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JVM (StatsD)


Example: Collect JVM metrics through ddtrace and receive JVM metrics sent by ddtrace through the built-in Statsd of DataKit.

DataKit enables the collector

  • Enables Statsd collector

Copy the sample file without modifying the statsd.conf

cd /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/statsd
cp statsd.conf.sample statsd.conf
  • Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit

Application Configuration

  • Adjusting startup parameters
-javaagent:/usr/local/datakit/data/dd-java-agent.jar \<your-service>   \
 -Ddd.env=dev  \

Start jar using the java -jar method and connect to DataKit on the local machine by default. If you need to connect to DataKit on a remote server, please use and to specify ip.

For more detailed access to DDTrace, refer to the ddtrace java document.


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