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Data Report

Custom object data reporting needs to install and connect DataKit and DataFlux Func first, then report data to DataKit through DataFlux Func, and finally DataKit reports data to Guance workspace.

Install DataKit

In the Guance workspace, click Integration > DataKit in turn, select the DataKit installation method, see the following information, and then copy the installation to execute on the host.

Open the command line terminal tool, log in to the host, and execute the copied installation command. After the installation is complete, it will prompt Install Success.

See Getting Started with DataKit.

Install DataFlux Func

In the Guance workspace, click "Integration"-"Func" in turn, and install Func in the command line terminal tool according to the following steps.

I. Download the portable version.

II. Automatically deploy script installation.

III. After the installation is complete, enter http://server IP address:8088 in the browser and save and initialize database to initialize.

For more Func installations, see Quick Start.

Connect DataFlux Func and DataKit

Before using DataFlux Func to write data to a DataKit, ensure connectivity first. Therefore, after the DataKit installation is complete, you need to adjust the configuration to allow the DataFlux Func connection.

I. Open the datakit configuration: sudo vim /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/datakit.conf

II. Amend http_listen = "localhost:9529" to http_listen = ""

III. Restart DataKit: sudo datakit --restart

For more details, see Connect and Operate DataKit.

Report Custom Data

After DataFlux Func and DataKit are connected, you can write functions in DataFlux Func to report custom object data.

See DataKit API for an interface description of the DataFlux Func function call.

For instructions on how DataFlux Func writes data to DataKit, see Write Data from DataKit.

Example Description

The following example mainly uses Alibaba Cloud products as an example to show how to report custom object data through DataFlux Func.

Preconditions: DataKit and DataFlux Func are installed and connected.

I. Enter http://server IP address:8088 in the browser, and enter the account number and password, which can be configured at initialization time. The default is admin/admin.

II. After you log in to DataFlux Func, you can add scripts in the Script Editor.

III. DataFlux Func supports scripting data through Python. Before you start adding scripts, you need to install Alibaba Cloud's Python SDK.

i. In DataFlux Func Management > Experimental Features > Open PIP Tool Module.

ii. In the PIP Tools module, click to open Alibaba Cloud's Python SDK and copy aliyun-python-sdk-core for installation.

IV. After installing Alibaba Cloud's Python SDK, click to enter Script Editor > Add Script Set.

Obtain the reporting API interface and script for reporting data to DataFlux according to the DataKit API document, and write the fields for obtaining basic information of Alibaba Cloud products according to the Alibaba Cloud API document.

After the script is written, you can click Execute in the upper right corner to see if you can execute the code normally.

Refer to the script code as follows, and you can replace the relevant contents according to the prompts in the above figure.

from aliyunsdkcore.request import CommonRequest
from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
import requests
import json
import time

#Push data to DF
def pushdata(data):
    params = (
        ('token', 'tokn_bW47smmgQpoZxxxxxxx'),
    response ='http://服务器IP地址:9529/v1/write/custom_object', params=params, data=data)
    print(response.status_code, response.text)

#Principal function
def main():
    # 1.Initialize the SDK
    client = AcsClient(
        'LTAI5t6d3sRh3xxxxxxxx',  # your-access-key-id
        'CHdrce2XtMyDAnYJxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',  # your-access-key-secret
        'cn-qingdao',  # your-region-id
    request = CommonRequest()
    request.add_query_param('RegionId', 'cn-qingdao')
    response = json.loads(client.do_action_with_exception(request))
    for i in response["Instances"]["Instance"]:
        data = ''' aliyun_ecs,name=%s,host=%s instanceid="%s",os="%s",status="%s",creat_time="%s",publicip="%s",regionid="%s",privateip="%s",cpu=%s,memory=%s %s''' %(

V. After the DataFlux Func script configuration is completed, the reported data can be viewed in Infrastructure > Custom of the Guance workspace.

VI. If you need to execute script tasks regularly, you can create timed report tasks in DataFlux Func Management > Automatic Trigger Configuration.


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