DataKit Upgrade¶
DataKit supports both manual and automatic upgrade.
Additional Supported Environment Variable¶
From version 1.60.1 onwards, the upgrade command also supports the same environment variables as the install command. For more details, refer to the environment variables supported by the install command.
- Automatic upgrade require DataKit version >= 1.1.6-rc1
- There is no version requirement for manual upgrade
Manually Upgrade¶
Directly execute the following command to view the current DataKit version. If the latest version is available online, the corresponding upgrade command will be prompted, such as:
- For remote upgrade, you must upgrade Datakit to 1.5.9+
- If DataKit < 1.2.7, you can only use
datakit --version
- If DataKit < 1.2.0, use the upgrade command directly
$ datakit version
Version: 1.2.8
Commit: e9ccdfbae4
Branch: testing
Build At(UTC): 2022-03-11 11:07:06
Golang Version: go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64
Uploader: xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx
ReleasedInputs: all
Online version available: 1.2.9, commit 9f5ac898be (release at 2022-03-10 12:03:12)
DK_UPGRADE=1 bash -c "$(curl -L"
$ datakit.exe version
Version: 1.2.8
Commit: e9ccdfbae4
Branch: testing
Build At(UTC): 2022-03-11 11:07:36
Golang Version: go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64
Uploader: xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx
ReleasedInputs: all
Online version available: 1.2.9, commit 9f5ac898be (release at 2022-03-10 12:03:12)
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Env:DK_*;
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -scope Process -Force;
Import-Module bitstransfer;
start-bitstransfer -source -destination .install.ps1;
powershell ./.install.ps1;
If the DataKit is currently in proxy mode, the proxy settings will be automatically added to the prompt command of automatic upgrade:
Remote Update Service¶
Note: The service does not support Datakit installed in k8s.
During the installation of Datakit, an additional remote update service is installed by default, which is specifically used to upgrade the Datakit version. If you are using an older version of Datakit, you can specify additional parameters in the Datakit upgrade command to install this service:
If you have synchronized the Datakit installation package offline, assuming the offline installation package address is
, the upgrade command here is
The service will bind to the
address by default. If this address/port is occupied, you can specify an alternative:
Since the service provides an HTTP API, it has the following parameters available ( Version-1.38.1):
: Upgrade/Downgrade Datakit to a specified version number (if it's an offline installation, ensure that the specified version's resources has been synchronized)force
: If the current Datakit is not running or behaving abnormally, you can use this parameter to force an upgrade and start Datakit service
You can manually call APIs to achieve remote updates, or use DCA to achieve remote updates.
# Update to the latest Datakit version
curl -XPOST "http://<datakit-ip>:9542/v1/datakit/upgrade"
# Update to a specific Datakit version
curl -XPOST "http://<datakit-ip>:9542/v1/datakit/upgrade?version=3.4.5"
# Force upgrade the Datakit
curl -XPOST "http://<datakit-ip>:9542/v1/datakit/upgrade?force=1"
See DCA Documentation.
- The upgrade process may take a long time depending on network bandwidth (essentially equivalent to manually invoking the Datakit upgrade command), please wait patiently for the API to return. If interrupted midway, its behavior is undefined.
- During the upgrade process, if the specified version does not exist, the request will return an error (version
does not exist):
"error_code": "datakit.upgradeFailed",
"message": "unable to download script file resonse status: 404 Not Found"
- If Datakit is not running, it will return an error(we can specify force to fix that):
Offline Upgrade¶
Please refer to Offline Install related sections.
Differences Between Updating and Installing¶
To upgrade to a newer version of Datakit, you can do so by:
- Reinstallation
- Executing the upgrade command
On a host where Datakit is already installed, it is recommended to upgrade to a newer version using the upgrade command rather than reinstalling. If you reinstall, all configurations in datakit.conf will be reset to their default settings, such as global tag configurations, port settings, and so on. This may not be desirable.
However, whether you reinstall or execute the upgrade command, all the collectors(inputs) configurations are not reset to default.
DataKit Version Downgrade¶
If the new version is unsatisfactory and eager to roll back the recovery function of the old version, you can directly reverse upgrade in the following ways:
The version number here can be found on the DataKit release history page. Currently, only rollback to 1.2.0 is supported, and previous rc versions do not recommend rollback. After rolling back the version, you may encounter some configurations that are only available in the new version, which cannot be resolved in the rolled back version. For the time being, you can only manually adjust the configuration to adapt to the old version of DataKit.
Version Detection Failed Processing¶
During the DataKit installation/upgrade process, the installer detects the currently running version of the DataKit to ensure that the version is the upgraded version.
However, in some cases, the older version of the DataKit service did not uninstall successfully, resulting in the detection process discovering that the current running DataKit version number is still the older version number:
2022-09-22T21:20:35.967+0800 ERROR installer installer/main.go:374 checkIsNewVersion: current version: 1.4.13, expect 1.4.16
At this point, we can force the old version of DataKit to stop and restart the DataKit:
datakit service -T # Stop service
datakit service -S # Start a new service
# If not, uninstall the DataKit service and then reinstall the service
datakit service -U # uninstall service
datakit service -I # reinstall service
# After the above operations are completed, confirm whether the next DataKit version is the latest version
datakit version # Confirm that the current running DataKit is the latest version
Version: 1.4.16
Commit: 1357544bd6
Branch: master
Build At(UTC): 2022-09-20 11:43:20
Golang Version: go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64
Uploader: zy-infra-gitlab-prod-runner/root/xxx
ReleasedInputs: checked