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DataKit Service Management

After DataKit installation, it is necessary to do some basic introduction to the installed DataKit.

DataKit Introduction

DataKit currently supports three major platforms, Linux/Windows/Mac:

Operating System Structure Installation Path
Linux kernel version 2.6. 23 or later amd64/386/arm/arm64 /usr/local/datakit
macOS 10.13 or later 1 amd64 /usr/local/datakit
Windows 7, Server 2008R2 Or above amd64/386 64 bit: C:\Program Files\datakit
32 bit: C:\Program Files(32)\datakit

After installation, the list of DataKit directories is roughly as follows:

├── [4.4K]  conf.d
├── [ 160]  data
├── [ 64M]  datakit
├── [ 192]  externals
├── [1.2K]  pipeline
├── [ 192]  gin.log   # Windows platform
└── [1.2K]  log       # Windows platform

Among them:

  • conf.d: Store configuration examples for all collectors. The DataKit main configuration file datakit.conf is located in the directory.
  • data: Store data files needed for DataKit to run, such as IP address database, etc.
  • datakit: DataKit main program, datakit.exe in Windows
  • externals: Part of the collector is not integrated in the DataKit main program, it's all here.
  • pipeline holds script code for text processing.
  • gin.log: DataKit can receive external HTTP data input, and this log file is equivalent to HTTP access-log.
  • log: Datakit run log (under Linux/Mac platform, DataKit run log is in /var/log/datakit directory).
View kernel version
  • Linux/Mac:uname -r
  • Windows: Execute the cmd command (hold down the Win key + r, enter cmd carriage return) and enter winver to get system version information

DataKit Service Management

DataKit can be directly managed using the following command:

# Linux/Mac may need to add sudo
# stop
datakit service -T
# start
datakit service -S
# restart
datakit service -R

You can view more help information through datakit help service.

Service Management Failure Handling

Sometimes a service operation may fail due to a bug in some DataKit components (for example, the service does not stop after datakit service -T), which can be enforced as follows.

Under Linux, if the above command fails, the following command can be used instead:

sudo service datakit stop/start/restart
sudo systemctl stop/start/restart datakit

Under Mac, you can use the following command instead:

# Start DataKit
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/cn.dataflux.datakit.plist
# or
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.guance.datakit.plist

# Stop DataKit
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/cn.dataflux.datakit.plist
# or
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.guance.datakit.plist

Service Uninstall and Reinstall

You can uninstall or restore the DataKit service directly using the following command:

Note: Uninstalling the DataKit here does not delete the DataKit-related files.

# Linux/Mac shell
datakit service -I # re-install
datakit service -U # uninstall

  1. Golang 1.18 requires macOS-amd64 version 10.13. 


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