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Active Directory

Installation and Deployment

Note: The sample Active Directory exporter version is 0.24.0 (Windows)

Enable the DataKit collector

  • Enable the DataKit Prom plugin and copy the sample file
cd C:\Program Files\datakit\conf.d\prom
# Copy prom.conf.sample to prom.conf
  • Modify the prom.conf configuration file
Configuration is as follows
## Exporter URLs
urls = [""]

## Ignore request errors to the url
ignore_req_err = false

## Collector alias
source = "active_directory"

## Collection data output source
# Configuring this item, you can write the collected data to a local file instead of hitting the center
# You can then use the datakit --prom-conf /path/to/this/conf command to debug the locally saved metric set directly
# If the url is configured as a local file path, then --prom-conf will debug the data of the output path first
# output = "/abs/path/to/file"
## The upper limit of the collection data size, in bytes
# When outputting data to a local file, you can set the upper limit of the collection data size
# If the size of the collected data exceeds this limit, the collected data will be discarded
# The upper limit of the collection data size is set to 32MB by default
# max_file_size = 0

## Metric type filtering, optional values are counter, gauge, histogram, summary
# By default, only counter and gauge type metrics are collected
# If it is empty, no filtering is performed
metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]

## Metric name filtering
# Supports regular expressions, multiple configurations can be made, that is, one of them can be met
# If it is empty, no filtering is performed
# metric_name_filter = ["cpu"]

## Metric set name prefix
# Configuring this item, you can add a prefix to the metric set name
measurement_prefix = ""

## Metric set name
# By default, the metric name is split with an underscore "_", the first field after the split is used as the metric set name, and the remaining fields are used as the current metric name
# If measurement_name is configured, the metric name is not split
# The final metric set name will add the measurement_prefix prefix
# measurement_name = "prom"

## Collection interval "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
interval = "10s"

## Filter tags, multiple tags can be configured
# The matching tag will be ignored
# tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]

## TLS Configuration
tls_open = false
# tls_ca = "/tmp/ca.crt"
# tls_cert = "/tmp/peer.crt"
# tls_key = "/tmp/peer.key"

## Custom authentication method, currently only supports Bearer Token
# token 和 token_file: Only one of them needs to be configured
# [inputs.prom.auth]
# type = "bearer_token"
# token = "xxxxxxxx"
# token_file = "/tmp/token"

## Custom metric set name
# You can classify metrics with the prefix prefix into one class of metric sets
# The configuration of custom metric set names takes precedence over the configuration item measurement_name
#  prefix = "cpu_"
#  name = "cpu"

# [[inputs.prom.measurements]]
# prefix = "mem_"
# name = "mem"

## Custom Tags
  service = "active_directory"
# more_tag = "some_other_value"
  • Restart DataKit (if you need to enable logging, please configure log collection and restart)
systemctl restart datakit
  • DQL verification
[root@df-solution-ecs-018 prom]# datakit -Q

Flag -Q deprecated, please use datakit help to use recommend flags.

dqlcmd: &cmds.dqlCmd{json:false, autoJSON:false, verbose:false, csv:"", forceWriteCSV:false, dqlString:"", token:"tkn_9a49a7e9343c432eb0b99a297401c3bb", host:"", log:"", dqlcli:(*http.Client)(0xc0009a5800)}
dql > M::active_directory LIMIT 1
-----------------[ r1.active_directory.s1 ]-----------------

                   windows_ad_atq_average_request_latency 0
                           windows_ad_atq_current_threads 44
                      windows_ad_atq_outstanding_requests 0
                          windows_ad_ldap_client_sessions '1.0'
  windows_ad_replication_inbound_properties_updated_total '0.0'
                windows_ad_replication_pending_operations '0.0'

                                      windows_cs_hostname 2
                         windows_cs_physical_memory_bytes 0
                                                     time 2023-11-1 16:00:10 +0800 CST
                      windows_exchange_owa_requests_total 0
                          windows_exchange_rpc_user_count 0                                   
                              windows_exporter_build_info 0
                                                   uptime 2858680025
              windows_exporter_collector_duration_seconds 0
1 rows, 1 series, cost 40.297037ms

Detailed Metrics

Name Description Metric Meaning Unit Dimension
windows_ad_replication_pending_synchronizations Shows the number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server but not yet processed. Shows the number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server but not yet processed. count host
windows_ad_replication_sync_requests_total Display the number of synchronization requests sent to the neighbor. Shows the number of sync requests made to neighbors. count host
windows_ad_replication_sync_requests_success_total Display the number of synchronization requests successfully returned from the neighbor. Shows the number of sync requests made to the neighbors that successfully returned. count host
windows_ad_ldap_active_threads Display the number of threads currently used by the local directory service LDAP subsystem. Shows the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local directory service. count host
windows_ad_ldap_last_bind_time_seconds Display the time required for the last successful LDAP binding (in milliseconds). Shows the time, in milliseconds, taken for the last successful LDAP bind. count host
windows_ad_ldap_searches_total Display the number of times the LDAP client performs search operations. Shows the number at which LDAP clients perform search operations. count host
windows_ad_ldap_writes_total Display the number of times the LDAP client performs write operations. Shows the number at which LDAP clients perform write operations. count host
windows_ad_ldap_client_sessions This is the number of sessions opened by the LDAP client when collecting data. This is the number of sessions opened by LDAP clients at the time the data is taken. count host
windows_ad_replication_inbound_sync_objects_remaining Display the number of remaining objects before the full synchronization is completed (when setting). Shows the number of objects remaining before full synchronization is complete (at setup). count host
windows_ad_replication_inbound_objects_updated_total Display the number of objects received from neighbors through inbound replication. The neighbor is the domain controller that the local domain controller replicates locally. Shows the number of objects received from neighbors through inbound replication. A neighbor is a domain controller from which the local domain controller replicates locally. count host
windows_ad_replication_inbound_objects_filtered_total Display the number of objects received from inbound replication partners that do not contain updates needing to be applied. Shows the number of objects received from inbound replication partners that contained no updates that needed to be applied. count host


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