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Intelligent Monitoring

In the Events > Intelligent Monitoring explorer, you can view a complete list of events generated by intelligent monitoring in the current workspace.

In the Intelligent Monitoring event explorer, you can:

  • Use a stacked bar chart to count the number of events that occurred at different times and under different rules in the current event explorer.
  • Search for events based on tags, fields, and text using keywords, tag filtering, field filtering, and related searches.
  • Perform aggregated event analysis by grouping events based on selected fields.

Query and Analysis

In the Intelligent Monitoring event explorer, you can filter event data by selecting a time range, searching for keywords, and more. This helps you quickly locate events within a specific time range, functional module, or triggered behavior.

  • Time Widget: The event explorer displays data from the last 15 minutes by default, but you can customize the time range for data display.

  • Search and filtering

  • In the Intelligent Monitoring event explorer analysis pane, you can perform multidimensional analysis based on tag fields to reflect aggregated event statistics under different analysis dimensions. Clicking on an aggregated event allows you to view details of the aggregated event.

  • You can edit the quick filter on the left or add new filtering fields.

  • Filter History: Guance supports saving the search conditions history of key:value in the explorer in the filter history, which can be applied to different explorers in the current workspace.

  • Event Export: In the Intelligent Monitoring event explorer, click to export the data from the current event explorer to CSV, dashboard or notes.

  • Save Snapshot: In the top left corner of the Intelligent Monitoring event explorer, click View Historical Snapshot to directly save a snapshot of the current event data. With the snapshot feature, you can quickly reproduce the copied data and restore it to a specific point in time and data display logic.

Event Details Page

In the Intelligent Monitoring event explorer, click on any event to open the event details, including analysis reports, alert notifications, history records and related events. On the event details page, you can also jump to the monitors associated with the current event and export key event information to PDF or JSON files.

See Intelligent Monitoring.


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