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JVM (Micrometer)


This article will take SpringBoot as the premise and introduce Micrometer related dependencies to collect JVM metrics.


Description: Enable the prom collector to collect jvm metric information through the prom collector.

Application access to Prometheus

Here, we use SpringBoot's spring boot starter actuator and micrometer.



Micrometer provides a universal API for performance data collection on the Java platform, providing multiple metric types (such as Timers, Guages,Counters, etc.), and supporting access to different monitoring systems such as Influxdb, Graphite, Prometheus, etc. We can collect Java performance data through Micrometer, cooperate with the Prometheus monitoring system to obtain real-time data, and ultimately display it on Grafana, making it easy to achieve application monitoring.

  • The application needs to introduce the following related dependencies
    <!-- spring-boot-actuator  -->
    <!-- prometheus  -->
  • Configure application.yaml

Add the following configuration

    port: 8091
        include: "*"
      application: ${}
      env: ${}
  • Access metrics

After launching the application, the browser opens http://localhost:8091/actuator/prometheus This port is the management port.

If the URL access is normal, it indicates that the application has successfully connected to prometheus.

DataKit enables prom collector

  • Enables the collector

The directory where the collector is located is datakit/conf.d/prom . After entering the directory, copy prom.conf.sample and rename the new file to jvm-prom.conf . The main configuration is URL and source, and other parameters can be adjusted as needed.

urls =["http://localhost:8091/actuator/prometheus"]
source = "jvm-prom"

measurement_prefix = "jvm_"

The above configuration will generate jvm_ The metric set at the beginning.

  • Restart DataKit

Restart DataKit


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