


SQL Server 采集器采集 SQL Server waitstatsdatabase_io 等相关指标


SQL Server 版本 >= 2012, 已测试的版本:

  • 2017
  • 2019
  • 2022


  • 创建用户:


USE master;
CREATE LOGIN [guance] WITH PASSWORD = N'yourpassword';

Aliyun RDS SQL Server:

USE master;
CREATE LOGIN [guance] WITH PASSWORD = N'yourpassword';


  • 自建的 SQL Server 需要具备 WITH GRANT OPTION、CREATE ANY LOGIN、CREATE ANY USER、ALTER ANY LOGIN 权限的用户,也可以直接使用具有 sysadmin 角色的用户或者 local 用户授权。
  • RDS for SQL Server 则需要使用高权限账号进行授权。


进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/db 目录,复制 sqlserver.conf.sample 并命名为 sqlserver.conf。示例如下:

  ## your sqlserver host ,example ip:port
  host = ""

  ## your sqlserver user,password
  user = ""
  password = ""

  ## Instance name. If not specified, a connection to the default instance is made.
  instance_name = ""

  ## Database name to query. Default is master.
  database = "master"

  ## by default, support TLS 1.2 and above.
  ## set to true if server side uses TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1
  allow_tls10 = false

  ## connection timeout default: 30s
  connect_timeout = "30s"

  ## parameters to be added to the connection string
  ## Examples:
  ##   "encrypt=disable"
  ##   "certificate=/path/to/cert.pem"
  ## reference: https://github.com/microsoft/go-mssqldb?tab=readme-ov-file#connection-parameters-and-dsn 
  # connection_parameters = "encrypt=disable"

  ## (optional) collection interval, default is 10s
  interval = "10s"

  ## Set true to enable election
  election = true

  ## configure db_filter to filter out metrics from certain databases according to their database_name tag.
  ## If leave blank, no metric from any database is filtered out.
  # db_filter = ["some_db_instance_name", "other_db_instance_name"]

  ## Run a custom SQL query and collect corresponding metrics.
  # [[inputs.sqlserver.custom_queries]]
  #   sql = '''
  #     select counter_name,cntr_type,cntr_value
  #     from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
  #   '''
  #   metric = "sqlserver_custom_stat"
  #   tags = ["counter_name","cntr_type"]
  #   fields = ["cntr_value"]

  # [inputs.sqlserver.log]
  # files = []
  # #grok pipeline script path
  # pipeline = "sqlserver.p"

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。

目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。



必须将 DataKit 安装在 SQLServer 所在主机才能采集日志。

如需采集 SQL Server 的日志,可在 sqlserver.conf 中 将 files 打开,并写入 SQL Server 日志文件的绝对路径。比如:

        files = ["/var/opt/mssql/log/error.log"]

开启日志采集以后,默认会产生日志来源(source)为 sqlserver 的日志。


以下所有数据采集,默认会追加全局选举 tag,也可以在配置中通过 [inputs.sqlserver.tags] 指定其它标签:

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"
  # ...


  • 标签
Tag Description
sqlserver_host Host name which installed SQLServer
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
committed_memory The amount of memory committed to the memory manager int B
cpu_count Specifies the number of logical CPUs on the system. Not nullable int count
db_offline Num of database state in offline int count
db_online Num of database state in online int count
db_recovering Num of database state in recovering int count
db_recovery_pending Num of database state in recovery_pending int count
db_restoring Num of database state in restoring int count
db_suspect Num of database state in suspect int count
physical_memory Total physical memory on the machine int B
server_memory Memory used int B
target_memory Amount of memory that can be consumed by the memory manager. When this value is larger than the committed memory, then the memory manager will try to obtain more memory. When it is smaller, the memory manager will try to shrink the amount of memory committed. int B
uptime Total time elapsed since the last computer restart int ms
virtual_memory Amount of virtual memory available to the process in user mode. int B


  • 标签
Tag Description
counter_name Name of the counter. To get more information about a counter, this is the name of the topic to select from the list of counters in Use SQL Server Objects.
counter_type Type of the counter
instance Name of the specific instance of the counter
object_name Category to which this counter belongs.
sqlserver_host Host name which installed SQLServer
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
active_transactions Number of active transactions across all databases on the SQL Server instance. int count
auto_param_attempts Number of auto-parameterization attempts per second. int count
backup_restore_throughput Read/write throughput for backup and restore operations of a database per second. int count
batch_requests The number of batch requests per second. int count
buffer_cache_hit_ratio The ratio of data pages found and read from the buffer cache over all data page requests. float percent
cache_object_counts Number of cache objects in the cache. int count
cache_pages Number of 8-kilobyte (KB) pages used by cache objects. int count
checkpoint_pages The number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed. int count
cntr_value Current value of the counter int count
connection_memory Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections. int KB
database_cache_memory Specifies the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database pages cache. int KB
deadlocks Number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock. int count
failed_auto_params Number of failed auto-parameterization attempts per second. int count
flow_control Number of times flow-control initiated in the last second. Flow Control Time (ms/sec) divided by Flow Control/sec is the average time per wait. int count
full_scans Number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either base-table or full-index scans. int count
granted_workspace_memory Specifies the total amount of memory currently granted to executing processes, such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations. int KB
latch_waits Number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately. int count
lock_memory Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks. int KB
lock_waits The number of times per second that SQL Server is unable to retain a lock right away for a resource. int count
log_bytes_flushed Total number of log bytes flushed. int B
log_flush_wait_time Total wait time (in milliseconds) to flush the log. On an Always On secondary database, this value indicates the wait time for log records to be hardened to disk. int ms
log_flushes Number of log flushes per second. int count
log_pool_memory Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for Log Pool. int KB
longest_transaction_running_time The time (in seconds) that the oldest active transaction has been running. Only works if database is under read committed snapshot isolation level. int ms
memory_grants_outstanding Specifies the total number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant. int count
memory_grants_pending Specifies the total number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant. int count
optimizer_memory Specifies the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization. int KB
page_life_expectancy Duration that a page resides in the buffer pool. int ms
page_reads Indicates the number of physical database page reads that are issued per second. This statistic displays the total number of physical page reads across all databases. int count
page_splits The number of page splits per second. int count
page_writes Indicates the number of physical database page writes that are issued per second. int count
processes_blocked The number of processes blocked. int count
safe_auto_params Number of safe auto-parameterization attempts per second. int count
sql_cache_memory Specifies the amount of memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache. int KB
sql_compilations The number of SQL compilations per second. int count
sql_re_compilations The number of SQL re-compilations per second. int count
stolen_server_memory Specifies the amount of memory the server is using for purposes other than database pages. int KB
total_server_memory Specifies the amount of memory the server has committed using the memory manager. int KB
transaction_delay Total delay in waiting for unterminated commit acknowledgment for all the current transactions, in milliseconds. int count
transactions Number of transactions started for the SQL Server instance per second. int count
user_connections Number of user connections. int count
version_cleanup_rate The cleanup rate of the version store in tempdb. int KB
version_generation_rate The generation rate of the version store in tempdb. int KB
version_store_size The size of the version store in tempdb. int KB
write_transactions Number of transactions that wrote to all databases on the SQL Server instance and committed, in the last second. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
sqlserver_host Host name which installed SQLServer
wait_category Wait category info
wait_type Name of the wait type. For more information, see Types of Waits, later in this topic
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
max_wait_time_ms Maximum wait time on this wait type. int ms
resource_wait_ms wait_time_ms-signal_wait_time_ms int ms
signal_wait_time_ms Difference between the time that the waiting thread was signaled and when it started running int ms
wait_time_ms Total wait time for this wait type in milliseconds. This time is inclusive of signal_wait_time_ms int ms
waiting_tasks_count Number of waits on this wait type. This counter is incremented at the start of each wait. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
database_name Database name
file_type Description of the file type, ROWS/LOG/FILESTREAM/FULLTEXT (Full-text catalogs earlier than SQL Server 2008.)
logical_filename Logical name of the file in the database
physical_filename Operating-system file name.
sqlserver_host Host name which installed SQLServer
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
read_bytes Total number of bytes read on this file int B
read_latency_ms Total time, in milliseconds, that the users waited for reads issued on the file. int ms
reads Number of reads issued on the file. int count
rg_read_stall_ms Does not apply to:: SQL Server 2008 through SQL Server 2012 (11.x).Total IO latency introduced by IO resource governance for reads int ms
rg_write_stall_ms Does not apply to:: SQL Server 2008 through SQL Server 2012 (11.x).Total IO latency introduced by IO resource governance for writes. Is not nullable. int ms
write_bytes Total number of bytes written to the file int B
write_latency_ms Total time, in milliseconds, that users waited for writes to be completed on the file int ms
writes Number of writes issued on the file. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
cpu_id CPU ID assigned to the scheduler.
scheduler_id ID of the scheduler. All schedulers that are used to run regular queries have ID numbers less than 1048576. Those schedulers that have IDs greater than or equal to 1048576 are used internally by SQL Server, such as the dedicated administrator connection scheduler. Is not nullable.
sqlserver_host Host name which installed SQLServer
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
active_workers_count Number of workers that are active. An active worker is never preemptive, must have an associated task, and is either running, runnable, or suspended. Is not nullable. int count
context_switches_count Number of context switches that have occurred on this scheduler int count
current_tasks_count Number of current tasks that are associated with this scheduler. int count
current_workers_count Number of workers that are associated with this scheduler. This count includes workers that are not assigned any task. Is not nullable. int count
is_idle Scheduler is idle. No workers are currently running bool -
is_online If SQL Server is configured to use only some of the available processors on the server, this configuration can mean that some schedulers are mapped to processors that are not in the affinity mask. If that is the case, this column returns 0. This value means that the scheduler is not being used to process queries or batches. bool -
load_factor Internal value that indicates the perceived load on this scheduler int count
pending_disk_io_count Number of pending I/Os that are waiting to be completed. int count
preemptive_switches_count Number of times that workers on this scheduler have switched to the preemptive mode int count
runnable_tasks_count Number of workers, with tasks assigned to them, that are waiting to be scheduled on the runnable queue. int count
total_cpu_usage_ms Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and laterTotal CPU consumed by this scheduler as reported by non-preemptive workers. int ms
total_scheduler_delay_ms Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and laterThe time between one worker switching out and another one switching in int ms
work_queue_count Number of tasks in the pending queue. These tasks are waiting for a worker to pick them up int count
yield_count Internal value that is used to indicate progress on this scheduler. This value is used by the Scheduler Monitor to determine whether a worker on the scheduler is not yielding to other workers on time. int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
sqlserver_host Host name which installed SQLServer
volume_mount_point Mount point at which the volume is rooted. Can return an empty string. Returns null on Linux operating system.
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
volume_available_space_bytes Available free space on the volume int B
volume_total_space_bytes Total size in bytes of the volume int B
volume_used_space_bytes Used size in bytes of the volume int B


  • 标签
Tag Description
database_name Name of the database
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
data_size The size of file of Rows float KB
log_size The size of file of Log float KB


  • 标签
Tag Description
database Database name
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
backup_count The total count of successful backups made for a database int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
database Database name
file_id ID of the file within database
file_type File type: 0 = Rows, 1 = Log, 2 = File-Stream, 3 = Identified for informational purposes only, 4 = Full-text
physical_name Operating-system file name
state Database file state: 0 = Online, 1 = Restoring, 2 = Recovering, 3 = Recovery_Pending, 4 = Suspect, 5 = Unknown, 6 = Offline, 7 = Defunct
state_desc Description of the file state
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
size Current size of the database file int KB


以下指标集均以日志形式收集,所有日志等级均为 info


  • 标签


  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
blocking_session_id ID of the session that is blocking the request int count
cpu_time CPU time in milliseconds that is used by the request int ms
host_name Name of the client workstation that is specific to a session string TODO
last_request_end_time Time of the last completion of a request on the session, in second int ms
last_request_start_time Time at which the last request on the session began, in second int ms
logical_reads Number of logical reads that have been performed by the request int count
login_name SQL Server login name under which the session is currently executing string TODO
memory_usage Number of 8-KB pages of memory used by this session int count
message Text of the SQL query string TODO
row_count Number of rows returned on the session up to this point int count
session_id ID of the session to which this request is related int count
session_status Status of the session string TODO


  • 标签


  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
db_name Name of the database under which this resource is scoped string TODO
object_name Name of the entity in a database with which a resource is associated string TODO
request_mode Mode of the request string TODO
request_session_id Session ID that currently owns this request int count
request_status Current status of this request string TODO
resource_type Represents the resource type string TODO


  • 标签


  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
blocking_object_name Indicates the name of the object to which this partition belongs string TODO
blocking_session_id ID of the session that is blocking the request int count
blocking_text Text of the SQL query which is blocking string TODO
db_name Name of the database under which this resource is scoped string TODO
message Text of the SQL query which is blocking string TODO
request_mode Mode of the request string TODO
request_session_id Session ID that currently owns this request int count
requesting_text Text of the SQL query which is requesting string TODO
resource_type Represents the resource type string TODO


  • 标签
Tag Description
message Text of the SQL query
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
avg_logical_io Average number of logical writes and logical reads int count
creation_time The Unix time at which the plan was compiled, in millisecond int count
execution_count Number of times that the plan has been executed since it was last compiled int count
last_execution_time Last time at which the plan started executing, unix time in millisecond int count
total_logical_io Total number of logical writes and logical reads int count
total_logical_reads Total amount of logical reads int count
total_logical_writes Total amount of logical writes int count


  • 标签
Tag Description
message Text of the SQL query
  • 字段列表
Metric Description Type Unit
avg_worker_time Average amount of CPU time, reported in milliseconds int count
creation_time The Unix time at which the plan was compiled, in millisecond int count
execution_count Number of times that the plan has been executed since it was last compiled int count
last_execution_time Last time at which the plan started executing, unix time in millisecond int count
total_worker_time Total amount of CPU time, reported in milliseconds int count

日志 Pipeline 功能切割字段说明

SQL Server 通用日志文本示例:

2021-05-28 10:46:07.78 spid10s     0 transactions rolled back in database 'msdb' (4:0). This is an informational message only. No user action is required


字段名 字段值 说明
msg spid... 日志内容
time 1622169967780000000 纳秒时间戳(作为行协议时间)
origin spid10s
status info 由于日志没有明确字段说明日志等级,默认为 info


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