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Tencent Cloud Redis

Tencent Cloud Redis metrics display, including connection count, request count, latency, and slow queries.


Install Func

Recommend opening 「Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata)」: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip:Please prepare Tencent AK that meets the requirements in advance(For simplicity's sake,,You can directly grant the global read-only permissionReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of ECS cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection script:「Guance Integration(Tencent Cloud-RedisCollect)」(ID:guance_tencentcloud_redis)

Click 【Install】 and enter the corresponding parameters: Tencent AK, Tencent account name.。

tap【Deploy startup Script】,The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script。

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in「Management / Crontab Config」。Click【Run】,you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time。After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs。

If you want to collect logs, you must enable the corresponding log collection script. If you want to collect bills, start the cloud bill collection script.

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configuring Custom Cloud Object Metrics


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the observation cloud platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the observation cloud platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


Configure Tencent Cloud Redis monitoring. The default metric set is as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring them Tencent Cloud Monitor Metrics Details

Metric English Name Metric Chinese Name Metric Description Unit Dimension Granularity
CpuUtil CPU 使用率 Average CPU Usage % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CpuMaxUtil 节点最大 CPU 使用率 Maximum CPU Usage in the Instance for a Node (Shard or Replica) % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
MemUsed 内存使用量 Actual Used Memory Capacity, Including Data and Cache MB instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
MemUtil 内存使用率 Ratio of Actual Used Memory to Total Allocated Memory % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
MemMaxUtil 节点最大内存使用率 Maximum Memory Usage in the Instance for a Node (Shard or Replica) % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
Keys Key 总个数 Total number of Keys (Top-level Keys) stored in the instance. instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
Expired Key 过期数 Number of Keys evicted within the time window, corresponding to the expired_keys output in the info command instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
Evicted Key 驱逐数 Number of Keys evicted within the time window, corresponding to the evicted_keys output in the info command instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
Connections 连接数量 Number of TCP connections to the instance instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
ConnectionsUtil 连接使用率 Ratio of actual TCP connections to the maximum connection limit % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
InFlow 入流量 Internal network inbound traffic Mb/s instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
InBandwidthUtil 入流量使用率 Ratio of actual internal network inbound traffic to the maximum allowed inbound traffic % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
InFlowLimit 入流量限流触发 Number of times inbound traffic triggered rate limiting count instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
OutFlow 出流量 Internal network outbound traffic Mb/s instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
OutBandwidthUtil 出流量使用率 Ratio of actual internal network outbound traffic to the maximum allowed outbound traffic % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
OutFlowLimit 出流量限流触发 Number of times outbound traffic triggered rate limiting count instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
LatencyAvg 平均执行时延 Average execution latency from Proxy to Redis Server ms instanceid 5s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
LatencyMax 最大执行时延 Maximum execution latency from Proxy to Redis Server ms instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
LatencyRead 读平均时延 Average execution latency of read commands from Proxy to Redis Server ms instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
LatencyWrite 写平均时延 Average execution latency of write commands from Proxy to Redis Server ms instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
LatencyOther 其他命令平均时延 Average execution latency of commands other than read and write commands from Proxy to Redis Server ms instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
Commands 总请求 QPS (Queries Per Second), number of command executions count per second instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdRead 读请求 Read QPS (Queries Per Second), number of read command executions per second 次/秒 instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdWrite 写请求 Write QPS (Queries Per Second), number of write command executions per second 次/秒 instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdOther 其他请求 QPS for commands other than read and write, number of executions per second count per second instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdBigValue 大 Value 请求 QPS for commands with a size exceeding 32KB, number of executions per second count per second instanceid 5s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
CmdKeyCount Key 请求数 Number of Keys accessed by commands number per second instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdMget Mget 请求数 Number of executions of the MGET command number per second instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdSlow 慢查询 Number of commands with execution latency greater than the slowlog-log-slower-than configuration value count instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdHits 读请求命中 Number of read requests for Keys that exist, corresponding to the keyspace_hits metric in the info command output count instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdMiss 读请求Miss Number of read requests for Keys that do not exist, corresponding to the keyspace_misses metric in the info command output count instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdErr 执行错误 Number of command execution errors, such as command not found, parameter errors, etc count instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CmdHitsRatio 读请求命中率 Cache Hit Ratio" (Key Hits / (Key Hits + Key Misses)), this metric reflects the Cache Miss situation % instanceid 5s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s

Overview of Parameters Corresponding to Each Dimension

Parameter Name Dimension Name Dimension Explanation Format
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name instanceid Instance ID Dimension Name Input String Type Dimension Name:instanceid
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value instanceid Specific Instance ID To input the specific Redis instance ID, please provide either the instance ID in the format "tdsql-123456" or the instance serial number like "crs-ifmymj41". You can obtain this information by querying the Redis instance list{:target="_blank"} through the corresponding API
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name rnodeid Redis Node ID Dimension Name Input String Type Dimension Name: rnodeid
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value rnodeid Specific Redis Node ID Please input the specific Redis node ID. You can obtain this information through the Query Instance Node Information{:target="_blank"} API
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name pnodeid Proxy Node ID Dimension Name Input String Type Dimension Name: pnodeid
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value pnodeid Specific Proxy Node ID Please input the specific Proxy node ID. You can obtain this information through the Query Instance Node Information{:target="_blank"} API
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name command Command Dimension Name Input String Type Dimension Name: command
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value command Specific Command Please input the specific command. For example: "ping", "get", etc

Parameter Description

Querying cloud database Redis instance monitoring data, the input parameter values are as follows: &Namespace=QCE/REDIS_MEM &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name=instanceid &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value=Instance ID

Querying cloud database Proxy node monitoring data, the input parameter values are as follows: &Namespace=QCE/REDIS_MEM &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name=instanceid &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value=Instance ID &Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name=pnodeid &Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value=Proxy Node ID

Querying cloud database Redis node monitoring data, the input parameter values are as follows: &Namespace=QCE/REDIS_MEM &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name=instanceid &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value=Instance ID &Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name=rnodeid &Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value=Redis Node ID

Querying cloud database Redis latency metrics (command dimension) monitoring data, the input parameter values are as follows: &Namespace=QCE/REDIS_MEM &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name=instanceid &Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value=Instance ID &Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name=command &Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value=Specific Command


The data structure of collected Tencent Cloud Redis object can be viewed in 'Infrastructure - Custom' where object data is available

  "measurement": "tencentcloud_redis",
  "tags": {
    "name"        : "crs-xxxx",
    "BillingMode" : "0",
    "Engine"      : "Redis",
    "InstanceId"  : "crs-xxxx",
    "InstanceName": "solution",
    "Port"        : "6379",
    "ProductType" : "standalone",
    "ProjectId"   : "0",
    "RegionId"    : "ap-shanghai",
    "Status"      : "2",
    "Type"        : "6",
    "WanIp"       : "172.x.x.x",
    "ZoneId"      : "200002"
  "fields": {
    "ClientLimits"    : "10000",
    "Createtime"      : "2022-07-14 13:54:14",
    "DeadlineTime"    : "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
    "InstanceNodeInfo": "{Instance Node}",
    "InstanceTitle"   : "Running",
    "Size"            : 1024,
    "message"         : "{Instance JSON data}"


Slow Query Statistics

Prerequisites for Slow Query Statistics

Hint 1: The execution of this script relies on Redis instance object collection. If custom object collection for Redis is not configured, the slow log script will be unable to collect slow log data

Installation of Slow Query Statistics Script

Based on the previous steps, you need to install another script RDS Tencent Cloud-Redis Slow LogCollect

In the 'Management / Script Market' section, click and install the corresponding script package:

  • 「Guance Integration(Tencent Cloud - Redis Slow Log Collect) 」(ID:guance_tencentcloud_redis_slowlog)

After successful data synchronization, you can view the data in the 'Logs' section of the Observation Cloud.

The example of reported data is as follows:

    "measurement": "tencentcloud_redis_slow_log",
    "tags": {
        "BillingMode" : "0",
        "Client"      : "",
        "Engine"      : "Redis",
        "InstanceId"  : "crs-rha4zlon",
        "InstanceName": "crs-rha4zlon",
        "Node"        : "6d5d8cc6fxxxx",
        "Port"        : "6379",
        "ProductType" : "standalone",
        "ProjectId"   : "0",
        "RegionId"    : "ap-shanghai",
        "Status"      : "2",
        "Type"        : "8",
        "WanIp"       : "",
        "ZoneId"      : "200002",
        "name"        : "crs-xxxx"
    "fields": {
        "Command"    : "config",
        "CommandLine": "config get whitelist-ips",
        "Duration"   : 1,
        "ExecuteTime": "2022-07-22 18:00:28",
        "message"    : "{InstanceJSONdata}"

Partial parameter explanations are as follows:

Field Type Description
Duration Integer Slow query execution time
Client String Client address
Command String Command
CommandLine String Detailed command-line information
ExecuteTime String Execution time
Node String Node ID

Note: The fields in tags and fields may change in subsequent updates Hint 1: The value of is the instance ID, which serves as a unique identifier Hint 2: The value of fields.message is a JSON-serialized string


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