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Flutter Application Access


Application Access

The current version of Flutter only supports Android and iOS platforms for now. Login to Guance Console, enter "Real User Monitoring" page, click "New Application" in the upper right corner, enter "Application Name" and customize "Application ID" in the new window, and click "Create" to select the application type to get access.


Pub.Dev: ft_mobile_agent_flutter

Source Code


Under the project path, the terminal runs the Flutter command:

 $ flutter pub add ft_mobile_agent_flutter

This will add a line like this to the package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  ft_mobile_agent_flutter: [lastest_version]

  # flutter 2.0 Compatible Version
      ref: [github_legacy_lastest_tag]

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:ft_mobile_agent_flutter/ft_mobile_agent_flutter.dart';

Android needs to install ft-plugin in app/android directory build.gradle to use with it, and declare it in the custom Application creation and AndroidMainifest.xml, the code is as follows, please see Android SDK for detailed configuration, or refer to the demo


* If you need to track "number of launches" and "launch time," you need to add a custom Application here.
class CustomApplication : FlutterApplication() {
<manifest xmlns:android=""
  <application android:name=".CustomApplication">

SDK Initialization

Basic Configuration

void main() async {
    //Initialization SDK
    await FTMobileFlutter.sdkConfig(
      serverUrl: serverUrl,
      debug: true,
Fields Type Required Description
serverUrl String Yes The url of the datakit installation address, example:, port 9529. Datakit url address needs to be accessible by the device where the SDK is installed s
debug bool No Set whether to allow printing of logs, default false
envType enum EnvType No Environment, default
env String No Environment, defaulting to prod, any character is allowed, preferably a single word, such as test, etc.
serviceName String No Service name

RUM Configuration

 await FTRUMManager().setConfig(
        androidAppId: appAndroidId, 
        iOSAppId: appIOSId,
Fields Type Required Description
androidAppId String Yes appId, apply under monitoring
iOSAppId String Yes appId, apply under monitoring
sampleRate double No Sampling rate, (values for sample rate range from >= 0, <= 1, default value is 1)
enableNativeUserAction bool No Whether or not to do Native Action tracking, Button click events, pure Flutter applications are recommended to be turned off, default is false
enableNativeUserView bool No Whether to do Native View auto-tracking, recommended to be turned off for pure Flutter applications, default is false
enableNativeUserResource bool No Whether to do Native Resource auto-tracking, pure Flutter applications are recommended to turn it off, default is false
errorMonitorType enum ErrorMonitorType No Configure auxiliary monitoring information, and add additional monitoring data to RUM Error data. Use ErrorMonitorType.battery for battery level, ErrorMonitorType.memory for memory usage, and ErrorMonitorType.cpu for CPU usage.
deviceMetricsMonitorType enum DeviceMetricsMonitorType No During the View lifecycle, add monitoring data. Use DeviceMetricsMonitorType.battery to monitor the highest current output of the battery on the current page, DeviceMetricsMonitorType.memory to monitor the memory usage of the current application, DeviceMetricsMonitorType.cpu to monitor CPU spikes, and DeviceMetricsMonitorType.fps to monitor the screen frame rate.
globalContext Map No Custom global parameters.

Add Custom Tags

Static Use
  1. Split the original main.dart into 2 parts, one for main() and one for App() MaterialApp component.
  2. Create entry files corresponding to each environment, such as: main_prod.dart, main_gray.dart, etc.
  3. Configure custom tags in the corresponding environment files. For example:
void main() async {
    //Initialization SDK
    await FTMobileFlutter.sdkConfig(
      serverUrl: serverUrl,
      debug: true,
    await FTRUMManager().setConfig(
        androidAppId: appAndroidId,
        iOSAppId: appIOSId,
        globalContext: {CUSTOM_STATIC_TAG:"prod_static_tag"},
Dynamic Use

1.By storing file type data, such as shared_preferences library SharedPreferences, configure the use of SDK and add the code to get the tag data at the configuration.

final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String customDynamicValue = prefs.getString("customDynamicValue")?? "not set";

 await FTRUMManager().setConfig(
        androidAppId: appAndroidId,
        iOSAppId: appIOSId,
        globalContext: {CUSTOM_DYNAMIC_TAG:customDynamicValue},
        //… Other configuration

2.Add a way to change the file data anywhere.

 static Future<void> setDynamicParams(String value) async{
    final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    prefs.setString(CUSTOM_DYNAMIC_TAG, value);

3.Finally restart the application.


  1. special key : track_id (for tracking function)
  2. When the user adds a custom tag through globalContext and the SDK has the same tag, the SDK tag will override the user set, it is recommended that the tag name add the prefix of the project abbreviation, such as df_tag_name. Project use key value can be query source code.

Log Configuration

 await FTLogger().logConfig(
   enableCustomLog: true
Fields Type Required Description
sampleRate double No Sampling rate, the value of the sample rate ranges from >= 0, <= 1, the default value is 1
enableLinkRumData bool No Associated with RUM or not
enableCustomLog bool No Whether to enable custom logging
discardStrategy enum FTLogCacheDiscard No Log discard policy, default FTLogCacheDiscard.discard
logLevelFilters List No Log level filtering

Trace Configuration

await FTTracer().setConfig(
  enableLinkRUMData: true,
  enableNativeAutoTrace: false
Fields Type Required Description
sampleRate double No Sampling rate, the value of the sample rate ranges from >= 0, <= 1, the default value is 1
traceType enum TraceType No Trace type, default TraceType.ddTrace
enableLinkRUMData bool No Whether to associate with RUM data, default false
enableAutoTrace bool No Whether to enable flutter network tracking, default false
enableNativeAutoTrace bool No Whether to enable native network auto-tracking iOS NSURLSession ,Android OKhttp, default false

RUM User Data Tracking


FTRUMManager().startAction("action name", "action type");


Auto Track

  • Method 1: Add FTRouteObserver to MaterialApp.navigatorObservers, and configure the pages to navigate to in MaterialApp.routes. In the routes section, the key corresponds to the page name (view_name).
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: HomeRoute(),
      navigatorObservers: [
        //RUM View: Monitor page lifecycle when using routing for Navigation
      routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
        //set Router looper
        'logging': (BuildContext context) => Logging(),
        'rum': (BuildContext context) => RUM(),
        'tracing_custom': (BuildContext context) => CustomTracing(),
        'tracing_auto': (BuildContext context) => AutoTracing(),

// Page navigation using this approach, with the page name as 'logging'.
Navigator.pushNamed(context, "logging");
  • Method 2: Add FTRouteObserver to MaterialApp.navigatorObservers and generate using FTMaterialPageRoute. In this approach, the widget class name serves as the page name (view_name).
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: HomeRoute(),
      navigatorObservers: [
        //RUM View: Monitor page lifecycle when using routing for Navigation

//View Name is NoRouteNamePage
          FTMaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => new NoRouteNamePage()

If you need to capture the hibernation and wake-up behavior of the application you need to add the following code.

class _HomeState extends State<HomeRoute> {

    void initState(){

        //Add Application sleep and wake-up listeners.

    void dispose(){

        //Remove Application sleep and wake-up listeners.

Custom View

FTRUMManager().createView("Current Page Name",100000000)

FTRUMManager().starView("Current Page Name");



Auto Track

void main() async {
  runZonedGuarded(() async {
    await FTMobileFlutter.sdkConfig(
      serverUrl: serverUrl,
      debug: true,
    await FTRUMManager().setConfig(
        androidAppId: appAndroidId,
        iOSAppId: appIOSId,

    // Flutter Exception Handling
    FlutterError.onError = FTRUMManager().addFlutterError;
  }, (Object error, StackTrace stack) {
    //Add Error Data
    FTRUMManager().addError(error, stack);

Custom Error

 FTRUMManager().addCustomError("error stack", "error message");


Auto Track

Achieve this by enabling enableUserResource through the configuration using FTRUMManager().setConfig as described in the configuration section.

Custom Resource

/// Using httpClient  
void httpClientGetHttp(String url) async {
    var httpClient = new HttpClient();
    String key = Uuid().v4();
    HttpClientResponse? response;
    HttpClientRequest? request;
    try {
      request = await httpClient
          .timeout(Duration(seconds: 10));
      response = await request.close();
    } finally {
      Map<String, dynamic> requestHeader = {};
      Map<String, dynamic> responseHeader = {};

      request!.headers.forEach((name, values) {
        requestHeader[name] = values;
      var responseBody = "";
      if (response != null) {
        response.headers.forEach((name, values) {
          responseHeader[name] = values;
        responseBody = await response.transform(Utf8Decoder()).join();
        key: key,
        url: request.uri.toString(),
        requestHeader: requestHeader,
        httpMethod: request.method,
        responseHeader: responseHeader,
        resourceStatus: response?.statusCode,
        responseBody: responseBody,

To use the http library and the dio library, see example.

Logger Log Printing

FTLogger().logging("info log content",;

Log Level

Method Name Meaning info
FTLogStatus.warning warning
FTLogStatus.error error
FTLogStatus.critical critical
FTLogStatus.ok ok

Tracer Network Trace Tracking

/// Using httpClient    
void httpClientGetHttp() async {
    var url = '';
    var httpClient = new HttpClient();
    String key = + url;
    var errorMessage = "";
    HttpClientRequest request = await httpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
    HttpClientResponse? response;
    try {
      final traceHeaders =
          await FTTracer().getTraceHeader(key, request.uri.toString());
      traceHeaders.forEach((key, value) {
        request.headers.add(key, value);
      response = await request.close();
    } catch (exception) {
      errorMessage = exception.toString();
    } finally {
      Map<String, dynamic> requestHeader = {};
      Map<String, dynamic> responseHeader = {};

      request.headers.forEach((name, values) {
        requestHeader[name] = values;
      if (response != null) {
        response.headers.forEach((name, values) {
          responseHeader[name] = values;

To use the http library and the dio library, see example.

User Information Binding and Unbinding





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