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Aliyun PolarDB distributed2.0

Aliyun PolarDB distributed2.0 displays metrics of the computing layer and storage nodes, including CPU usage, connection usage, disk usage, disk usage, memory usage, and network bandwidth.


Install Func

Recommend opening [ Integrations - Extension - DataFlux Func (Automata) ]: All preconditions are installed automatically, Please continue with the script installation

If you deploy Func yourself,Refer to Self-Deployment of Func

Installation script

Tip: Please prepare AWS AK that meets the requirements in advance (For simplicity's sake, you can directly grant the global read-only permission for CloudWatch CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess)

To synchronize the monitoring data of PolarDB distributed 2.0 cloud resources, we install the corresponding collection [ Guance Integration(Aliyun-PolarDB-X 1.0Collect)] (ID: guance_aliyun_polardbx_2)

Click [Install] and enter the corresponding parameters: Aliyun AK ID, Aliyun AK SECRET and Account Name.

Tap [Deploy startup Script],The system automatically creates Startup script sets,And automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

Then, in the collection script, add the collector_Configs and cloudwatch_Change the regions in configs to the actual regions

After this function is enabled, you can view the automatic triggering configuration in [Management / Crontab Config]. Click[Run],you can immediately execute once, without waiting for a regular time. After a while, you can view task execution records and corresponding logs.

We collected some configurations by default, as described in the Metrics column Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. In「Management / Crontab Config」check whether the automatic triggering configuration exists for the corresponding task,In addition, you can view task records and logs to check whether exceptions exist
  2. On the Guance platform, click 「Infrastructure / Custom」 to check whether asset information exists
  3. On the Guance platform, press 「Metrics」 to check whether monitoring data exists


After Configure Aliyun PolarDB distributed 2.0 monitoring, the default metric set is as follows. You can collect more metrics by configuring them

Aliyun PolarDB distributed 2.0 compute node metric details

Aliyun PolarDB distributed 2.0 storage node metric details

Compute node index

Metric Description Statistics Unit
ActiveConnectionsOfCN PolarDB-X Calculate the number of active connections at the layer Sum count
CPUUsageOfCN PolarDB-X CPU usage at the computing layer Average %
ConnectionsOfCN PolarDB-X Calculate the number of layer connections Sum count
ErrorCountOfCN PolarDB-X Calculate the number of layer errors Sum count/s
FullGcTimeOfCN PolarDB-X Full GC time Sum nanoseconds
LogicRTOfCN PolarDB-X Calculates the logical response time of the layer Average μs
LogicRequestCountOfCN PolarDB-X Calculates the number of layer logical requests Sum req/s
LogicSlowOfCN PolarDB-X Compute layer logic slow SQL Sum req/s
MemUsageOfCN PolarDB-X Computing layer memory usage Average %
NetInOfCN PolarDB-X Computing layer network traffic (forward) Sum B/s
NetOutOfCN PolarDB-X Computing layer network traffic (out) Sum B/s

Storage node specifications

Metric Description Statistics Unit
ActiveSessionsOfDN PolarDB-X ActiveSessions of storage nodes Average count
CPUUsageOfDN PolarDB-X CPU usage of the storage node Average %
ConnUsageOfDN PolarDB-X Connection usage of storage nodes Average %
DiskSizeOfDN PolarDB-X Disk usage of a storage node Average Megabytes
DiskUsageOfDN PolarDB-X Disk usage of a storage node Average %
IOPSUsageOfDN PolarDB-X Storage node IOPS usage Average %
IbufDirtyRatioOfDN PolarDB-X Percentage of BP dirty pages on a storage node Average %
IbufReadHitOfDN PolarDB-X BP read hit ratio of storage node Average %
IbufUseRatioOfDN PolarDB-X BP usage ratio of storage nodes Average %
LogDiskSizeOfDN PolarDB-X Storage node log disk usage Average Megabytes
MemUsageOfDN PolarDB-X Memory usage of a storage node Average %
NetworkInDN PolarDB-X Bandwidth of the storage node network Average bits/s
NetworkOutDN PolarDB-X Outgoing bandwidth of the storage node network Average bits/s
SlaveLagOfDN PolarDB-X The standby storage node library is delayed Average seconds
SlowQueriesOfDN PolarDB-X Slow query number of storage nodes per second Average countSecond
TempDiskTableCreatesOfDN PolarDB-X Number of temporary tables created by storage nodes per second Average countSecond
ThreadsConnectedOfDN PolarDB-X Number of threads connected to a storage node Average count
ThreadsRunningOfDN PolarDB-X Number of active threads on a storage node Average count
TmpDiskSizeOfDN PolarDB-X Temporary disk usage of a storage node Average Megabytes


The collected Aliyun PolarDB distributed 2.0 object data structure can be seen from the [ Infrastructure - Custom] object data.

  "measurement": "aliyun_polardbx_2",
  "tags": {
    "ClassCode"             : "",
    "CommodityCode"         : "drds_polarxpost_public_cn",
    "DBInstanceName"        : "pxc-s-hzr1ch4n3icc3w",
    "DBType"                : "polarx",
    "DnNodeClassCode"       : "mysql.n2.medium.25",
    "Engine"                : "polarx",
    "Id"                    : "pxc-xdb-s-shzr1ch4n3icc3wbf04",
    "LockMode"              : "Unlock",
    "MinorVersion"          : "polarx-kernel_standard_xcluster-20230508",
    "Network"               : "VPC",
    "NodeClass"             : "mysql.n2.medium.25",
    "PayType"               : "Postpaid",
    "Series"                : "standard",
    "Status"                : "Running",
    "Type"                  : "ReadWrite",
    "VPCId"                 : "vpc-bp1uhj8mimgturv8c0gg6",
    "ZoneId"                : "cn-hangzhou-k;cn-hangzhou-k;cn-hangzhou-k",
    "name"                  : "pxc-xdb-s-shzr1ch4n3icc3wbf04"
  "fields": {
    "CnNodeCount"           : 0,
    "CreateTime"            : "2023-08-16T06:57:41.000+0000",
    "Description"           : "",
    "DnNodeCount"           : 1,
    "ExpireTime"            : "2123-08-16T16:00:00.000+0000",
    "Expired"               : false,
    "NodeCount"             : 1,
    "ReadDBInstances"       : "[]",
    "ResourceGroupId"       : "rg-acfmv3ro3xnfwaa",
    "StorageUsed"           : 2343567360,
    "message"               : "{Instance json data}}",

Note: The fields in tags and fields may change with subsequent updates

Tip: value is the instance ID as a unique identification. Tip 2: fields.message are JSON serialized strings.


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