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Tencent Cloud CVM

Use the "Watch Cloud Sync" script package in the script market to synchronize the data of the cloud monitoring cloud assets to the watch cloud


Install Func

It is recommended to open Observation Cloud Integration-Extension-hosted Func: all preconditions are automatically installed, please continue with the script installation

If you want to deploy Func yourself refer to deploy Func yourself

Install scripts

Tip: Please prepare the required Ali Cloud AK in advance (for simplicity, you can directly grant global read-only permissionsReadOnlyAccess

To synchronize the monitoring data of ECS cloud resources, we install the corresponding acquisition script:「Guance Integration(Tencent Cloud-CVMCollect)」(ID:guance_tencentcloud_cvm)

After clicking 【Install】, input the corresponding parameters: Ali Cloud AK, Ali cloud account name.

Click to【Deploy startup Script】,It will be created automatically Startup script set, and automatically configure the corresponding startup script.

It can be opened in「Management / Crontab Config」to see the corresponding auto-trigger configuration in. Click to【Run】, can be executed immediately once, without waiting for a regular time. After a few moments, you can review the execution of the task and the corresponding log.

If you want to collect the corresponding log, you also need to start the corresponding log collection script. If you want to collect a bill, start the cloud bill collection script.

We collect some configurations by default, as described in the metrics column.

Configure custom cloud object metrics


  1. Into「Management / Crontab Config」to confirm whether the corresponding task has the corresponding automatic trigger configuration, and you can view the corresponding task record and log to check whether there is an exception.
  2. At the Guance cloud platform, at the「Infrastructure / Custom」to see if the asset information exists.
  3. At the Guance cloud platform, at the「Metrics」check to see if there is any monitoring data.


Configuring Tencent Cloud-cloud monitoring, the default metric set is as follows, and more metrics can be collected through configuration Tencent Cloud Monitor Metrics Details

CPU Monitor

Metric Name Illustrate Unit Dimension Statistical granularity
CpuUsage Percentage of CPU occupied in real time while the machine is running % InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
CpuLoadavg Average number of tasks using and waiting for CPU in 1 minute (Windows machines do not have this metric) - InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
Cpuloadavg5m Average number of tasks using and waiting for CPU in 5 minutes (not available on Windows machines) - InstanceId 60s、300s、3600s
Cpuloadavg15m Average number of tasks using and waiting for CPU in 15 minutes (not available on Windows machines) - InstanceId 60s、300s、3600s
BaseCpuUsage The basic CPU utilization rate is collected and reported through the host machine, and the data can be viewed without installing the monitoring component. The data can still be collected and reported under the high load of the child machine % InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s

GPU Monitor

Metric Name Illustrate Unit Dimension Statistical granularity
GpuMemTotal GPU Total memory MB InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
GpuMemUsage GPU memory usage % InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
GpuMemUsed Evaluate the memory footprint of the load MB InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
GpuPowDraw GPU Power consumption usage W InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
GpuPowLimit GPU Total power consumption W InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
GpuPowUsage GPU Power usage % InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
GpuTemp Evaluate the GPU heat dissipation status °C InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
GpuUtil Evaluate the computational power consumed by the load, the percentage of non-idle states % InstanceId 10s、 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s

Network Monitor

Metric Name Illustrate Unit Dimension Statistical granularity
LanOuttraffic The average traffic per second of an internal network card Mbps InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
LanIntraffic The average incoming traffic per second of an internal network card Mbps InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
LanOutpkg The average number of packets per second of an internal network card individual per second InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
LanInpkg The average incoming packets per second of the internal network card individual per second InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
WanOuttraffic The average outgoing traffic rate of the external network per second, the minimum granularity data is calculated as 10 seconds total traffic /10 seconds, which is the sum of outgoing/incoming bandwidth of the external network of EIP+CLB+CVM Mbps InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
WanIntraffic The average incoming traffic rate of the external network per second, the minimum granularity data is calculated as 10 seconds total traffic /10 seconds, which is the sum of outgoing/incoming bandwidth of the external network of EIP+CLB+CVM Mbps InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
WanOutpkg The average number of outgoing packets per second of the external network card individual per second InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
WanInpkg The average incoming packets per second of the external network card individual per second InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
AccOuttraffic The average traffic per second of the external network card MB InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
TcpCurrEstab The number of TCP connections in the ESTABLISHED state individual InstanceId 10s、60s、300s、3600s、86400s
TimeOffset The difference between utc time and ntp time of the child second InstanceId 60s、300s、3600s、86400s

Memory Monitor

Metric Name Illustrate Unit Dimension Statistical granularity
MemUsed The actual amount of memory used by the user, excluding the memory occupied by buffers and system caches, the total memory-available memory (including buffers and cached) gets the memory usage value. Do not include the buffers and cached MB InstanceId 10 s, 60 s and 300 s, 3600 s and 86400 s

| MemUsage | user actual memory usage, not including the buffer cache memory, and system to remove the cache, buffer, and rest, Users actually use the memory and the ratio of the total memory | % | InstanceId | 10 s, 60 s and 300 s, 3600 s and 86400 s |

Disk Monitor

Metric Name Illustrate Unit Dimension Statistical granularity
CvmDiskUsage Disk used capacity as a percentage of total capacity (all disks) % InstanceId 60s、300s

RDMA Monitor

Metric Name Illustrate Unit Dimension Statistical granularity
RdmaIntraffic RDMA network cards receive bandwidth Mbps InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RdmaOuttraffic RDMA network card send bandwidth Mbps InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RdmaInpkt RDMA network card packet size individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RdmaOutpkt RDMA network card output packets individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
CnpCount Congestion notification packet statistics individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
EcnCount Display congestion notification statistics individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RdmaPktDiscard End measurement of packet loss individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RdmaOutOfSequence The amount of out-of-order error at the receiver individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RdmaTimeoutCount The amount of sender timeout error individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
TxPfcCount TX PFC statistics individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s
RxPfcCount RX PFC statistics individual per second InstanceId 60s、 300s、 3600s、 86400s


You could see the object data structure of the collected Tencent Cloud CVM objects obtained .

  "measurement": "tencentcloud_cvm",
  "tags": {
    "name"              : "ins-bahxxxx",
    "RegionId"          : "ap-shanghai",
    "Zone"              : "ap-shanghai-1",
    "InstanceId"        : "ins-bahxxxx",
    "InstanceChargeType": "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
    "InstanceType"      : "SA2.MEDIUM2",
    "OsName"            : "TencentOS Server 3.1 (TK4)"
  "fields": {
    "CPU"               : 2,
    "Memory"            : 2,
    "InstanceState"     : "RUNNING",
    "PublicIpAddresses" : "{Public network IP data}",
    "PrivateIpAddresses": "{Private network IP data}",
    "SystemDisk"        : "{System disk JSON data}",
    "DataDisks"         : "{data disk JSON data}",
    "Placement"         : "{Region JSON data}",
    "ExpiredTime"       : "2022-05-07T01:51:38Z",
    "message"           : "{Instance JSON data}"


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