TDengine 是一款高性能、分布式、支持 SQL 的时序数据库 (Database)。在开通采集器之前请先熟悉 TDengine 基本概念
TDengine 采集器需要的连接 taos_adapter
才可以正常工作,taosAdapter 从 TDengine v2.4.0.0 版本开始成为 TDengine 服务端软件 的一部分,本文主要是指标集的详细介绍。
进入 DataKit 安装目录下的 conf.d/db
目录,复制 tdengine.conf.sample
并命名为 tdengine.conf
## adapter restApi Addr, example: (Required)
adapter_endpoint = "http://<FQND>:6041"
user = "<userName>"
password = "<pw>"
## log_files: TdEngine log file path or dirName (optional).
## log_files = ["tdengine_log_path.log"]
## pipeline = "tdengine.p"
## Set true to enable election
election = true
## add tag (optional)
## Different clusters can be distinguished by tag. Such as testing,product,local ,default is 'testing'
# cluster_name = "testing"
# some_tag = "some_value"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"
配置好后,重启 DataKit 即可。
目前可以通过 ConfigMap 方式注入采集器配置来开启采集器。
- 连接 taoAdapter 之前请先确定端口是开放的。并且连接用户需要有 read 权限。
- 若仍连接失败,请参考此处。
- 标签
Tag | Description |
client_ip |
Client IP |
cluster_name |
Cluster name |
database_name |
Database name |
dnode_ep |
Data node name, generally equivalent to end_point |
end_point |
Remote address name, the general naming rule is (host:port) |
first_ep |
First endpoint |
host |
Host name |
version |
Version |
vgroup_id |
VGroup ID |
- 指标列表
Metric | Description | Type | Unit |
client_ip_count |
Client IP request statistics | float | count |
cpu_cores |
Total number of CPU cores per data node | float | count |
cpu_engine |
CPU usage per data node | float | percent |
cpu_percent |
Adapter occupies CPU usage | float | percent |
cpu_system |
CPU system usage of data nodes | float | count |
database_count |
Total number of databases | float | count |
disk_percent |
Data node disk usage percentage | float | percent |
disk_total |
Total disk size of data nodes | float | GB |
disk_used |
Disk usage of data nodes | float | GB |
dnodes_alive |
Total number of dnodes in ready state | float | count |
dnodes_total |
Total number of dnodes(data nodes) in cluster | float | count |
expire_time |
Time until grants expire in seconds | int | s |
io_read_taosd |
Average data size of IO reads per second | float | MB |
io_write_taosd |
Average data size of IO writes per second | float | MB |
master_uptime |
Seconds of master's uptime | float | s |
mem_engine |
Memory usage of tdengine | float | MB |
mem_engine_percent |
taosd memory usage percentage |
float | percent |
mem_percent |
Adapter memory usage | float | percent |
mem_system |
Available memory on the server | float | MB |
mem_total |
Total memory of server | float | GB |
mnodes_alive |
Total number of mnodes in ready state | float | count |
mnodes_total |
Total number of mnodes(management nodes) in cluster | float | count |
net_in |
IO rate of the ingress network | float | KB |
net_out |
IO rate of egress network | float | KB |
req_http |
Total number of requests via HTTP | float | count |
req_http_rate |
HTTP request rate | float | count |
req_insert_batch_rate |
Number of batch insertions divided by monitor interval | float | count |
req_insert_rate |
Number of insert queries received per dnode divided by monitor interval | float | count |
req_select |
Number of select queries received per dnode | float | count |
req_select_rate |
Number of select queries received per dnode divided by monitor interval | float | count |
request_in_flight |
Number of requests being sorted | float | count |
status_code |
Status code returned by the request | float | count |
table_count |
Total number of tables in the database | float | count |
tables_count |
Number of tables per vgroup | float | count |
timeseries_total |
Total time series | float | count |
timeseries_used |
Time series used | float | count |
total_req_count |
Total adapter requests | float | count |
vgroups_alive |
Total number of vgroups in ready state | float | count |
vgroups_total |
Total number of vgroups in cluster | float | count |
vnodes |
The number of virtual node groups contained in a single data node | float | count |
vnodes_alive |
Total number of vnode in ready state | float | count |
vnodes_num |
Total number of virtual nodes per data node | float | count |
vnodes_total |
Total number of vnode in cluster | float | count |
- 数据库中有些表中没有
字段,Datakit 会使用当前采集的时间。