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How to Troubleshoot No Data Problems

After deploying data collection (collected through DataKit or Function), sometimes you can't see the corresponding data update on the page of Guance Cloud, and you are tired every time you check it. In order to alleviate this situation, you can adopt the following steps to gradually encircle the problem of "why there is no data".

How to trouble shooting

For better trouble shooting, we developed the following step-by-step map:

graph TD
  %% node definitions
  no_data[No Data];
  debug_fail{Still Not Working};
  monitor[<a href=''>Check Monitor</a>];
  debug_input[<a href=''>Debug input.conf</a>];
  read_faq[Check Input FAQ];
  dql[DQL Query];
  beyond_usage[Beyond Usage?];
  check_time[Check Machine Time];
  check_token[Check Workspace Token];
  check_version[Check Datakit Version];
  dk_service_ok[<a href=''>Datakit Service OK?</a>];
  check_changelog[<a href=''>Check Changelog</a>];
  is_input_ok[Input Running?];
  is_input_enabled[Input Enabled?];
  enable_input[Enable Input];
  dataway_upload_ok[Upload OK?];
  ligai[<a href=''>Fire Ligai Issue</a>];

  no_data --> dk_service_ok --> check_time --> check_token --> check_version --> check_changelog;

  no_data --> monitor;
  no_data --> debug_input --> debug_fail;
  debug_input --> read_faq;
  no_data --> read_faq --> debug_fail;
  dql --> debug_fail;

  monitor --> beyond_usage -->|No| debug_fail;
  beyond_usage -->|Yes| pay;

  monitor --> is_input_enabled;

  is_input_enabled -->|Yes| is_input_ok;
  is_input_enabled -->|No| enable_input --> debug_input;

  monitor --> is_input_ok -->|No| debug_input;

  is_input_ok -->|Yes| dataway_upload_ok -->|Yes| dql;
  is_input_ok --> filtered --> sinked;

  trouble_shooting[<a href=''>Collect Running Info</a>];

  debug_fail --> trouble_shooting;
  trouble_shooting --> ligai;

Checking input config


We can run Datakit command to test if input configure able to collect data. For input disk, we can test like this:

$ datakit debug --input-conf /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/host/disk.conf
loading /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/host/disk.conf with 1 inputs...
running input "disk"(0th)...
disk,device=/dev/disk3s1s1,fstype=apfs free=167050518528i,inodes_free=1631352720i,inodes_free_mb=1631i,inodes_total=1631702195i,inodes_total_mb=1631i,inodes_used=349475i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.02141781760611041,total=494384795648i,used=327334277120i,used_percent=66.21042556354438 1685509141064064000
disk,device=/dev/disk3s6,fstype=apfs free=167050518528i,inodes_free=1631352720i,inodes_free_mb=1631i,inodes_total=1631352732i,inodes_total_mb=1631i,inodes_used=12i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.0000007355858585707753,total=494384795648i,used=327334277120i,used_percent=66.21042556354438 1685509141064243000
disk,device=/dev/disk3s2,fstype=apfs free=167050518528i,inodes_free=1631352720i,inodes_free_mb=1631i,inodes_total=1631353840i,inodes_total_mb=1631i,inodes_used=1120i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.00006865463350366712,total=494384795648i,used=327334277120i,used_percent=66.21042556354438 1685509141064254000
disk,device=/dev/disk3s4,fstype=apfs free=167050518528i,inodes_free=1631352720i,inodes_free_mb=1631i,inodes_total=1631352837i,inodes_total_mb=1631i,inodes_used=117i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.000007171961659450622,total=494384795648i,used=327334277120i,used_percent=66.21042556354438 1685509141064260000
disk,device=/dev/disk1s2,fstype=apfs free=503996416i,inodes_free=4921840i,inodes_free_mb=4i,inodes_total=4921841i,inodes_total_mb=4i,inodes_used=1i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.00002031760067015574,total=524288000i,used=20291584i,used_percent=3.8703125 1685509141064266000
disk,device=/dev/disk1s1,fstype=apfs free=503996416i,inodes_free=4921840i,inodes_free_mb=4i,inodes_total=4921873i,inodes_total_mb=4i,inodes_used=33i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.000670476462923769,total=524288000i,used=20291584i,used_percent=3.8703125 1685509141064271000
disk,device=/dev/disk1s3,fstype=apfs free=503996416i,inodes_free=4921840i,inodes_free_mb=4i,inodes_total=4921892i,inodes_total_mb=4i,inodes_used=52i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.0010565042873756677,total=524288000i,used=20291584i,used_percent=3.8703125 1685509141064276000
disk,device=/dev/disk3s5,fstype=apfs free=167050518528i,inodes_free=1631352720i,inodes_free_mb=1631i,inodes_total=1634318356i,inodes_total_mb=1634i,inodes_used=2965636i,inodes_used_mb=2i,inodes_used_percent=0.18146011694186712,total=494384795648i,used=327334277120i,used_percent=66.21042556354438 1685509141064280000
disk,device=/dev/disk2s1,fstype=apfs free=3697000448i,inodes_free=36103520i,inodes_free_mb=36i,inodes_total=36103578i,inodes_total_mb=36i,inodes_used=58i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.00016064889745830732,total=5368664064i,used=1671663616i,used_percent=31.137422570532436 1685509141064285000
disk,device=/dev/disk3s1,fstype=apfs free=167050518528i,inodes_free=1631352720i,inodes_free_mb=1631i,inodes_total=1631702197i,inodes_total_mb=1631i,inodes_used=349477i,inodes_used_mb=0i,inodes_used_percent=0.0214179401512444,total=494384795648i,used=327334277120i,used_percent=66.21042556354438 1685509141064289000
# 10 points("M"), 98 time series from disk, cost 1.544792ms | Ctrl+c to exit.

Here Datakit will start input disk and print the collected points to terminal. At the bottom, there will show some result about these point:

  • Collected points and its category(Here we got 10 points of category Metric)
  • Time series number(only for Metric)
  • Input name, here is disk
  • Collect cost, here is 1.544ms

We can interrupt the test by Ctrl + c. We can also change the interval(if exist) config to get test result more frequently.


Some inputs that accept HTTP requests(such as DDTrace/RUM), we need to setup a HTTP server(--http-listen=[IP:Port]), then use some tools (such as curl) to post testing data to Datakit's HTTP server. For detailed info, see help with datakit help debug.

Check whether the DataWay connection is normal

curl http[s]://your-dataway-addr:port

For SAAS, this is generally the case:


If the following results are obtained, the network is problematic:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

If you find an error log such as the following, it indicates that there is something wrong with the connection with DataWay, which may be restricted by the firewall:

request url failed:  ... context deadline exceeded...

Check Machine Time

On Linux/Mac, enter date to view the current system time:

Wed Jul 21 16:22:32 CST 2021

In some cases, this may appear as follows:

Wed Jul 21 08:22:32 UTC 2021

This is because the former is China's East Eight District Time, while the latter is Greenwich Mean Time, with a difference of 8 hours, but in fact, the timestamps of these two times are the same.

If the time of the current system is far from that of your mobile phone, especially if it is ahead of time, there is no "future" data on Guance Cloud.

In addition, if the time lag, you will see some old data. Don't think that paranormal happened. In fact, it is very likely that the time of DataKit's machine is still in the past.

See if the data is blacklisted or discarded by Pipeline

If a blacklist(such as a log blacklist) is configured, newly collected data may be filtered out by the blacklist.

Similarly, if data is discarded in Pipeline, it may also cause the center to see the data.

View monitor page

See here

Check whether there is data generated through dql

This function is supported on Windows/Linux/Mac, where Windows needs to be executed in Powershell.

This feature is supported only in DataKit 1.1.7-rc7.

datakit dql
> Here you can enter the DQL query statement...

For non-data investigation, it is recommended to compare the collector document to see the name of the corresponding indicator set. Take MySQL collector as an example. At present, there are the following indicator sets in the document:

  • mysql
  • mysql_schema
  • mysql_innodb
  • mysql_table_schema
  • mysql_user_status

If mysql does not have data, check whether mysql has data:

# Look at the metrics of the most recent mysql on the mysql collector, specifying the host (in this case tan-air.local)
M::mysql {host='tan-air.local'} order by time desc limit 1

To see if a host object has been reported, where tan-air.local is the expected host name:

O::HOST {host='tan-air.local'}

View the existing APM (tracing) data classification:


By analogy, if the data is reported, it can always be found through DQL. As for the front end, it may be blocked by other filtering conditions. Through DQL, no matter the data collected by DataKit or other means (such as Function), the original data can be viewed at zero distance, which is especially convenient for Debug.

Check the DataKit program log for exceptions

The last 10 ERROR and WARN logs are given through Shell/Powershell

# Shell
cat /var/log/datakit/log | grep "WARN\|ERROR" | tail -n 10

# Powershell
Select-String -Path 'C:\Program Files\datakit\log' -Pattern "ERROR", "WARN"  | Select-Object Line -Last 10
  • If a description such as Beyond... is found in the log, it is generally because the amount of data exceeds the free amount.
  • If some words such as ERROR/WARN appear, it indicates that DataKit has encountered some problems in general.

View the running log of a single collector

If no exception is found, you can directly view the operation log of a single collector:

# shell
tail -f /var/log/datakit/log | grep "<采集器名称>" | grep "WARN\|ERROR"

# powershell
Get-Content -Path "C:\Program Files\datakit\log" -Wait | Select-String "<采集器名称>" | Select-String "ERROR", "WARN"

也 You can also remove the filter such as ERROR/WARN and directly view the corresponding collector log. If you don't have enough logs, open the debug log in datakit.conf to see more logs:

# DataKit >= 1.1.8-rc0
  level = "debug" # 将默认的 info 改为 debug

# DataKit < 1.1.8-rc0
log_level = "debug"

View gin.log

For remote data collection to DataKit, you can check gin.log to see if there is remote data sent:

tail -f /var/log/datakit/gin.log

Upload DataKit Run Log

Deprecated: Please use Bug-Report.

When troubleshooting DataKit problems, it is usually necessary to check the DataKit running log. To simplify the log collection process, DataKit supports one-click uploading of log files:

datakit debug --upload-log
log info: path/to/tkn_xxxxx/your-hostname/ # Just send this path information to our engineers

After running the command, all log files in the log directory are packaged and compressed, and then uploaded to the specified store. Our engineers will find the corresponding file according to the hostname and Token of the uploaded log, and then troubleshoot the DataKit problem.

Collect DataKit Running information

Version-1.5.9 · Experimental

When troubleshooting issues with DataKit, it is necessary to manually collect various relevant information such as logs, configuration files, profile data and monitoring data. This process can be cumbersome. To simplify this process, DataKit provides a command that can retrieve all the relevant information at once and package it into a file. Usage is as follows:

$ datakit debug --bug-report
  • By default, the command will collect profile data, which may have a certain performance impact on DataKit. You can disable the collection of profile data with the following command ( Version-1.15.0):
$ datakit debug --bug-report --disable-profile

After successful execution, a zip file will be generated in the current directory, named in the format info-<timestamp_in_milliseconds>.zip.

  • If you have public internet access, you can directly upload the file to OSS to avoid the hassle of file copying ( Version-1.27.0):
# Make sure to fill in the _correct_ OSS address/Bucket name and the corresponding AS/SK here
$ datakit debug --bug-report --oss OSS_HOST:OSS_BUCKET:OSS_ACCESS_KEY:OSS_SECRET_KEY
bug report saved to
download URL(size: 1.394224 M):

Simply provide us with the link address at the bottom.(Ensure that the files in OSS are publicly accessible, otherwise the link will not be able to download directly.)

  • By default, the bug report will collect 3 times of DataKit's own metrics, and you can adjust the number of times with the --nmetrics option ( Version-1.27.0):
$ datakit debug --bug-report --nmetrics 10

The list of files is as follows:

├── basic
   └── info
├── config
   ├── container
      └── container.conf.copy
   ├── datakit.conf.copy
   ├── db
      ├── kafka.conf.copy
      ├── mysql.conf.copy
      └── sqlserver.conf.copy
   ├── host
      ├── cpu.conf.copy
      ├── disk.conf.copy
      └── system.conf.copy
   ├── network
      └── dialtesting.conf.copy
   ├── profile
      └── profile.conf.copy
   ├── pythond
      └── pythond.conf.copy
   └── rum
       └── rum.conf.copy
├── data
   └── pull
├── metrics 
   ├── metric-1680513455403 
   ├── metric-1680513460410
   └── metric-1680513465416 
├── log
   ├── gin.log
   └── log
├── syslog
   └── syslog-1680513475416
└── profile
    ├── allocs
    ├── heap
    ├── goroutine
    ├── mutex
    ├── block
    └── profile

Document Explanation

name dir description
config yes Configuration file, including the main configuration and the configuration of the enabled collectors.
basic yes The os information and environment variables of the runtime.
data yes The blacklist file .pull, located in the data directory
log yes Latest log files, such as log and gin log, not supporting stdout currently
profile yes When pprof is enabled, it will collect profile data. Version-1.9.2 enabled pprof by default
metrics yes The data returned by the /metrics API is named in the format of metric-<timestamp in milliseconds>
syslog yes only supported in linux, based on the journalctl command
error.log no output the error messages that occur during the collection process

Mask sensitive information

When collecting information, sensitive information (such as tokens, passwords, etc.) will be automatically filtered and replaced. The specific rules are as follows:

  • Environment variables

Only retrieve environment variables starting with ENV_, and mask environment variables containing password, token, key, key_pw, secret in their names by replacing them with ******.

  • Configuration files

Perform the following regular expression replacement on the contents of the configuration file, for example:` => `******
pass = "1111111"` => `pass = "******"
postgres://postgres:123456@localhost/test` => `postgres://postgres:******@localhost/test

After the above treatment, most sensitive information can be removed. Nevertheless, if there is still some sensitive information in the exported file, you can manually remove it.


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