_num_non_resident Number of non-resident items. float count
ep_num_ops_del_meta Number of delete operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_del_ret_meta Number of delRetMeta operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_get_meta Number of metadata read operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_set_meta Number of set operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_ops_set_ret_meta Number of setRetMeta operations per second for this bucket as the target for XDCR. float req/s
ep_num_value_ejects Total number of items per second being ejected to disk in this bucket. float req/s
ep_oom_errors Number of times unrecoverable OOMs happened while processing operations. float count
ep_ops_create Total number of new items being inserted into this bucket. float count
ep_ops_update Number of items updated on disk per second for this bucket. float req/s
ep_overhead Extra memory used by transient data like persistence queues or checkpoints. float B
ep_queue_size Number of items queued for storage. float count
ep_replica_ahead_exceptions Total number of ahead exceptions (when timestamp drift between mutations and local time has exceeded 5000000 μs) per second for all replica vBuckets. float req/s
ep_replica_hlc_drift The sum of the total Absolute Drift, which is the accumulated drift observed by the vBucket. Drift is always accumulated as an absolute value. float s
ep_resident_items_rate Percentage of all items cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
ep_tmp_oom_errors Number of back-offs sent per second to client SDKs due to OOM situations from this bucket. float req/s
ep_vbuckets Total number of vBuckets for this bucket. float count
evictions Number of evictions. float count
get_hits Number of get hits. float count
get_misses Number of get misses. float count
hibernated_requests Number of streaming requests on port 8091 now idle. float count
hibernated_waked Rate of streaming request wakeups on port 8091. float percent
hit_ratio Hit ratio. float percent
incr_hits Number of increment hits. float count
incr_misses Number of increment misses. float count
mem_actual_free Amount of RAM available on this server. float B
mem_actual_used_bytes Memory actually used in bytes. float B
mem_bytes Total amount of memory available. float B
mem_free_bytes Amount of Memory free. float B
mem_used_bytes Amount of memory used. float B
mem_used_sys_bytes System memory in use. float B
misses Number of misses. float count
ops Total amount of operations per second to this bucket. float req/s
read_bytes Bytes read. float B
rest_requests Rate of http requests on port 8091. float B/S
swap_bytes Total amount of swap available. float B
swap_used Amount of swap space in use on this server. float B
vbuckets_active_eject Number of items per second being ejected to disk from active vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_active_itm_memory Amount of active user data cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
vbuckets_active_meta_data_memory Amount of active item metadata consuming RAM in this bucket. float B
vbuckets_active_num Number of vBuckets in the active state for this bucket. float count
vbuckets_active_num_non_resident Number of non resident vBuckets in the active state for this bucket. float count
vbuckets_active_ops_create New items per second being inserted into active vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_active_ops_update Number of items updated on active vBucket per second for this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_active_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vbuckets_active_queue_drain Number of active items per second being written to disk in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_active_queue_fill Number of active items per second being put on the active item disk queue in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_active_queue_size Number of active items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
vbuckets_active_resident_items_ratio Percentage of active items cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
vbuckets_avg_active_queue_age Average age in seconds of active items in the active item queue for this bucket. float s
vbuckets_avg_pending_queue_age Average age in seconds of pending items in the pending item queue for this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float s
vbuckets_avg_replica_queue_age Average age in seconds of replica items in the replica item queue for this bucket. float s
vbuckets_avg_total_queue_age Average age in seconds of all items in the disk write queue for this bucket. float s
vbuckets_pending_curr_items Number of items in pending vBuckets in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vbuckets_pending_eject Number of items per second being ejected to disk from pending vBuckets in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vbuckets_pending_itm_memory Amount of pending user data cached in RAM in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vbuckets_pending_meta_data_memory Amount of pending item metadata consuming RAM in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vbuckets_pending_num Number of vBuckets in the pending state for this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vbuckets_pending_num_non_resident Number of non resident vBuckets in the pending state for this bucket. float count
vbuckets_pending_ops_create New items per second being instead into pending vBuckets in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vbuckets_pending_ops_update Number of items updated on pending vBucket per second for this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_pending_queue_age Sum of disk pending queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vbuckets_pending_queue_drain Number of pending items per second being written to disk in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vbuckets_pending_queue_fill Number of pending items per second being put on the pending item disk queue in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float req/s
vbuckets_pending_queue_size Number of pending items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket and should be transient during rebalancing. float count
vbuckets_pending_resident_items_ratio Percentage of items in pending state vb cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
vbuckets_replica_curr_items Number of items in replica vBuckets in this bucket. float count
vbuckets_replica_eject Number of items per second being ejected to disk from replica vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_replica_itm_memory Amount of replica user data cached in RAM in this bucket. float count
vbuckets_replica_meta_data_memory Amount of replica item metadata consuming in RAM in this bucket. float B
vbuckets_replica_num Number of vBuckets in the replica state for this bucket. float count
vbuckets_replica_num_non_resident vb replica num non resident. float count
vbuckets_replica_ops_create New items per second being inserted into replica vBuckets in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_replica_ops_update Number of items updated on replica vBucket per second for this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_replica_queue_age Sum of disk replica queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
vbuckets_replica_queue_drain Number of replica items per second being written to disk in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_replica_queue_fill Number of replica items per second being put on the replica item disk queue in this bucket. float req/s
vbuckets_replica_queue_size Number of replica items waiting to be written to disk in this bucket. float count
vbuckets_replica_resident_items_ratio Percentage of replica items cached in RAM in this bucket. float percent
vbuckets_total_queue_age Sum of disk queue item age in milliseconds. float ms
written_bytes Bytes written. float B
xdc_ops Total XDCR operations per second for this bucket. float req/s


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