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The Zipkin Agent embedded in Datakit is used to receive, calculate and analyze the data of Zipkin Tracing protocol.


Collector Config

Go to the conf.d/zipkin directory under the DataKit installation directory, copy zipkin.conf.sample and name it zipkin.conf. Examples are as follows:

  pathV1 = "/api/v1/spans"
  pathV2 = "/api/v2/spans"

  ## ignore_tags will work as a blacklist to prevent tags send to data center.
  ## Every value in this list is a valid string of regular expression.
  # ignore_tags = ["block1", "block2"]

  ## Keep rare tracing resources list switch.
  ## If some resources are rare enough(not presend in 1 hour), those resource will always send
  ## to data center and do not consider samplers and filters.
  # keep_rare_resource = false

  ## delete trace message
  # del_message = true

  ## Ignore tracing resources map like service:[resources...].
  ## The service name is the full service name in current application.
  ## The resource list is regular expressions uses to block resource names.
  ## If you want to block some resources universally under all services, you can set the
  ## service name as "*". Note: double quotes "" cannot be omitted.
  # [inputs.zipkin.close_resource]
    # service1 = ["resource1", "resource2", ...]
    # service2 = ["resource1", "resource2", ...]
    # "*" = ["close_resource_under_all_services"]
    # ...

  ## Sampler config uses to set global sampling strategy.
  ## sampling_rate used to set global sampling rate.
  # [inputs.zipkin.sampler]
    # sampling_rate = 1.0

  # [inputs.zipkin.tags]
    # key1 = "value1"
    # key2 = "value2"
    # ...

  ## Threads config controls how many goroutines an agent cloud start to handle HTTP request.
  ## buffer is the size of jobs' buffering of worker channel.
  ## threads is the total number fo goroutines at running time.
  # [inputs.zipkin.threads]
    # buffer = 100
    # threads = 8

  ## Storage config a local storage space in hard dirver to cache trace data.
  ## path is the local file path used to cache data.
  ## capacity is total space size(MB) used to store data.
  # []
    # path = "./zipkin_storage"
    # capacity = 5120

After configuration, restart DataKit.

At present, the collector can be turned on by injecting the collector configuration in ConfigMap mode.

Multiple environment variables supported that can be used in Kubernetes showing below:

Environment Variable Name Type Example
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_PATH_V1 string "/api/v1/spans"
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_PATH_V2 string "/api/v2/spans"
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_IGNORE_TAGS JSON string ["block1", "block2"]
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_CLOSE_RESOURCE JSON string {"service1":["resource1"], "service2":["resource2"], "service3":["resource3"]}
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_TAGS JSON string {"k1":"v1", "k2":"v2", "k3":"v3"}
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_THREADS JSON string {"buffer":1000, "threads":100}
ENV_INPUT_ZIPKIN_STORAGE JSON string {"storage":"./zipkin_storage", "capacity": 5120}



  • tag
Tag Description
container_host Container hostname. Available in OpenTelemetry. Optional.
endpoint Endpoint info. Available in SkyWalking, Zipkin. Optional.
env Application environment info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
host Hostname.
http_method HTTP request method name. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_route HTTP route. Optional.
http_status_code HTTP response code. Available in DDTrace, OpenTelemetry. Optional.
http_url HTTP URL. Optional.
operation Span name
project Project name. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
service Service name. Optional.
source_type Tracing source type
span_type Span type
status Span status
version Application version info. Available in Jaeger. Optional.
  • metric list
Metric Description Type Unit
duration Duration of span int μs
message Origin content of span string -
parent_id Parent span ID of current span string -
resource Resource name produce current span string -
span_id Span id string -
start start time of span. int usec
trace_id Trace id string -

Zipkin Docs


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