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Tencent Cloud CDB

Use the「Official Script Market」series script package in the script market to synchronize data from cloud monitoring cloud assets to the observation cloud.


Install Func

Recommend opening「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip : Please prepare Tencent Cloud AK that meets the requirements in advance ( For simplicity's sake,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess)

To synchronize the monitoring data of CLB Public cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script : 「Guance Integration (Tencent Cloud - CDBCollect)」(ID : guance_tencentcloud_clb)

Click [ Install ] and enter the corresponding parameters: Tencent Cloud AK, Tencent Cloud account name.

tap [ Deploy startup Script ] , The system automatically creates Startup script sets, And automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」Click [ Run ] , you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time . After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs.

If you want to collect logs, you must enable the corresponding log collection script. If you want to collect bills, start the cloud bill collection script.

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. Into「Management / Crontab Config」, Check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task, and check whether the task records and logs are abnormal.
  2. On the Observing cloud platform, click [ Infrastructure / Custom ] to check whether asset information exists.
  3. On the observing cloud platform, click [ Metric ] to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure 「Guance Integration ( Tencent Cloud - CDBCollect)」,The default metric set is as follows. More metrics can be collected through configuration TencentDB for MySQL Monitoring Metrics details

Resources monitoring

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
BytesReceived Private network inbound traffic Number of bytes received per second B/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
BytesSent Private network outbound traffic Number of bytes sent per second B/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
Capacity Disk usage Including the space taken up by the MySQL data directory and logs (binlog, relaylog, undolog, errorlog, and slowlog) MB InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
CpuUseRate CPU usage If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the CPU utilization may exceed 100%. % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
IOPS Input/output operations per second Input and output operations (or number of reads/writes) per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
MemoryUse Memory usage If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the memory utilization may exceed 100%. MB InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
MemoryUseRate Memory utilization If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the memory utilization may exceed 100%. % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
RealCapacity Data usage The space taken up by the MySQL data directory, excluding that by logs (binlog, relaylog, undolog, errorlog, or slowlog) MB InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
VolumeRate Disk utilization Used disk space / purchased instance space % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (general) - MyISAM

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
KeyCacheHitRate MyISAM cache hit rate Cache hit rate of the MyISAM engine % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
KeyCacheUseRate MyISAM cache utilization Cache utilization of the MyISAM engine % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (general) - InnoDB

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
InnodbCacheHitRate innodb cache hit rate Cache hit ratio of the InnoDB engine % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbCacheUseRate InnoDB cache utilization Cache utilization of the InnoDB engine % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbNumOpenFiles Number of tables opened in the InnoDB engine currently Number of tables opened in the InnoDB engine currently Table(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbOsFileReads Number of InnoDB disk reads Number of times disk files are read per second by the InnoDB engine Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbOsFileWrites Number of InnoDB disk writes Number of times disk files are written per second by the InnoDB engine Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbOsFsyncs Number of fsync calls by InnoDB Number of times the fsync function is called per second by the InnoDB engine Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (general) - connection

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
ConnectionUseRate Connection utilization Number of current connections/maximum number of connections allowed % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 10s , 60s , 300s , 3600s
MaxConnections Maximum number of connections Maximum number of connections allowed Connection(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
Qps Number of queries processed per second Number of SQL queries processed (including the execution of the INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and REPLACE statements) in the database per second. It is a metric of the actual processing capability of TencentDB instances. Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
ThreadsConnected Current connections Number of current connections InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
Tps Transactions per second Number of transactions performed in the database per second Transaction(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (general) - access

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
ComDelete Number of deletions Number of deletions per second Deletion(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
ComInsert Number of insertions Number of insertions per second Insertion(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
ComReplace Number of replacements Number of replacements per second Replacement(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 6400s
ComUpdate Number of updates Number of updates per second Update(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
Queries Total number of queries All SQL statements executed, including SET and SHOW Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
QueryRate Query rate Actual QPS / recommended QPS % InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
SelectCount Number of times the SELECT statement is executed Number of times the SELECT statement is executed per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
SelectScan Number of full-table scans Number of full-table scans performed Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
SlowQueries Number of slow queries Number of queries that take more than long_query_time to execute Query/Queries InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (general) - table

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
CreatedTmpTables Number of temp tables Number of temp tables created Table(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
TableLocksWaited Number of table lock waits Number of table locks that cannot be obtained immediately Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
OpenedTables Number of opened tables Number of tables opened by the engine Table(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
TableLocksImmediate Number of table locks released immediately Number of table locks released immediately by the engine Lock(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - Tmp

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
CreatedTmpDiskTables Number of temp disk tables Number of temp disk tables created per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
CreatedTmpFiles Number of temporary files Number of temporary files created per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - key

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
KeyBlocksUnused Number of unused blocks in the key cache Number of unused blocks in the myisam key cache Block(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
KeyBlocksUsed Number of used blocks in the key cache Number of used blocks in the myisam key cache Block(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
KeyReadRequests Number of data block reads from the key cache Number of times the myisam engine reads data blocks from the key cache Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
KeyReads Number of data block reads from the hard disk Number of times the myisam engine reads data blocks from the hard disk per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
KeyWriteRequests Number of data block writes into the key cache Number of times the myisam engine writes data blocks into the key cache Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
KeyWrites Number of data block writes into the hard disk Number of times the myisam engine writes data blocks into the hard disk per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - InnoDB row

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
InnodbRowLockTimeAvg Average time of locking a InnoDB row Average time the InnoDB engine spends locking a row ms InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbRowLockWaits Number of InnoDB row lock waits Number of times the InnoDB engine waits to lock a row per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbRowsDeleted Number of rows deleted from InnoDB Number of rows deleted from the InnoDB engine per second Row(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbRowsInserted Number of rows inserted into InnoDB Number of rows inserted into the InnoDB engine per second Row(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbRowsRead Number of InnoDB row reads Number of rows read by the InnoDB engine per second Row(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbRowsUpdated Number of updated InnoDB rows Number of rows updated by the InnoDB engine per second Row(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - InnoDB data

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
InnodbDataRead Size of data read by InnoDB Size of data read by the InnoDB engine per second in bytes B/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbDataReads Total number of InnoDB data reads Number of data reads handled by the InnoDB engine per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbDataWrites Total number of InnoDB data writes Number of data writes processed by the InnoDB engine per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbDataWritten Size of data written to InnoDB Size of data written to the InnoDB engine per second in bytes B/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine monitoring (extended) - handler

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
HandlerCommit Number of internal commits Number of transaction commits per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
HandlerReadRndNext Number of read-next-row requests Number of requests to read the next row per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
HandlerRollback Number of internal rollbacks Number of transaction rollbacks per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - buffer

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
InnodbBufferPoolPagesFree Number of InnoDB blank pages Number of blank pages in the InnoDB buffer pool Page(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s
InnodbBufferPoolPagesTotal Total number of InnoDB pages Total number of memory pages taken up by the InnoDB engine Page(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbBufferPoolReadRequests Number of times pages are pre-fetched into the InnoDB buffer pool Number of logic read requests processed by the InnoDB engine per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
InnodbBufferPoolReads Number of InnoDB physical reads Number of physical read requests processed by the InnoDB engine per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - others

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
LogCapacity Log usage Size of logs used by the engine MB InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s
OpenFiles Number of opened files Number of files opened by the engine File(s)/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600 , 86400s

Engine (extended) - connection

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
ThreadsCreated Number of created threads Number of threads created to process connections Thread(s) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
ThreadsRunning Number of running threads Number of running (non-idle) threads InstanceId, InstanceType (optional) InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Engine (extended) - access

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
ComCommit Number of commits Number of commits per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
ComRollback Number of rollbacks Number of rollbacks per second Times/sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s

Deployment (replica)

Parameter Metric Name Description Unit Dimension Statistical Period
MasterSlaveSyncDistance Source-replica delay in size Source-replica binlog delay in size MB InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
SecondsBehindMaster Source-replica delay in time Source-replica delay in time Sec InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
SlaveIoRunning IO thread status IO thread status Values: 0: Yes; 1: No; 2: Connecting InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s
SlaveSqlRunning SQL thread status SQL thread status Values: 0: Yes; 1: No; 2: Connecting InstanceId , InstanceType (optional) 5s , 60s , 300s , 3600s , 86400s


The collected Tencent Cloud CDB object data structure can be seen from "Infrastructure - Custom"

  "measurement": "tencentcloud_cdb",
  "tags": {
    "name"         : "cdb-xxxxxxx",
    "RegionId"     : "ap-shanghai",
    "Region"       : "ap-shanghai",
    "InstanceId"   : "cdb-imxxxx",
    "InstanceName" : "smart_check_test",
    "InstanceType" : "1",
    "Zone"         : "ap-shanghai-3",
    "ZoneName"     : "",
    "DeviceType"   : "UNIVERSAL",
    "EngineVersion": "8.0",
    "Vip"          : "172.xx.x.9",
    "Status"       : "1",
    "ProtectMode"  : "0",
    "ProjectId"    : "0",
    "PayType"      : "1",
    "WanStatus"    : "0"
  "fields": {
    "WanPort"     : 0,
    "Memory"      : 1000,
    "Volume"      : 25,
    "DeadlineTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
    "CreateTime"  : "2022-04-27 15:18:06",
    "message"     : "{Instance JSON data}"


Slow query statistics


Note: The execution of the script depends on CDB instance object collection. If the custom object collection of CDB is not configured, the slow log script cannot collect slow log data

Installation script

On the basis of the previous, you need to install another script ** that corresponds to the collection of CDB slow query statistics logs

In "Script Marketplace - Official Script Market", click and install the corresponding script package:

  • 「Guance Integration ( Tencent Cloud - CDB Slow Query Log Collect) 」(ID : guance_tencentcloud_cdb_slowlog)

After data is synchronized, you can view the data in 'Logs' of the observation cloud.

The following is an example of the reported data:

  "measurement": "tencentcloud_cdb_slow_log",
  "tags": {
    "name"          : "cdb-llxxxxx",
    "Database"      : "test",
    "UserHost"      : "",
    "UserName"      : "root",
    "InstanceId"    : "cdb-lxxxxtk8",
    "DeviceType"    : "UNIVERSAL",
    "EngineVersion" : "8.0",
    "InstanceName"  : "cdbxxxxx",
    "InstanceType"  : "1",
    "PayType"       : "1",
    "ProjectId"     : "0",
    "ProtectMode"   : "0",
    "Region"        : "ap-shanghai",
    "RegionId"      : "ap-shanghai",
    "Status"        : "1",
    "Vip"           : "",
    "WanStatus"     : "0",
    "Zone"          : "ap-shanghai-3",
    "account_name"  : "脚本开发用 腾讯 Tencent 账号",
    "cloud_provider": "tencentcloud"
  "fields": {
      "QueryTime"   : 3.000195,
      "SqlText"     : "select sleep(3)",
      "Timestamp"   : 1652933796,
      "LockTime"    : 0,
      "RowsExamined": 1,
      "RowsSent"    : 1,
      "SqlTemplate" : "select sleep(?);",
      "Md5"         : "26A15F1AE530F28F",
      "message"     : "{Instance JSON data}"

Some parameters are described as follows:

Field Type Description
QueryTime float SQL execution time (seconds)
Timestamp integer SQL execution timing
Md5 str MD5 of the SQL statement
LockTime float Lock duration (seconds)
RowsExamined integer Number of scanning lines
RowsSent integer Number of rows in the result set

Note: The fields in tags and fields may change with subsequent updates.

Tip 1: is the instance ID as a unique identifier.

Tip 2: fields.message is the JSON serialized string.


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