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  • Desc:'Aerospike Namespace Overview Monitoring View' path:'dashboard/zh/aerospike_namespace'
  • Desc:'Aerospike Monitoring Stack Node Monitoring View' path:'dashboard/zh/aerospike_stack_node' monitor :
  • Desc:'Aerospike Detection Library' path:'monitor/zh/aerospike'



Aerospike Namespace performance metrics are presented, including clusters, memory usage in space, disk usage, number of objects, read and write rates, and so on.

Aerospike Node related metrics display, including Node cluster, Node status, number of records, memory, disk metrics, and so on.

Installation Configuration{#config}


  • Aerospike installed

The sample Aerospike version is Linux Environment 6.0.0 (CentOS), and the metrics may vary from version to version.

aerospike-prometheus-exporter Exporter, an official development, facilitates fast access to Aerospike monitoring.

Metric Collection

Install exporter

Official Download&Install Exporter Address

wget -O aerospike-prometheus-exporter.tgz
tar -xvzf aerospike-prometheus-exporter.tgz
rpm -Uvh aerospike-prometheus-exporter--x86_64.rpm

Configure exporter

Profile address /etc/aerospike-prometheus-exporter/ape.toml, default metrics port is 9145, default collection port is 3000, no profile adjustment is required by default.

# Exporter HTTPS (TLS) configuration
# HTTPS between Prometheus and Exporter

# TLS certificates.
# Supports below formats,
# 1. Certificate file path                                      - "file:<file-path>"
# 2. Environment variable containing base64 encoded certificate - "env-b64:<environment-variable-that-contains-base64-encoded-certificate>"
# 3. Base64 encoded certificate                                 - "b64:<base64-encoded-certificate>"
# Applicable to 'root_ca', 'cert_file' and 'key_file' configurations.

# Server certificate
cert_file = ""

# Private key associated with server certificate
key_file = ""

# Root CA to validate client certificates (for mutual TLS)
root_ca = ""

# Passphrase for encrypted key_file. Supports below formats,
# 1. Passphrase directly                                                      - "<passphrase>"
# 2. Passphrase via file                                                      - "file:<file-that-contains-passphrase>"
# 3. Passphrase via environment variable                                      - "env:<environment-variable-that-holds-passphrase>"
# 4. Passphrase via environment variable containing base64 encoded passphrase - "env-b64:<environment-variable-that-contains-base64-encoded-passphrase>"
# 5. Passphrase in base64 encoded form                                        - "b64:<base64-encoded-passphrase>"
key_file_passphrase = ""

# labels to add to the prometheus metrics for e.g. labels={zone="asia-south1-a", platform="google compute engine"}
labels = {}

bind = ":9145"

# metrics server timeout in seconds
timeout = 10

# Exporter logging configuration
# Log file path (optional, logs to console by default)
# Level can be info|warning,warn|error,err|debug|trace ('info' by default)
log_file = ""
log_level = ""

# Basic HTTP authentication for '/metrics'.
# Supports below formats,
# 1. Credential directly                                                      - "<credential>"
# 2. Credential via file                                                      - "file:<file-that-contains-credential>"
# 3. Credential via environment variable                                      - "env:<environment-variable-that-contains-credential>"
# 4. Credential via environment variable containing base64 encoded credential - "env-b64:<environment-variable-that-contains-base64-encoded-credential>"
# 5. Credential in base64 encoded form                                        - "b64:<base64-encoded-credential>"
basic_auth_username = ""
basic_auth_password = ""

db_host = "localhost"
db_port = 3000

# TLS certificates.
# Supports below formats,
# 1. Certificate file path                                      - "file:<file-path>"
# 2. Environment variable containing base64 encoded certificate - "env-b64:<environment-variable-that-contains-base64-encoded-certificate>"
# 3. Base64 encoded certificate                                 - "b64:<base64-encoded-certificate>"
# Applicable to 'root_ca', 'cert_file' and 'key_file' configurations.

# root certificate file
root_ca = ""

# certificate file
cert_file = ""

# key file
key_file = ""

# Passphrase for encrypted key_file. Supports below formats,
# 1. Passphrase directly                                                      - "<passphrase>"
# 2. Passphrase via file                                                      - "file:<file-that-contains-passphrase>"
# 3. Passphrase via environment variable                                      - "env:<environment-variable-that-holds-passphrase>"
# 4. Passphrase via environment variable containing base64 encoded passphrase - "env-b64:<environment-variable-that-contains-base64-encoded-passphrase>"
# 5. Passphrase in base64 encoded form                                        - "b64:<base64-encoded-passphrase>"
key_file_passphrase = ""

# node TLS name for authentication
node_tls_name = ""

# Aerospike cluster security credentials.
# Supports below formats,
# 1. Credential directly                                                      - "<credential>"
# 2. Credential via file                                                      - "file:<file-that-contains-credential>"
# 3. Credential via environment variable                                      - "env:<environment-variable-that-contains-credential>"
# 4. Credential via environment variable containing base64 encoded credential - "env-b64:<environment-variable-that-contains-base64-encoded-credential>"
# 5. Credential in base64 encoded form                                        - "b64:<base64-encoded-credential>"
# Applicable to 'user' and 'password' configurations.

# database user
user = ""

# database password
password = ""

# authentication mode: internal (for server), external (LDAP, etc.)
auth_mode = ""

# timeout for sending commands to the server node in seconds
timeout = 5

# Number of histogram buckets to export for latency metrics. Bucket thresholds range from 2^0 to 2^16 (17 buckets).
# e.g. latency_buckets_count=5 will export first five buckets i.e. <=1ms, <=2ms, <=4ms, <=8ms and <=16ms.
# Default: 0 (export all threshold buckets).
latency_buckets_count = 0

# Metrics Allowlist - If specified, only these metrics will be scraped. An empty list will exclude all metrics.
# Commenting out the below allowlist configs will disable metrics filtering (i.e. all metrics will be scraped).

# Namespace metrics allowlist
# namespace_metrics_allowlist = []

# Set metrics allowlist
# set_metrics_allowlist = []

# Node metrics allowlist
# node_metrics_allowlist = []

# XDR metrics allowlist (only for Aerospike versions 5.0 and above)
# xdr_metrics_allowlist = []

# Job (scans/queries) metrics allowlist
# job_metrics_allowlist = []

# Secondary index metrics allowlist
# sindex_metrics_allowlist = []

# Metrics Blocklist - If specified, these metrics will be NOT be scraped.

# Namespace metrics blocklist
# namespace_metrics_blocklist = []

# Set metrics blocklist
# set_metrics_blocklist = []

# Node metrics blocklist
# node_metrics_blocklist = []

# XDR metrics blocklist (only for Aerospike versions 5.0 and above)
# xdr_metrics_blocklist = []

# Job (scans/queries) metrics blocklist
# job_metrics_blocklist = []

# Secondary index metrics blocklist
# sindex_metrics_blocklist = []

# Users Statistics (user statistics are available in Aerospike 5.6+)
# Users Allowlist and Blocklist to control for which users their statistics should be collected.
# Note globbing patterns are not supported for this configuration.

# user_metrics_users_allowlist = []
# user_metrics_users_blocklist = []

Start (Restart) exporter

systemctl start aerospike-prometheus-exporter.service
systemctl restart aerospike-prometheus-exporter.service

Access Metrics

Access metrics through curl http://localhost:9145/metrics

DataKit adds aerospike-prom.conf profile{#input-config}

Under /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/prom directory, copy prom.conf.sample to aerospike-prom.conf

cp prom.conf.sample aerospike-prom.conf

Description of main parameters

  • Url: aerospike-prometheus-exporter Metric address
  • Interval: acquisition frequency
  • Source: collector alias
  urls = [""]

  ignore_req_err = false

  source = "aerospike"
  metric_types = []
  measurement_prefix = ""

  interval = "10s"

  tls_open = false


Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit

Log Collection{#logging}

Parameter Description

- logfiles:File names or a pattern to tail.
- source:`aerospike` # Your logging source, if it's empty, use 'default'.
- service:`aerospike` # service name

In the /usr/local/datakit/conf.d directory, copy a conf and rename it logging-aerospike.conf

cp logging.conf.sample logging-aerospike.conf

logging-aerospike.conf Full Text

## required
logfiles = [

## glob filteer
ignore = [""]

## your logging source, if it's empty, use 'default'
source = "aerospike"

## add service tag, if it's empty, use $source.
service = "aerospike"

## grok pipeline script name
pipeline = ""

## optional status:
##   "emerg","alert","critical","error","warning","info","debug","OK"
ignore_status = []

## optional encodings:
##    "utf-8", "utf-16le", "utf-16le", "gbk", "gb18030" or ""
character_encoding = ""

## datakit read text from Files or Socket , default max_textline is 32k
## If your log text line exceeds 32Kb, please configure the length of your text,
## but the maximum length cannot exceed 32Mb
# maximum_length = 32766

## The pattern should be a regexp. Note the use of '''this regexp'''
## regexp link:
# multiline_match = '''^\S'''

## removes ANSI escape codes from text strings
remove_ansi_escape_codes = false

## if file is inactive, it is ignored
## time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h"
ignore_dead_log = "10m"

# some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"


Refer to Aerospike website metrics


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